Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/329

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The name is found in Ireland as late as 1710, when the Rev. Wm. Pellican was Rector of Obrenan in Kerry ; he was probably a descendant of Conrad. I am very anxious to obtain information as to the heraldic bearings of the family.

J. F. FULLER. Brunswick Chambers, Dublin.

COLLETT FAMILY. Can any reader refer me to a copy of the following MS. : ' Familia Colletiana : Memorials of the Family of Collett of Gloucestershire and Worcester- shire,' quarto, 45 pages, with drawings ?

I am also anxious for information con- cerning Anthony Collett of Naunton, 1632- 1682 ; John Collett of Upper Slaughter, 1640-1716 ; and Thomas Collett of Nether- cott, 1639-1720, all in the county of Glou- cester.

I have searched records at the British Museum, GuildhalJ, &c., but without avail as regards the information I desire.


9, Deerhurst Road, Streatham Common, S.W.

CYRANUS Lucn REGIS PINCERNA. In the ' De Praesulibus Anglise Commentarius ' of Bishop Godwin (1616) we are informed (i. 226) that " Theanus, ut fertur, a Cyrano adjutus Lucii regis pincerna, ecclesiam construxit S. Petri in Cornhill, in eaque sedem fixit archiepiscopatus sui." I should be glad to learn whence Godwin derived this information. ALFRED ANSCOMBE.

30, Albany Road, Stroud Green, N.

HERNE FAMILY OF SUFFOLK. Thomas Herne, a well-known contributor to the famous Bangorian controversy (see ' Diet. Nat. Biog.'), was son of Francis Herne, gent., of Suffolk. Who was this Francis Herne, and what was his descent ? Was he a branch of the Norfolk family of the name ?


CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND TRAIN BANDS. Where can I find lists of the train bands for these two counties during the last quarter of the seventeenth century ? R.

CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND HEARTH TAX LISTS, 1660-80. Where can these lists be seen ? R.

COUNT FIND LATER AT KARLSBAD. Among the prominent patrons of Karlsbad in Bohemia at the beginning of the nineteenth century was a certain Count Findlater, to whose memory a temple is erected on a hill overlooking the town. He is said to have been a Scotchman, and reputed to have

been a Scotch " Lord " as well. Perhaps some among your readers might be able and willing to supply information regarding a personage who is still regarded in Karlsbad as one of the " pillars " of its reputation as a watering-place? S. WHITMAN.

"FORGET NOT TO GIVE, BUT GIVE AND FORGET." I shall be glad if any one can say what is the origin of this saying. It is an inscription above the almsbox in the church at Robin Hood's Bay, Yorkshire.

A. H. ARKLE. Elmhurst, Oxton, Birkenhead. [See Mac. vi. 3.]

SPANISH WALK EXCHANGE. In 'The London Directory of the Principal Merchants, Inhabitants,' &c., for 1677, is the following : " Sir Mat. Halworthy, Hackney, Spanish Walk Exchange."

Where was Spanish Walk Exchange ? I see no mention of it in Baldwin's ' Direc- tory,' 1749, which gives an alphabetical list of streets, &c. F. M. R. HOLWORTHY.

Bromley, Kent.

ST. MARGARET'S, WESTMINSTER : THE EAST WINDOW. I shall be obliged for any reference to monographs on this window by acknowledged authorities on historical stained glass. With the descriptions pro- vided by Dr. Wilson (1769) and the Rev. Mackenzie Walcott (1847) I am familiar; and copies of the broadsides printed by Goyder and J. B. Nichols are before me. The remarkable history of the window is common knowledge, yet Walford (' Old and New London,' iii. 568) has this passage :

"But that monarch [Henry VII.] dying before it was finished, it was set up in the private chapel ot the Abbot of Waltham, at Copt Hall, near Eppmg, in Essex."


OTFORD, KENT. I am collecting materials with a view to publishing an account of this place. I shall be much obliged for any assistance that readers of * N. & Q.' may be able to afford. C. HESKETH.


JESUS HOUSE, WORKSOP. An old house with this name was pulled down here a few years ago, much to the regret of the then Vicar of Worksop and all others interested in the town's relics of the past. Jesus House stood nearly half a mile from the Worksop Priory Gate House. It was generally sup- posed that Jesus House was connected with Worksop Priory as a hospital or place in