Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/663

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Notes and Queries, July 30, 1904.



Vivarez (H.) on Vivares (Frangois), 303 Vivier (Eugene), noted horn player, 169 Vocabularies, Australian, inquired alter, 348 Voltaire on Tasso and Milton, 249, 314 W. (B.) on football on Shrove Tuesday, 435 " Our Lady of the Snows," 31 1 " Stat crux dum volvitur orbis," 393 W. (E.) on "As merry as griggs," 94 W. (E. P.) on " Kick the bucket," 227

Leap Year, 228 W. (F. C.) on St. Agnes, Haddington, 67

St. Patrick at Orvieto, 48

W. (G.) on football on Shrove Tuesday, 127, 331 W. (G. G.) on "An Austrian army," 148, 258 Auncell, 237 Envelopes, 134 Paste, 510 Willie William, 315 W. (G. H.) on Cardigan as a surname, 67

Fitzhamon, 47

W. (R.) on " Sorpeni," " Haggovele," 208 W. (U. V.) on " Drug in the market," 149, 316 Penrith, 354

Tideswell and Tideslow, 471 Worm, 492

Wager, the, its wreck, 201, 230, 335 Wainewright (J. B.) on Aristotle's philosophy, 472 "As merry as griggs," 276 Beadnell, 17 Birch-sap wine, 1 8 Cardinals and crimson robes, 71, 214 Child-murder by Jews, 15 Cole (Henry), 224 Constance (Council of), legend, 397 Dickens queries, 431 Doge of Venice, 517 Easter Sepulchre, 398 Epitaph at Doncaster, 196 Epitaphs : their bibliography, 252 Foscarinus, 198 Giles (Robert), 48 Gravestone, nameless, 173 Green (J. R.) on Freeman, 294 Hanged, drawn, and quartered, 411 Harpsfield (John and .Nicholas), 224 Hundred Courts, 197 Hydrophobic patients smothered, 65 Immurement alive of religious, 50 Latin quotations, 297 Milestones, 195 Natalese, 516

Neale (Thomas) : Herberley, 509 ' ' Our Lady of the Snows," 393 Oxford men sent to the Tower, 309 " Past," a, 396 Pius X., anagrams on, 253 " Purple patch," 477 St. Gregory the Great, relics of, 106 " Sal et saliva," 431 Tacitus and the ' Gesta Romanorum,' 6 Tugs, Wykehamical notion, 436 Veto at Papal elections, 94 Wilton Nunnery, 248, 416 ' Yong Souldier,' 477

Wainwright (John), Irish Baron of Exchequer, 55 Wainwright (T.) on documents in secret drawers, 475

Walbeoff family, 347, 413

Walker (Benjamin) on Hundred Courts, 127

Tutbury, Honour of, 127, 274 Walker (R. J.) on mimes of Herondas, 68 Wallace (A.) on Irish ejaculatory prayers, 249

Lane (Mrs.) and Peter Pindar, 226 Waller (A. R.) on Crabbe bibliography, 86 Walney Island Names, their etymology, 387, 492 Walpole (Horace) and Madame du Deffand, 325 War bow, last used, 225, 278, 437, 497 Warburton (Bishop), his ; True Methodist,' 167 Ward (C. S.) on Baxter's oil printing, 490 Boer War of 1881, 277 " Consul of God," 32 Dahuria, 248

Galton (Rev. Arthur), 413 " God's silly vassal," 17 St. Dunstan, 216 St. Fina of Gimignano, 415 St. Gregory the Great, 158 St. Mewbred, 288 Ward (H. Snowden) on Becket's martyrdon, 383 Cold Harbour : Windy Arbour, 341 'Edwin Drood' continued, 331 Paste, 510 Robin a Bobbin, 172 " There was a man," 377 Ward (J. H.) on Robert Boyle on the Bible, 186 Wardour, Latin MS. at, 109

Warleggan, near Bodmin, its parish registers, 266 Warrington Church, chasuble found at, 128 Warwick Grammar School, its antiquity, 215, 270 " Was you ! " for " Were you ? " date of change, 509 Water of jealousy, Oriental story, 147 Watson (Christopher) on " Ashes to ashes," 430 Becket (T. a), his martyrdom, 450 Thieves' slang : " Joe Gurr," 457 Watson (George) on the dead bell, 350 Watson (J.) on Elizabeth and foreign decorations, 328 Hastings (Warren), his firsi wife, 494 Indian sport, 397 Stephen (Leslie), ' his English Literature and

Society in the Eighteenth Century,' 357 Watson family of Hamburg, 409 Watts (Isaac), his ' Hymns and Spiritual Songs,' 508 Watts-Dunton (T.), "Griengro" in 'Aylwin,' 369, 478 Weather: "Summer has set in with its usual severity," 38 ; affected by moon, 347, 441 ; on 25 January, 65 Webster (Wentworth), his ' Basque Legends,' 190, 493 Weddings, Japanese, glass-breaking at, 195 Wedgwood (Josiah) on Chiswick nightingales, 125 Welford (R.) on barrar, 435

Christian names, curious, 237 Gravestones, nameless, 252 Immortality of animals, 256 Sun and its orbit, 435 ' Willy Wood and Greedy Grizzle,' 48 Wellington (Arthur, Duke of), his horses, 329, 416 Wellington (Evelyn, Dowager Duchess of), on French

miniature painter, 86, 171 Turin (J.), French clockmaker, 107 Welsbach (Caspar), his copy of Luther's Bible, 509 Welsh rabbit, derivation of the term, 70 Wentworth, its local pronunciation, 307 Werden Abbey, near Diisseldorf, 67, 111, 152 Werewolf story in Portugal, 327, 417