Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/422

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. XIL OCT. so, igoo.

patented a platen machine on which the Bank of England notes were printed after the abolition of the old copperplate printing press in that establishment. Col. Hoe, as is known, made a printing machine for The Times. Napier had offered to make a fast printing machine if The Times would take half the risk, but the proposal was declined.

W. P. CA.

' THE PASSIONATE PILGRIM ' : " LAPP'D IN LEAD." In 'The Passionate Pilgrim,' xxi., are the lines

King Pandion he is dead ;

All thy friends are lapp'd in lead. The ' N.E.D.,' s.v. lap, v. 2 , 3, explains the phrase as meaning " to place in a leaden coffin." But lapp'd means " wrapp'd," not " encased." The expression seems to be explained by the practice of wrapping bodies in a sheet of lead, which was then soldered at the head and feet. A friend who was recently in the vestry of West- minster Abbey tells me that he saw there some drawings representing the remains of certain royal personages which were discovered some years ago thus enwrapped.

W. A. C. [See under ' James IV. of Scotland,' ante, p. 316.]

ADDISON AND DEATH. Any remark of Addison is worthy of preservation, par- ticularly on death. " He taught us how to

live and taught us how to die." Dr.

Edward Young, the poet, writing to the Duchess of Portland from Welwyn on 20 Nov., 1760, says:

" More than once I have heard the famous Mr Addison say that it was much his wish if it so pleased God to die in the Summer, because then walking abroad, he frequently contemplated the works ot God, which gave such a serious turn and awful composure to the mind as best qualified it to enter the Divine presence." 4 Calendar of the MSS. of the Marquess of Bath at Longleat,' vol. i., 1904 (Hist. MSS. Commission), p. 325.


VANESSA'S BURIAL-PLACE. In ' Celbridge' ome Notes on its Past History,' by the Rev/ C. J. Graham, reprinted from the Journa } of the County of Kildare Archseologica Society, there occurs the following :

"But where was Vanessa buried? That is a problem which antiquarians have not yet been able to solve."

This passage was written some thirteen years -ago ; but I have not seen in ' N. & Q.' or anywhere else any allusion to the fact that the date and place of her burial have been recently ^discovered. On the occasion of a

visit to Dublin last year I was shown by a most polite official in the Probate Court, among other interesting documents con- nected with Swift, an entry in the Register of St. Andrew's Church, Dublin, showing that Vanessa was buried there.

ALEX. LEEPER. Trinity College, Melbourne.

SCOTT'S MANNERS. When William Fowler, the Lincolnshire antiquary and engraver, was in Scotland in December, 1821, he wrote as follows to his children :

" Give my duty to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, and let them know that I have never been so pleased since I travelled, as I was in waiting upon Sir Walter Scott. I had the honour of waiting upon him and his Lady by his own particular request, and never was any one more kindly received. His manners and most graceful and surprisingly agreeable ad- dress surpass all I ever met with. Sir Walter was highly gratified with what I have done, and says he has seen nothing of the kind so beautiful. He has subscribed to all I have published and all I ever may."* 'The Correspondence of William Fowler of Winterton, in the County of Lincoln,' edited by his grandson, Joseph Thomas Fowler, M.A., D.C.L., F.S.A., Honorary Canon of Durham, 1907, p. 422 (privately printed).

That Scott's manners were kindly is generally known ; that they were distin- guished by unusual grace is perhaps not so well understood. The Lincolnshire anti- quary would, however, be a good judge, for he had come into contact with all sorts and conditions of men, from the royal family downwards. M. P.

" MORTE." In a list of " Concealed Lands," &c., of 7 Eliz., 1564-5 (Exchequer Special Commission, 641), I note the follow- ing instances of the term " morte," which I take to represent the Latin Mortuali i.e., funeral or commemorative dirges, for which remuneration was provided by be- quests of rents, &c. :

"Hundred of North Tau ton : Item, there is within the p'ish of Eggeford one pece of ground called moarte parke, containing v acres, and is worth by the yeare xs., and was geven to the main- tenance of one lampte with morte ; the profits thereof one John Coaplestonne, Esq., hath taken this xx ti yeares or thereabouts.

" Item, there is within the p'ishe of Chawly one pece of ground contayning iij acres, called morte parke, geven to maintayne a lampte with morte, and is worth by the yeare xs."


TENNYSON AND TERENCE. (See 9 S. vii. 125 ; x. 285 ; xi. 336, 511.) The late MR. E. YARDLEY, I believe, first pointed out the connexion between Mrs. Marwood's speech

  • The reference is to the writer's engravings.