Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/134

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xn. AUG. 7, im

26. Sarah Lopez DePass, died 24 Oct., 1769, aged 98 years.

27. Moses Rodriques DaCosta, died 12 Feb., 1769.

28. Jacob Mendes Pereira, died 2 Dec., 1778, aged 50 years.

29. Rebecca, late widow of Jacob Mendes Pereira, died 1 Aug., 1782, aged 59 years.

30. Philip Phillips, died 11 Jan., 1777, aged 37 years.

31. Sarah Levy, wife of Henry Levy and sister to Philip Phillips, died 14 Nov., 1772, aged 25 years.

32. Mrs. Esther Rodriques Lopez, wife of Rev. Rodriques Lopez, reader of the congregation of Spanish Town, died 29 April, 1773, aged 28 years.

33. Isaac Lopez, died 3 April, 1773, aged 45 years.

34. Deborah, late wife of Aaron Silvera, died 21 Dec., 1773, aged 32 years.

35. Jacob, son of Isaac Nunes, died 26 Nov., 1773, aged 24 years.

36. David Tavares, died 7 July, 1776, aged 61 years.

37. Jacob Rodriques Brandon, died 23 May, 1773, aged 36 years.

38. Abraham Cardoza, died 19 June, 1745/6.

39. David, son of Benjamin Pereira, died 27 Oct., 1746.

NCEL B. LIVINGSTON. Kingston, Jamaica.

[For lists of inscriptions in cemeteries in various countries see 10 S. i. 361, 442, 482 ; ii. 155 ; iii. 361, 433 ; v. 381 ; vi. 4, 124, 195, 302, 406, 446 ; vii. 165 ; viii. 62, 161, 242, 362, 423 ; ix. 224, 344, 443 ; x. 24, 223, 324, 463 ; xi. 25, 163, 325.]

BALLOONS AND FLYING MACHINES. As every one is talking about aviation, the fol- lowing verses from ' The Musical Miscellany,' published at Newcastle in 1790, pp. 23-4, may deserve a corner in ' N. & Q.' :


Ye high and low flyers of all ranks, attend, And council receive from an Aeronaut friend ; Your coaches and chariots henceforth lay aside, Prepare in balloons through the skies all to ride. With dust of vile roads be choaked or be blind, When, like witches on brooms, you may post on

the wind. O'er valleys, high hills, and wide seas you may


And into the moon, your own sphere, take a peep. The^belle, who for title in vain heaves a sigh, Can't fail of a star there's enough in the sky ; In moons made of honey fond husbands at peace, Shall ne'er know when horns do beginner increase. Whilst the poet who starv'd here all his life, A fortune shall get in the clouds with a wife ; And fed with pure Achor, Camelon's light fate [?], Our bard shall possess a fine castle in air.

The holder of stock too, when up he ascends, In the bull and the bear shall find alley [?] friends ; Physicians also, to the skies should they rove, Shall meet many friends they themselves sent above ;

And fee'd by Old Nick, to untune all the spheres, The lawyer might set sun and moon by the ears ; But, in pitty to earth, would England's Queen fly, She'd bring down Astrea once more from the sky.


HISTORIOGRAPHERS ROYAL. (See 3 S. vii. 323.) According to Anthony a Wood ('Ath. Oxon.,' iii. 745):

" James Howell. . . .after the King's return in 1660 we never heard of his restoration to his place of clerk of the council. . . .only that he was made the King's historiographer, being the first in England that bore that title."

The last statement is certainly erroneous. In Devon's ' Issues of the Exchequer,' p. 180, is printed this entry :

" Thomas Dempster. 25th of January, By order, dated 20th of January, 1615. To Thomas Dempster, his Majesty's historiographer, the sum of 200Z. of his Majesty's free gift. By writ, dated 19th day of February, 1615. . . .200Z/'

Who was the first Historiographer Royal for Scotland ? David Crawford on the title-page of his edition (1706) of 'Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland ' styles himself " Her Majesty's Historiographer for the Kingdom of Scotland " ; and Chalmers in his ' Biog. Diet.' states that he was appointed by Queen Anne, " and it was at that time thought that no man ever deserved that place better." This seems to point to previous occupants of the post.

I know of no complete list of later His- toriographers for Scotland. The title is not given in Haydn's ' Book of Dignities.' The succession seems to have been :

? to 1726 1726 to 1748 1748 to 1763] 1763 to 1793

David Crawford George Crawfurd [In abeyance William Robertson John Gillies . . George Brodie John Hill Burton William Forbes Skene David Mather Masson Peter Hume Brown . .

1793 to 1836 1836 to 1867 1867 to 1881 1881 to 1892 1893 to 1907 1908

P. J. ANDERSON. University Library, Aberdeen.

LATIN POEM OF ROBERT BURTON. The ' Poemata adhuc Sparsim edita, nunc in unum collecta,' printed at the end of the Rev. W. E. Buckley's Roxburghe Club edition of Burton's Latin comedy ' Philo- sophaster ' (Hertford, 1862 ; 65 copies), are not a complete collection of Burton's pub- lished Latin verses. He is the author of some elegiacs addressed to Francis Holy- oake ( ' Ad Franciscum de Sacra-quercu ' ), given at the beginning of the latter's edition of Rider's ' Dictionarie ' (1617).