Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/658

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Notes and Queries, July 30, 1904.

Rickards (R.) on " Cockshut time," 232 Kiddles : "Vulcan begat me; Minerva me taught,' 164; "As I was goin' ovver Butterweek Ferry,' 204 ; "Men cannot live without my first," 207 " Hiding tailor " at Astley's in 1815, 503 Riding the black ram, 35 Rigadoon, derivation of the word, 4 Rime and rhyme, spelling of the word, 34, 400 Ritter (Otto) on Sorpeni : Haggovele, 472 River divided in 1399, 289, 391 Robbins (A. F.) on bow last used in war, 278

Cooper (the late Mr. Thompson), 246

Links with the past, 513

Newspaper, early, 486

Playbills, earliest, 114

Whitebait dinner, ministerial, 213 Roberts (W.) on Shelley's mother, 68 Robertson family, 269

Kobin a Bobbin, old Derbyshire rime, 32, 172, 218 Robin on Jeremy Taylor quotations, 406 Robinson (William), nephew of Nelson, 170 Roche (Mrs. R. M.), her ' Children of the Abbey,' 127 Rodgers (J.) on Mrs. Gaskell's 'Sylvia's Lovers,' 187 Rodmell family, 489

Rodney (Admiral), his second wife, 226, 297 Rolfe (F.) on heraldry, 329 Rolleston (T. W.) on Irish relics, 206 Rollright Stones, A. J. Evans on, 117 Roman and Christian chronology,- 86 Boman lanx found at Welney, 86 Roman milestones, 7, 132, 195 Roman tenement houses, 369 Rome, Sancta Maria ad Nives, 311, 392; inscription

on sarcophagus, 445

Romney (G.), portrait of General C. Stewart, 127, 174 Room (C. T.) on quotations, 257 Ropemakers' Alley Chapel at Moorfields, 466 " Roping " a horse, Latin for, 448, 513 Roses, their. names misspelt, 279 Rose-Troup (Mrs. F.) on flesh and shamble meats, 394

Harepath, 459

Huntin gton : Courteney : Hone, 389

Manor Rolls, guide to, 198 Western Rebellion, 46, 217, 428 Roundhouse, explanation of the term, 9, 76, 158 Rous or Rowse family, 55, 97 Kowe (J. Hambley) on Richard Pincerna, 469 Rowe (Owen), the regicide, his grandfather, 269, 356 Rowe family, 269, 356 Rowse or Rous family, 55, 97

Royal Academy of Sciences and Newton, 248, 315, 355 Royal family surname, 127 Royal Oak Day at Castleton, Derbyshire, 486 Rubens, his ' Palaces of Genoa, ' 267 Rubbish, London, at Moscow, 208, 257 Riickert, poem by, and Pope, 209, 336 Rue and Tuscan pawnbrokers, 148, 231 Rupert (Prince), letter from Abp. Williams to, 447 Rushton (F. R.) on barrar, 349

Golden ball register, 329 Rushton (W. L.) on Shakespeare's books, 465 Ruskin and Gaboriau's ' Marquis d'Angival,' 428 Russell (Lady) on Madame du Tenijin, 427 Russell (Lord), letters describing Western Rebellion, 46 Russian folk-lore in Japanese war, 347 Russian men-of-war, their names, 385

Russian navy, Scotchmen in, 349, 433, 492 Russian prediction, 445 Rutlandshire, tale of, 505 Ryder =Blin, 428

S. (A.) on arms on Sarpi's ' Council of Trent,' 408 Carpenter's ' Geography Delineated,' 22, 104 Weather on 25 January, 65 S. (A. B.) on Samuel Shelley, 227 S. (A. R.) on Herbert Spencer and children, 465 S. (C.) on book collectors, 148 S. (C. C.) on authors of quotations wanted, 474 8. (E. D.) on Shakespeare's Sonnet CXLVI , 204 S. (F.) on Napoleonic conspiracy in England, 328 S. (F. E.) on Jessamy Bride, 310 S. (F. G.) on engravings, 369 S. (G. W. P.) on Leslie Stephen's ' English Literature

and Society,' 288

S. (B. K. St. J.) on Christian names, 171 Dickens queries, 228, 298 Plato and Sidney, 207 Shakespeariana, 424 Swinburne (A. C.), 198

S. (J. A.) on "I expect to pass through," 247 S. (N. S.) on Chaplain to the Edinburgh Garrison,


Commission, 88 Japanese New Year's Day, 25 " O come, all ye faithful," 10 S. (R.) on inscription on statue of James II., 67 S. (R. F.-J.) on oldest public school, 215 S. (R. R.) on " Tymbers of ermine," 492 S. (S. P. E.) on cardinals and crimson robes, 157 S. (W.) on Bass Rock music. 374, 437 Casting lots, 366 Garden (Alexander), M.D., 417 Greig (Admiral Sir Samuel), 492 Grenadier Guards, 31

' Grenadier's Exercise of the Grenado,' 412 Immurement alive of religious, 217 Leche family, 293 Martello towers, 356, 477 Mary, Queen of Scots, 36 ' Memoirs of a Stomach,' 171 Mess dress : sergeants' sashes, 277 Moro, Fort, its storming, 514 Nightcaps, 114 Papers, 53 Parade-rest, 345

Pennecuik (Alexander), Gent., 513 "Send "of the sea, 517 Wager, its wreck, 201, 230 S. (W. E.) on white turbary, 310 S r (W.) on "Not all who seem to fail," 8 Sadler (M. T.) on prescriptions, 453 Sadler's Wells play and Wordsworth, 7, 70, 96, 136 St. Agnes, Haddington, its locality, 67 St. Augustine, chair of, 369, 472 it. Bees' Head, Cumberland, "Tomline" near, 368 St. Bridget's Bower, in Spenser, 27, 70, 137 taint Cyr (Marquis de Gou vion), last peer of France, 225 3t. Dials, church at Llantarnam, Monmouthshire, 72 St. Dunstanat Glastonbury or Mayfield,149, 216, 293 St. Fina of Gimignano, 349, 415 St. Gregory the Great, relics of, 106, 158 3t. Helena, Napoleon at, 126 St. Margaret Moses, explanation of, 333