Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/412

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xn. OCT. 23, im


MR. RICHARD CAMERON'S Edinburgh Catalogue 227 contains the first edition of Lockhart's * Spanish Ballads,' 7s. Qd. There are rare Baxter colour-prints, including the 1851 Exhibition, 16s. Qd., and ' The Kings and Queens of England,' 12 cards, II. 5s. Edinburgh items include Ebsworth's large view, privately issued, II. 5s., and David Allan's two views, 1799, 11. 5s. the pair. Under Dickens is Crombie's caricature plate ' Boz's Introduction to Christopher North and the Caledonian Youth,' issued at the time of Dickens's visit to Edinburgh in 1841, 16s. Qd. Under Scott is the original red- cloth edition of the novels, 48 vols., Cadell, 1829-33, . 15-9. The first volume of The Scotsman, 1817, is "9s. Qd. Under Jacobite is The London Gazette from 30 March, 1745, to 22 March, 1746, containing information regarding the '45 not to be found else- where, 21. 5s. Under Scottish Parliament is a complete set of the Acts from 1224 to 1707, 13 vols., folio, half red leather, 1814, &c., 7. 10s. Under Richard Jefferies is ' Suez-Cide ! ! or How Miss Britannia bought a Dirty Puddle and lost her Sugar Plums,' 12mo, 1876, 6s. Qd. This is a spurious i'acsimile which formed the subject of a criminal prosecution.

Mr. Bertram DobelFs Catalogue 176 contains -works under America. There are collections of autograph letters. One includes Lafayette, James Watt, Frith, Agnes Strickland, Bright, Cqrnewall Lewis, Thorns, and others, 3^. 10s. Another includes Louis Blanc, j. S. Mill, Jane Porter, and others, 21. 10s. Under Bunyan is a collection of chapbook editions of his writings, 10s. Qd. There is a manu- .script, with coloured coats of arms, relating to the De Ferrars Family, being a genealogical and his- torical account, eighteenth century, 21. 2s. Under Drydeii is the first edition of ' Absalom and Achi- -tophel,' with the misprints on p. 6, very rare, 1681, <il. 10s. (there are trials, &c., of the same date bound in the volume). Under Charles Lamb there is The Edinburgh, April to July, 1803, which contains a satirical notice of John Woodvil, 2s. Qd. Under play- bills is a collection of 470 of Covent Garden Theatre, from the opening of the new theatre, 10 Sept., 1810, to 14 July, 1812, 2 vols., 31. 3s. Under Scotland is a collection of manuscripts and tracts, chiefly con- cerning the Union, 21. 15s. Under Swinburne are 'first editions of 'A Study of Shakespeare,' 1880, 16s., and 'Miscellanies,' 1886,15s. A portion of the Catalogue is devoted to Foreign Books, chiefly French. There are also a number of volumes of pamphlets, the subjects being given.

Messrs. Henry R. Hill and Son's Catalogue 99 'Contains under Alpine a choice copy of Brockedqn's 'Illustrations,' India proofs, 2 vols., folio, full morocco extra, 1828, 3Z. 3s. Under Blake is the first edition of the Life by Gilchrist, new full calf, 21. 2s.; and under the Countess of Blessington is Madden's Life, 3 vols., published by Newby, 1855, II. 10s. There is a fine set of Britton's 'Antiquities,' &c., '9 vols., royal 4to, large paper, Longman, 1826-38, new half blue levant, 101. Under Holinshed is the 1807 reprint, 6 vols., 4to, 9J. 15s. There is a fine sound copy of Holbein's ' Portraits,' Bulmer, 1828, 11. 10s. Under Heraldic is Meyrick's ' Visitations,' 1846, 14/. 15s. There are works under India. Under Shakespeare are the Quarto facsimiles issued under Dr. Furnivall's superintendence, 43 vols., 14. A

set of the "Aldine Poets," 53 vols., half-morocco,

Pickering, is 251. ; and a fine set of Whittingham's " Poets," including translations, 100 vols., con- temporary panelled calf, 251. There is a set of Sharpe's "British Classics," 24 vols., calf, 11. Is. Other works include Dumas's * Celebrated Crimes,' 8 vols., Nichols, 1895, 21. 15s.; Combe's 'Dance of Death ' and ' Dance of Life,' Rowlandson's illus- trations, 3 vols., russia, 1815-17, 151. 10s.; the first edition of 'Pills to Purge Melancholy,' 6 vols., 11. Is. ; Freeman's ' Norman Conquest, 6 vols. (Vols. I. and II. third revised edition), 01. 6s. ; Gough's ' Sepulchral Monuments,' a fine sound copy, 1786-96, from the Battle Abbey Library, 5 vols., folio, full russia, 25/. ; and Sotheby's 'Principia Typographical 3 vols., 1858, 81. 8s. A portion of the Catalogue is devoted to Natural History, and another to General Philology, Orien- talia, Lexicography, &c.

Mr. F. Marcham of Tottenham sends Part I. of the Antiquaries' List of Berkshire Deeds and other Documents. This part opens with Abingdon, and closes with Drayton.

Mr. Charles J. Sawyer's Catalogue 16 contains some choice examples under Binding. Under Bibliography is ' The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors,' 8 vols., 01. 10s. ; and under Carlyle is the Centenary Edition, 30 vols., 11. Is. (one of 300 copies). There is an extra-illustrated copy of Knight's ' Life of Erasmus,' 1750, 01. 15s. Under Early Playing Cards is a remarkable collection of heraldic playing cards of the Peers of Scotland, 1691, 121. 10s. There is a list under French Court, and a collection of Indian Tracts. Under Washington Irving is a handsome set, New York, 1908, Ql. The Duke of York's subscription copy of the 'Museum Britannicum,' with the plates specially coloured by the author, bound in red morocco, decorated with the Order of the Garter, figures of birds, &c., 1791, is 11. Is. Under Persian is Shirazi's life of Omar Khayyam, one of 250 copies, 11. Is. The Edition de Luxe of Dawe's ' Life of Morland,' printed on specially manufactured paper, folio, is 4. 4s. The books include a selection from the Beaufoy Library.

[Reviews of other Catalogues held over. ]

We must call special attention to the following notices :

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

Editorial communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries '"Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers " at the Office, Bream's" Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

P. LUCAS and W. H. PEET. Forwarded.

W. B. TALLMAN, Iowa. Outside the scope of 'N. &Q.'

WORCESTER. You should consult one of the many books on the subject.