Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/194

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xn. AUG. 21, im

MECHANICAL ROAD CARRIAGES : TIMOTHY BUBSTAIX (10 S. xi. 305, 374, 431, 498 ; xii. 31, 96). Timothy Burstall was associated with John Hill of Greenwich in letters patent of 1825 and 1826, and in the production of a steam carriage at Leith. In the first patent Burstall is stated to have been formerly of Bankside, Southwark, but to be now of Leith. In a patent of 1838 his address is given as " late of Leith, now of Bristol."

The steam carriage of Burstall and Hill is dealt with in ' The History and Develop- ment of Steam Locomotion on Common Roads,' by W. Fletcher, 1891 ; in ' Motor- Cars and the Application of Mechanical Power to Road Vehicles,' by the present writer ; and in other works. Contemporary accounts will be found in The Mechanic's Magazine, The Register of Arts, and Edin- burgh Philosophical Journal (vol. xiii. p. 349). See also E. Galloway's ' History and Pro- gress of the Steam Engine,' 1829, and L. Hebert's * The Engineer and Mechanic's Encyclopaedia,' 1836. RHYS JENKINS.

BALLOONS AND FLYING MACHINES (10 S. xii. 106). The third line of the fourth verse of ' The Balloon,'

And fed with pure Achor, Camelon's light fare, should surely be

And fed with pure Ichor, chameleon's light fare. The chameleon was popularly supposed to live upon air. NOBTH MIDLAND.

" SEYNT-PBO-SEYNT," A WINE : SAINT- POURAIN (10 S. viii. 48 ; xii. 76). It may be worth noting that there are, or were, one canton, one town, and two villages or hamlets bearing the name " Saint-Pourcain " in the department of Allier : see * Dic- tionnaire Gen6ral dos Villes, Bourgs, Villages et Hameaux de la France,' par Duclos, Paris, 1836.

At that time Saint-Pour gain, arrondisse- ment Gannat, canton of Saint-Pourgain, had 4,376 inhabitants. It had a general post office (poste aux lettres), and was a station for post-horses.

Saint - Pourcain - Malchere, commune of Gennetines, had 100 inhabitants, its post town (bureau de poste) being Moulins-sur-Allier.

Saint - Pourgain - sur -Besbre, arrondisse- ment Moulins-sur-Allier, canton of Dom pierre, had 636 inhabitants, its post town (bureau de poste) being Dompierre. None of these is given as " sur Allier."

The principal Saint-Pourgain is on the Sioule, a tributary of the Allier. Perhaps the canton or part of it touches the latter river. ROBERT PIEBPOINT.


508). Virgil has given us an account of thorns being substituted for pins or buckles in his description of Achemenides left on the shores of Sicily by Ulysses (' ^Eneid,' iii. 590).

JOHN PICKFOBD, M.A. Newbourne Rectory, Woodbridge.

I well remember my mother, who died in 1885 in her eighty-fifth year, saying that when she was a young woman it was a common thing for country women to use thorns for pins to fasten their shawls, which were generally worn in those days, and for many years after, by ladies both of high degree and low. J. BROWN.

JOHN Hus BEFOBE THE COUNCIL OF CONSTANCE (10 S. xii. 28, 94). It may be worth while to add to the replies to MB. PICKFOBD'S query that the engraving of the fine painting of Hus before the Council to which he refers as done " some forty years ago " can hardly be a reproduction of W. Brozik's famous picture, considering that the latter work was not finished before 1883, or twenty-six years ago. K. F. Lessing's painting of 1842, representing the same subject, was reproduced by the dis- tinguished steel engraver Felsing in 1845, and published at 137, Regent Street, London, by Herington & Remington.



Nor think the doom of man reversed for thee is from Dr. Johnson's ' Vanity of Human Wishes' (1749), 1. 156.

.V. CHATTOPADHYiYA. 61, Ladbroke Road, W.

The following lines (141-6) from Pope's ' Windsor Forest ' may prove illustrative of those mentioned by DIEGO :

Our plenteous streams a various race supply : The bright-eyed perch with fins of Tyrian dye, The silver eel in shining volumes roll'd, The yellow carp in scales bedropp'd with gold, Swift trouts, diversified with crimson stains, And pikes, the tyrants of the watery plains. JOHN PICKFOBD, M.A.

The lines quoted by C. at p. 128 were written by Robert Browning in ' Prospice,' but they should read

O thou soul of my soul ! I shall clasp thee again, And with God be the rest !

A. R. WALLEB. Cambridge.

[Several other correspondents thanked for the reference.]