Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/244

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xii. SEPT. 4, 1900.

&c., from North America, with some Proposals kindly offered for the Encouragement of those Use- ful Colonies, consistent with the Real Interests of this Kingdom,' two leaves ; ' The Case of the British Northern Colonies,' two leaves ; * The Dispute between the Northern Colonies and the Sugar Islands set in a Clear View,' broadside ; ' The Case of Henry Armistead, Esq. (relating to his planting of Vine Yards in Virginia), broadside; items

  • ^Esop in South wark ; or, The Fighting Cocks,' a

curious broadside ; ' Substance of the Depositions taken at the Coroner's Inquests on the Bodies of Duke Hamilton and Lord Mohun,' &c., all with tincut edges, 121. There are items under Art and Economics. Under Drama will be found Knight's ' Garrick,' and Clement Scott's ' Yesterday and To- day.' A reminder of Robins, the famous auctioneer, ds to be found in a curious jeu d* esprit satirizing his flowery style, 'Gooseberry Hall,' humorous cuts, 4to, cloth, 8*. Qd. There are a number of poetical tracts ; also a scarce collection under Popish Plot, in which are inserted portraits, one vol., folio, old calf, 11. 10s. Scattered about the Catalogue are some old periodicals The Adventurer, Nos. 1 to 140, all published (wants No. 86), 1752-4, was con- ducted oy Dr. John Hawkesworth, and among the contributors were Dr. Johnson, Bonnell Thornton, Dr. Bathurst, and Joseph Warton. The Hobby- Horse, 24 odd parts, 1886-92, contains contributions iby Matthew Arnold, Austin Dobson, J. A. Symonds, W. M. and C. G. Rossetti, Bell Scott, and others, with illustrations by Burne-Jones, Madox Brown, Rossetti, Watts, &o. The Illustrated Parlour Mis- cellany, edited by W. J. Linton, contains three stories by Charles Wells, author of ' Joseph and his Brethren.' The Illuminated Magazine, edited by Douglas Jerrold, 4 vols. in 3, 1843-5, has contribu- tions by Mark Lemon, Laman Blanchard, R. H. Home. &c., illustrated by Leech, Kenny Meadows, and others. The Intrepid Magazine, by W. Hamil- ton, 1784, contains articles on marriage, freedom of the Press, &c. ; while The Literary Magnet, edited by T. Merton, has a portrait of Miss J. Porter, plates of Drury Lane Theatre and Margate and Ramsgate piers, and numerous woodcuts, 2 vols., 1824.

Messrs. S. Drayton & Sons, of Exeter, have in their Catalogue 206 Thornton's 'Reminiscences of an Old West-Country Clergyman,' 2 vols., 8vo, for private circulation, 1897-9, 21. 2s. (the first volume has long been out of print) ; Gilbert's ' Historical .Survey of Cornwall,' 3 vols., royal 4to, full morocco, 1817, 8(. 10s. (an unusually fine copy: the illustra- tions include the scarce portrait o Sir John Tregonwell, but there are three plates missing in Vol. III.); Cassell's 'England,' 9 vols., 4t9, half- morocco, 11. 5s. ; and a set of Black and White from its commencement in 1891 to December, 1902, 24 vols., 11. 16s. Under Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Europe is the Edition de Luxe of the Grolier Society, 20 vols., new half-calf, uncut, 101. 10s. ; and under Scotland is Sir D. Wilson's ' Edinburgh in the Olden Time,' 2 vols., large 4to, half-morocco, uncut, 11. Is. There are Pickering editions of Coleridge. ' Master Humphrey's Clock,' first edition, 3 vols., royal 8vo, half-calf, 1840-41, is 10s. 6d. ; and George Meredith's ' One of our Conquerors,' 3 vols., 1891, 6s.

Messrs. Galloway & Porter's Cambridge Cata- logue 46 opens with a special offer of new copies at greatly reduced prices of Boissier's ' Tacitus,' Armitage-Smith's ' John of Gaunt,' and Makower's

' History of the Church of England,' translated from the German. A new copy of Willis's ' Archi- tectural History of Cambridge and Eton,' 4 vols., 4to, large paper (one of 120 copies), is offered at 11. 17s. 6d., though originally published at 201. 5s. net. There is a list of Classical Books. Works under Philosophy include G. H. Lewes's ' Physical Basis of Mind ' and Mill's ' Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy.' Other books are Clark's 'Observances in Use at the Augustinian Priory of St. Giles and St. Andrew at Barnwell, Cambridgeshire,' 1897 (one of 350 copies), 21. 2s. ; Morris's 'British Birds,' fifth edition, 6 vols., royal 8vo, Nimmo, 1903, new set, SI. ; ' The Wellington Dispatches,' 12 vols., calf, Murray, 1837, 11. Is. ; and Fowler's 'Beautiful Wales,' 75 coloured illustra- tions, 7s.

Mr. John P. Router's Catalogue for August- September contains under Cathedrals the Society of Antiquaries' Accounts of St. Albans, Bath, Exeter, Gloucester, Westminster, and Durham, very fine plates, 6 vols., atlas folio, half-russia, 1801, &c., 61. Works on costume include Uzanne's ' La Femme et la Mode, Metamorphoses de la Parisienne de 1792 a 1892,' 18s. ; and a collection of 150 plates, 1754-1828, mounted in an album, 11. 10s. Under Dore is ' Histoire Pittoresque, Dramatique, et Caricaturale de la Saint Russie,' royal 8vo, 500 engravings, 21. 2s. ; and under Egypt are Milton's engravings from Mayer's drawings, large folio, full morocco gilt, 1801, 21. 10s. Mayer's 'Views in Palestine ' and ' Views in the Ottoman Empire,'

2 vols. in 1, large folio, 1803-4, are 3/. 3s. There are a number of works under Paris. Under Shakespeare is ' The National Shakespeare,' a facsimile of the text of the First Folio, illustrated by Noel Paton,

3 sumptuous folio volumes, dark green morocco, hand-made paper, 21. 10s. (published 15/.). Under Sheridan is the first edition of Moore's ' Life,' 4to, full calf, 1825, 11. Is.

[Reviews of other Catalogues held over.]

We must call special cttention to the following notices:

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries'" Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lishers "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancerj Lane, E.G.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to >ut in parentheses, immediately after the exact leading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat querjes are requested to head the second com- munication " Duplicate."

W. HOWARD-FLANDERS ( " Parson "). See the dis- cussion at 7 S. x. 367, 432, 517, and the long special 10 te on the word in the ' N.E.D.'

CORRIGENDA. P. 142, col. 2, 1. 24 from foot, for 'Grey" read Gray. P. 164, col. 1, 1. 21, for " 1286" read 1628.