Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/144

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. XIL AUG. 7, 1009.

There are, according to Le Blanc, six states of the plate, and the one described in the inquiry is the sixth, except that Le Blanc gives the date as 1747, and not 1745. He also says of this state that les epreuves sont de venues detestables." Tycho H of man was " membre de la Societe Roi'ale de Londres," and " Secretaire de la Chancelerie du Hoi de Dannemark et de JSTorvegue," &c.


AUTHORS or QUOTATIONS WANTED (10 S. xii. 88). The lines quoted by MB. J. S. CRONE occur in a poem entitled ' A Song ' in William Cory's ' lonica.' The correct version is as follows :

Oh, earlier shall the rosebuds blow,

In after years, those happier years, And children weep, when we lie low, Far fewer tears, far softer tears.

NEMO'S two quotations will be found as under :

1. If lusty love should go in quest of beauty, Where should he find it fairer than in Blanch ?

Shakespeare, ' King John,' II. i. 426-7.

2. The lovely young Lavinia once had friends.

Thomson's ' Seasons,' ' Autumn,' 177.


[Several other correspondents thanked for replies.]

HENGLEB'S CIBCUS : " THE PALLADIUM," ABGYLE STBEET, W. (10 S. xii. 47). The excerpt from The Daily Chronicle of 15 June required revision before receiving the com- parative immortality of the pages of ' N. & Q.' Because Walford (' Old and New London,' iv. 241) prints the name of this street and its famous Rooms " Argyll," every reference based on that compendious, but faulty work perpetuates the error.

" Hengler's Cirque " to give it its original title was founded in 1854 (not 1871) by Charles and Edward Hengler on the break- ing-up of Price and Powell's circus at Greenwich. In 1871 they came to Argyle Street, the premises being then in the possession of a gutta-percha merchant ; but the manner in which this proprietor's previous ventures in equestrian entertain- ments had collapsed caused them to be known as the Gutta-Percha Circus, and it was not expected the Henglers would be more successful. There was also the oppo- sition of Ducrow and Batty, but the general excellence of the Henglers' show gained public favour, which lasted through three decades.

The building in 1865 replaced Argyle House, and was intended to be a Diorama,

plus bazaar, to take the place of the Colos- seum. "The Corinthian Bazaar" and The Palais Royal " were some of its titles. Of its last years there is little to record. For a few years (not a few weeks, as the newspaper paragraph says) there was a circus entertainment of more or less merit. Probably its best season in the last decade was that of an excellent Italian circus company, whose success suggested a revival in popular taste for such " varieties."


"THE" PBEFIXED TO PLACE-NAMES (10 S. xii. 68). I have often noticed how Manx people use the article with some place-names, and not with others ; and I long since came to the conclusion that the article is used if the name has a descriptive meaning to one who understands Manx, but not otherwise. For instance, in Kirk Michael parish, where I was vicar thirty years ago, you would hear a native say, " I was in the mountains by the Slieu Dhu," because the name describes it "the Black Mountain" ; but another mountain in the same parish, not far off " Sartfell " although it means exactly the same, is spoken of without the article because it is Scandinavian, and so it conveys no descriptive meaning to a Manxman it is merely " a name they put on it " (as they say). They will speak of rm_ -D^ (rough road), "The

The Baregarrow

Kerrooglass " (green quarter), " The Clyeen " (little hedge), and so on ; but Scandinavian place-names like " Skerristal," " Cammal," &c., or farms named after former owners, like " Ballacaine," are used without the article, because they do not convey to the mind a definite picture in the same way that Manx words do. In Welsh, " Bala " means " the outlet of a lake " : the town near the outlet of Llyn Tegid is called Bala in English, but in Welsh it is " Y Bala."

EBNEST B. SAVAGE, M.A., F.S.A. S. Thomas, Douglas, I.o.M.

Perched high in the Chiltern Hills is a village known as " The Lee," evidently from its relationship to the prevailing winds. Probably " The Lewis," the most northerly of the Hebrides, and the places mentioned by MB. RUSSELL, are capable of a similar explanation. S. D. C.



AND that

I " (10 S. xi. 206). It is worth noting such phrases as " between you and I " were not unusual in English at least from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century. Thus Shakespeare, ' Merry Wives,' III. ii.