Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 10.djvu/649

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1909.



Pillow in heraldry, 369, 452 Pimlico, origin of the name, 401, 457, 514 Pink (W. D.) on John Hickes, M.P., 88 Holloway (John), M.P., 510 Titles conferred by Cromwell, 112 Pink saucer defined, 78, 158, 254 Pinto (Mendez), his ' Voyages,' 488 Pipe Office, its history, 188, 297, 350 Pirates, Barbary, off Devonshire, 189 Pits (Arthur), committed to the Tower 1582, 366 Pitt (W.), Earl of Chatham, and North End Place

Hampstead, 446

Place ( W. ) on Wilbraham and Tabraham, 430 Place-names : Askwith or Asquith, 37 ; ending in -ox, 113 ; and possessives, 150 ; initial T. in 486

Plain sailing or plane sailing, 270, 316, 352 Plane sailing or plain sailing, 270, 316, 352 Plas (P. van der) 5 alleged portrait of Milton, 447,


Plate, date of, 230, 298 Platt (Sir Hugh), date of death, 58 Platt (I. H.) on Shakespeariana, 165 Platt (J.), Jun., on Arabic-English, 336 Boy Scouts : their war song, 225 Bruges, its pronunciation, 473 Ga volt, Yiddish term, 365 Iverach, its pronunciation, 468 Moloker, Yiddish term, 385 New Zealand fossil shells, 489 Parpaloi : Mamaloi, 325 Petersburg or St. Petersburg, 357 Santapee, Guiana term, 264 Scottish -is and -es in proper names, 486 Shalgham-zai, Anglo-Indian term, 448 TH as a symbol, 436 Tintagel, its pronunciation, 194 Waterloo, its pronunciation, 232 Weyman (Stanley), his ' Wild Geese,' 146 Plaxtol, Kentish place-name, its origin, 33, 72 Plaxton (Bev. George), c. 1670, 301, 422, 503 Pleasure digging his own grave, engraving, 89 Poland (Sir H. B.) on Attorney-General to the

Queen, 170

Authors of quotations wanted, 514 Capital punishment in eighteenth century,


High treason and its punishment, 314, 417 Throat-cutting at public executions, 236 Treaty of Tilsit : Colin A. Mackenzie, 11 Pole (David), Fellow of All Souls, 125 Politician on Parliamentary applause, 376, 452 Pollard (H. P.) on Goldsborough family, 8 Pollard (H. T.) on Archbishop Sands, 12 Pollard-Urquhart (Col. F. E. B.) on " The Pro- tector's Head," 217 Poll -books, Gloucestershire, 124 Pomeroy : St. Martin Pomeroy, the name, 382,

450, 495

Poole (Thomas) of Nether Stowey, books on, 180 Pope Adrian IV., Nicholas Breakspear, his death,

449 Pope (A.) and tiger folk-lore, 88, 135, 358 ; on a

Shakespeare quarto, 107 Pope's Head Tavern, referred to 1467, 206 Popple (William), 17th-cent. spelling reformer,


Portfolio Society, its history, 53 Portion, ecclesiastical, defined, 310, 358, 437 Portman estates and local history, 307 Possessives and place-names, 150 Post, Parcel, referred to 1790, 450

Potter (A. G.) on Persian translation by Shelley,.

349, 438

Pottery, Wedgwood, of Australian clay, 261, 412 Potts (B. A. ) on authors of quotations wanted, 173,.

Hudson (Jeffrey) the dwarf, 438 Ode to Napoleon, 258 Seventeenth-century quotations, 271 Poundbury, its early history, 382, 450 Povey (Capt. Charles) and Bombay Begiment, 1 Powell (David), Fellow of All Souls, 126 Powell (David), Fellow of Oriel, 125 Power (Tyrone), 1797-1841, actor, 194, 257 Pownall (C. A. W.) on Stanley's mission to Paris,,


Prague, bridge at, with statues of saints, 476 Prebend, origin of the word, 17 " Presbyter Incensatus," the term in 1411, 328,


Preston (James) of Barton-on-Humber, 189, 295- Preston (William) and Matthew Stevenson, 189 Preston (Wm. E.) on James Preston, 189 Price (L. C.) on Price = Bushbrooke, 369

Smith family of West Kennett, 449 Price (W. H.)= Elizabeth Bushbrooke, 369 Prideaux (W. F.) on Arabic-English, 284

Arabic vowels : their transliteration, 335 Bibliographical terms, 485 Ernisius : a proper name, 472 Hampstead, theatre at, 287 Jirgah, its meaning, 36 " Libert^, Egalit6, Fraternite"," 406 MacDonald : MacQueen, 389 North End Place, Hampstead, 446 ' Old Mother Hubbard,' 116 Pena (Dr.), 435 Pimlico : Eyebright, 401 Portman estates, 307 Baleigh's House at Brixton, 348 Boman inscription at Baveno, 107, 296 Sabariticke, 33 St. Martin Pomeroy, 451 Surrey Gardens, 32 Tintagel, its pronunciation, 294 Toothache, 474 Tyburn, 341, 494 Wilkes's ' Essay on Woman,' 90 Wolston, 152

Prideaux (W. B. B.) on Salford : Saltersford, 29T Priest's bonriet, knocking off, 247 Prime Minister, French equivalent, 287 Primrose and Lord Beaconsfield, 486 Printer, first Dublin, 106

Prints : Joseph Gulston's collection, 6 ; ' Sweet Nan of Hampton Green,' 49 ; Frost Fair, 1739- 1740, 350, 433 Prior (Matthew) and his Chloe, 7, 77, 134 Prison, Fleet, in 14th and 15th centuries, 110, 258,


Proclamation at Quarter Sessions against im- morality, 209 Promethean, a lighting device, 10, 54, 76 Promptorium Parvulorum.' reprint. 488 Pronunciation : of foreign names, 190, 232, 271,. 315, 338, 473 ; of " hors d'ceuvre," 229, 255 ;: as a test of nationality, 408

  • roper names, -is and -es in Scottish, 486

Proverbs and Phrases :

A full heart must either vent itself, 282

A woman, a spaniel, and a walnut tree, 15, 152:

Apple- John face, 308

As soon as the long nights come, 282