Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/323

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10 s. xii. OCT. 2, 1909.] NOTES AND QUERIES.

263 1 .

Milton (John), 1608-74. Add : Edited and published Ralegh's ' Cabinet Council,' 1658, to which Milton's portrait served as frontispiece.

Mollineux (Mary) of Liverpool. B. 1651; d. 1695. Wrote * Fruits of Retirement ; or, Miscellaneous Poems .... With Account of her Life,' 1702.

Molloy (J. Fitzgerald), d. 26 March, 1908. Author of ' Court Life below Stairs ' and other works.

Nares (Edward), 1762-1841. Add : Wrote ' Thinks-I-to-Myself,' 1811.

Nares (Robert), 1753-1829. Add : First editor of The British Critic upon its establishment in 1793.

Neil (Samuel), b. 1826 ; d. 1901. Author of 'Art of Reasoning,' 1853 ; 'Elements of Rhetoric,' 1854 ; 'Shakespeare: a Critical Biography,' 1861. Editor of ' The Library Shakespeare ' ; several of the plays issued separately; 'Home Teacher'; and other works. Described by Dr. Nicoll as "one of the most original and learned of literary students, who had received no adequate recognition."

Ockam (William), d. 1349 (?). Add: Author of "Speculum Spiritualium, by Adam the Car- thusian," printed 1510.

Ozell (John), d. 1743. Add: Translator of ' Logic, or Art of Thinking,' 1723.

Paget (Eusebius). Translated Calvin's Har- mony upon ' Matthew, Mark, and Luke,' 1584.

Paynell (Thomas), fl. 1528-68. Add : Author of ' Piththy and moost notable Sayings of al Scrip- ture,' 1550.

Philipot (Thomas), d. 1682. Add : Joint- editor of ' JEsop's Fables in English, French

and Latin,' 1666.

Pickford (I.), Douay priest. Wrote " Safe- garde irom Ship-Wracke ; or, Heaven's Haven, Doway, 1618."

Pycroft (James), 1813-95. Add : Author of ' Elkerton Rectory,' 1862; 'Twenty Years in the Church.'

Quiney, nee Shakespeare (Judith), baptized 2 Feb., 1585-6 ? d. 9 Feb., 1661-2. Second daugh- ter of the poet. Married Thomas Quiney.

Quiney (Thomas), b. 1588 (?) ; d. 1652. Vint- ner and Chamberlain of Stratford-on-Avon. Married Shakespeare's second daughter, Judith, 10 Feb., 1616.

Rainy (Robert), D.D. B. 1 Jan., 1826 ; d. Dec., 1906. Principal of Edinburgh New College from 1874. Author of ' Delivery and Develop- ment of Christian Doctrine,' 1874, and other works.

Reader (Thomas). D. Peckham Rye, 15 Dec. 1905, in his eighty-eighth year. Entered the firm of Longman in 1834, and became head of the publication department.

Reeder (John). " Bookseller, Sign Writer, Philosopher, Poet ordinary and extraordinary in the Towns of Lewes and Brighton." His portrait published by E. & S. Harding, 1 Dec., 1792, with foregoing details.

Robinson (Richard), fl. 1576-1600. Add:

Translator of ' An Homily of Good and Evil

Angels,' by D. Urbanus Rhegius, 1583 ; reprinted

Rogers (Daniel), 1573-1652. Add : Wrote ' David's Cost,' 1619.

Rogers (Samuel), 1763-1855. From the list of this poet's works the ' D.N.B.' omits the most

famous, entitled ' Italy.' Rogers coined the- phrase " When a new book comes out I read an old one."

Rogers (Thomas), d. 1616. Add : Wrote ' A Golden Chaine taken out of the Rich Treasure House,' 1579. Translated a Kempis, ' Three,, both for Wisedome, and Godlines, most excellent Bookes,' 1589.

Rosdell (Christopher). Translator of Calvin's^ Commentary upon Romans, 1583.

Sandford or Sanford (James), fl. 1567. Add r Translator of H. C. Agrippa's ' Of the Vanitie and Uncertaintie of Artes and Sciences,' 1569.

Shakespeare, nee Hathaway (Agnes or Anne),- B. 1557 (?). Married William Shakespeare, 1582 ;. d. 6 Aug., 1623.

Shakespeare (Edmund), Actor. Brother of" the poet. B. 1580. Buried at St. Saviour's- Church, Southwark, 31 Dec., 1607.

Shakespeare (Gilbert). Brother of the poet. Bapt. 13 Oct., 1566 ; d. 1611.

Shakespeare (Joan). See Hart, ante.

Shakespeare (John). Chamberlain and Bailiff' of Stratford-on-Avon. Father of the poet.. Married Mary Arden. D. Sept., 1601.

Shakespeare (Judith). See Qumey, ante.

Shakespeare, nee Arden (Mary). B. circa 1535,. at Wilmcote, near Stratford-on-Avon ; d. Sept. r 1608. Married John Shakespeare in 1557 (?) ;. their eldest son William our national poet.

Shakespeare (Richard). Brother of the poet. Bapt. 11 March, 1573 ; d. at Stratford-on-Avon Feb., 1612/13.

Shakespeare (W.), 1564-1616. Although pro- minence is given to the fact that he had a daughter ,- named Susanna, born prematurely, no mention- is made of his son Hamnet or of his second daughter Judith.

Sharp (William), essayist and novelist. Better known under his pseudonym of " Fiona Macleod." D. Sicily, 1905.

Shute or Shutt (John), fl. 1562-73. Add. : Translator of Calvin's ' Treatise of a Christian" Life,' 1594.

Solly (Edward), 1819-86, Add : Wrote article in Bibliographer, 1882, on authorship of ' The Whole Duty of Man.'

Stanley (William), sixth Earl of Derby. Suc- ceeded Ferdinando April, 1594. Made K.G. by Elizabeth, 1601. Married Elizabeth, eldest dau. of EdwardVere, Earl of Oxford, 26 Jan., .1594, by whom he had three sons and four daughters; His second son James succeeded him in 1642.

Statham (Francis Reginald), poet, composer, novelist, and journalist. B. Everton, 6 Feb., 1844 ; d. 4 March, 1908.

Staunton, of Longbridge, Warwickshire (John)_ Formed an unrivalled collection of manuscripts, books, tracts, and prints relating to the county of Warwick, known as the " Staunton Collection," which was sold by his son John to a number of subscribers for 3,0'OOZ'., and presented, on their- behalf, by George Duwson to the city of Bir- mingham. The whole destroyed by fire 11 Jan.,. 1879, with the exception of the famous ' Guild Book of Knowle ' manuscript.

Steele (Sir R.), 1672-1729. Add: Wrote for- and edited The Englishman, 1714.

Stuart (John), fourth Earl of Bute. B. 30 'June,. 1744. Created Baron Cardiff 20 May, 1766, and first Marquis of Bute 27- Feb., 1796.. D. Geneva,, 16 Nov., 1814.