Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/157

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10 s. XIL AUO. 14, 1909.] NOTES AND QUERIES.

Goldney (Edward). Author of ' Scriptural Counsel,' 1770 ; " Infallible Remedies for the Perfect Cure of all National Unhappiness. . . .by E. Goldney, Gent., Widower, hi the 60th year of his age, 40th in constitution, an independent Freeholder of Wilts," 1770.

Green (Samuel G.), D.D., b. 1822; d. Streatham, 8 Sept., 1905. Editor, and afterwards Secretary, of the Religious Tract Society. Author of ' Handbook to the Grammar of the Greek Testa- ment,' 1870 ; ' Handbook to Church History ' ; ' Christian Creed and Creeds of Christendom ' ; and many other works.

Grego (Joseph), b. 1844(?), d. 1908. Author of ' Rowlandson the Caricaturist,' 1880. Illus- trator of ' Gronow's Reminiscences and Recol- lections,' 1889.

Griffiths (Major Arthur), d. March, 1908. Author of ' Mysteries of Police and Crime,' ' Fifty Years of Public Service,' and other works.

Grocott (James) of Much Woolton. Author of ' Almedo : a Poem,' 1819.

Grocott (John Cooper), Attorney and Sergeant- at-Mace of Liverpool. Author of ' Practice of the Borough Court of Liverpool,' 1837, probably the first provincial work dealing with local law ; ' Index to Familiar Quotations from British Authors,' 1854 ; reprinted 1863, . 1866, and sub- sequently; and several other Quotation Handbooks.

Haigh (Arthur Elam), d. 1905. Author of 'The Attic Theatre,' 1889. Co-author of a

  • Commentary on Virgil.'

Hall (Anthony), 1679-1723. Add : Edited Moll's 'Atlas Geographicus,' 1711-17.

Hall (Elizabeth). See Barnard, ante, p. 25.

Hall (T. B.). Author of a '.Flora of Liverpool,' 1838.

Hardman (Frederick), 1814-74. Add : Author of 'Peninsular Scenes and Sketches,' 1847, reprinted 1868 ; ' Student of Salamanca,' 1847 (issued anony- mously) ; .'Scenes and Adventures in Central America,' 1852; 'Sigismund,' 1856; 'Spanish Cam- paign in Morocco,' 1860.

Harmar or Harmer (John), 1555-1613. Add : Translator of Calvin's ' Sermons upon the Com- mandments,' 1579.

Hart (Joan), nee Shakespeare, d. 1646. Sister of the poet. Succeeded to the Birthplace pro- perty in Henley Street, Stratford. Married William Hart.

Hathaway (Anne). See .Shakespeare (Anne), post.

Henley (William Ernest), b. Gloucester, 23 Aug., 1849. Author, editor, and playwright.

Hodges (Anthony). Translator of ' Achilles Tatius : Loves of Clitophon and Leucippe,' 1638.

Home (Robert), 1519-80 ? Add : Translator of Calvin's ' Two Godly and Learned Sermons,' 1584. Issued posthumously.

Huggins (William), 1820-84. For " animal painter " read " painter." He painted portraits, also architectural and other subjects, in addition to animals.

Hughes (A.), d. 1905. Of the Public Record Office. Co-editor of the ' Dialogus de Scaccario.' Contributed to The. English Historical Review.

Japp (Alexander Hay), also known under his pen-name of H. A. Page. B. Dun, Forfarshire, 1839 ; d. 1905. Author of ' Three Great Teachers,' 1865 ; ' Memoir of Hawthorne,' 1873 ; ' Thoreau :

his Life and Aims,' 1878 ; and other works.. Sub -editor of Good Words and Contemporary Review.

Jebb (Sir Richard Claverhouse), M.P. D. Cam- bridge, 9 Dec., 1905. Editor of Sophocles' ' Electra,' 1867, and ' Ajax,' 1868. Author of ' Translations into Greek and Latin Verse,' 1873,, and other famous works.

Jervis (Swynfen), b. 1797, d. 1867. Author of ' Proposed Emendations of the Text of Shake- speare,' 1860 ; ' Dictionary of the Language of Shakespeare,' 1868.

Johnson (Lionel), poet and critic. B. 1867, d. 1902. Author of ' Art of Thomas Hardy ' and two volumes of verse.

Johnson (Michael), b. Cubley, Derbyshire,, Lichfield bookseller and magistrate. Father of Samuel Johnson.

Johnson (Nathaniel), b. 1712 (?), d. 1737. Succeeded his father (Michael Johnson, q.v.) as a bookseller at Lichfield. Brother of Samuel Johnson.

Johnstone (David Lawson). D. Edinburgh, 13 Nov., 1905. Author of ' The Mountain King- dom,' ' Rebel Commodore,' and other stories- for children.

Kearsley (George), printer and publisher- Indicted for publishing The North Briton. Author of ' The Traveller's Entertaining Guide through Great Britain,' 1803.

Kelvin (William Thomson, first baron), b. Belfast, 26 June, 1824 ; d. 1908. President of Royal Society. Author of many scientific works. Described by Sir Oliver Lodge as the " greatest man of science the nineteenth century produced."

Lewkenor (Sir Lewis). Translator of Torque- mada's ' Spanish Mandevile of Miracles,' 1600.

Lewkenor (Samuel). Author of a ' Discourse not altogether unprofitable for such as are desirous to know the Situation and Customs of foraine Cities without travelling to see them,' 1600.

Locke (John), 1632-1704. Add: His 'Post- humous Works ' issued 1706.

Ludham (John). Translator of ' The Practise of Preaching,' by A. Hyperius, 1577.

WILLIAM JAGGABD. (To be continued.)

DIBIGIBLE BALLOONS ANTICIPATED. The latest volume issued by the Royal Historical Society (Camden Third Series, vol. xvi.), 'Dispatches from Paris, 1784-1787,' con- tains two passages, both occurring in letters from Dorset to Carmarthen, which have a particular interest at the present time, when speculations as to the possibilities of the dirigible balloon are so much " in the air."

The first passage, from a letter written in Paris, 16 Feb., 1786, is as follows :

" The Government has at last accepted Monsr. Montgolfier's proposal, concerning which I had the honour of writing to your Lordship last week. Thirty thousand livres "are to be granted to him in advance for the experiment, and if it succeeds, the whole of his expenses will be paid, without any examination of his accounts ; a pension will