Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/138

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. XIL AUG. 7, 1900.

" GOOGLIE " : CRICKET SLANG. This strange word, which is unknown to Henley and Farmer's ' Slang and its Analogues,' has been much used of late in the world of cricket. It was invented, or adapted, to describe the kind of tricky bowling intro- duced by Mr. B. J. T. Bosanquet a few years since, and may, perhaps, have been first used by Mr. Jessop or another journalist in The Daily Mail. It has now appeared in a book, and one of authority on cricket. Mr. W. G. Grace in ' W. G.'s Little Book ' (Newnes), recently published, devotes the third chapter to ' The New Bowling,' which, he tells us, is more difficult to play than any yet invented. He says on p. 30 :

" We are a conservative people, and if the South Africans prove to us that ' googlie ' bowlers can last, then our bowlors will take to it as quickly as

any The 'googlie' is a finger-nip ball, and

supple fingers are most essential to its successful achievement. ' '

The point of this bowling is that the batsman cannot tell from the bowler's action which way the ball is going to break, or whether it is going to break at all, nor is the bowler himself certain as to this.

I presume that the word " googlie " implies deceptive simplicity, but have no idea as to its derivation or origin. What is it? HIPPOCLIDES.

BARTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL, WESTMORLAND. Information on the following points is needed to complete a history of Barton Grammar School.

Does any portrait of Dr. Adam Airey, Principal of St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford, exist ?

Where was the Rev. Wm. Langbaine (Vicar of Ash, Surrey, until his resignation in 1769) buried ? He was previously Vicar of Portsmouth.

Is anything known of the subsequent career of the Rev. Henry Thompson, who was Curate of Penrith up to 1822 ?

And of Thomas Stockham, master of the School 1862-3 ? HENRY BRIERLEY.

Pooley Bridge.

CONSTITUTION HILL (GREEN^PARK, S.W.) : PARLIAMENT HILL (N.W.) OR PARLIAMENT FIELDS. What is the origin of these names What Parliament do the latter names com- memorate ? JOHN WARD. [For Constitution Hill see 8 S. viii. 5, 56.]

LADY URSULA. Can any correspondents kindly inform me what Lady Ursulas are now alive within the United Kingdom Please reply direct. H. HULSE.

Towers, Boscombe, Hants.

EPITAPH : " EVERYWHERE HEARD WILL BE THE JUDGMENT CALL." There is a well- tnown epitaph, written, I think, on a Derson buried at sea, of which the last line s as above. I shall feel obliged if any f your readers can tell me where I can find the epitaph. L. A. W.



(10 S. xi. 489.)

SERVIUS, commenting on Virgil's descrip- tion of Pallas (' ^Eneid,' ii.),

Refulgent in a nimbus and cruel Gorgon, explains the nimbus as " the luminous fluid which encircles the heads of the gods " (Brock, 142).

The nimbus is undoubtedly of vast antiquity, as appears in representations of the gods and goddesses of Babylon, Greece, Rome, India, China, and Japan. Virgil, in describing Latinus (' ^Eneid,' xii. 162), says :

Twelve golden beams around his temples play,

To mark his lineage from the god of day.

The ring nimbus appears on Circe in a Pompeian painting engraved by Hislop ' Two Baby Ions,' 1862, p. 126).

Montfaucon engraves a Roman sculpture of Apollo with a nimbus of seven rays ('Antiquite Expliquee,' torn. i. p. 118, pi. 54) and a Roman sculpture of Diana with a ring nimbus (torn. i. p. 46). Didron also engraves the latter in his ' Christian Iconography,' translated by Millington, 1851, Bohn, i. 26.

Hislop (p. 347) engraves a Pompeian fresco of two Roman fire-worshipping^priests at an altar, each with a rayed nimbus ; and (p. 332) a cut of a serpent, with a rayed nimbus, worshipping at an altar. Maurice engraves this Phoenician coin also ( ' Indian Antiquities,' 1796, vol. vi. p. 368); and Hislop (p. 233) gives a woodcut of the four-winged Beltis with the rayed nimbus, which is copied from Bryant's cut ('Antient Mytho- logy,' 1807, vol. v. p. 384).

Brock gives a wood engraving of Iris with a dentated nimbus, and her scarf as a ring nimbus, with the sun as a rayed nimbus behind all ('Rome Pagan and Papal,' 1883, p. 141).

In a Hindoo mythologic representation is depicted the sun in the centre of a disk, and an exterior circle containing the signs of the zodiac, with eight personified planets,