Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/459

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10 s. xii. NOV. 6, 1909.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


for his previous publications, which have often abbreviated a wrong search for this or that small fact which we fancy we know, but cannot verify.

POLITICS are again to the fore in The Nineteenth Century. Mr. Fabian Ware in * Opportunism and Imperial Democracy' traces the history of the Tariff Reform movement, and sounds a note of warning against the opportunist tendency. Lord Avebury's article ' The Finance Bill ' traverses the Budget proposals as a whole, and the Land Taxes in particular. In * Phantom Millions ' Mr. W. H. Mallock also attacks the Land proposals of the Budget, and especially the ministerial statements as to land values. ' The Case of Francisco Ferrer : a Confidential Friend's Testimony,' is an interest- ing sketch, by M. Alfred Naquet (Ancien Senateur de France), of Ferrer's life and achievements. M. Naquet insists on Ferrer's innocence, and con- sequently condemns his execution. The Hon. Everard Feilding discusses some recent experi- ments in 'Physical Phenomena of Spiritualism.' 'The Fallacy of the Elder Brother' as a title is rather misleading, and offers no indication that Mr. H. B. Mayor's subject is the ethics of school- mastership, and the natural relationship between masters and pupils. The article has, however, common sense to recommend it, and with most of the author's conclusions we are in agreement. Mrs. Alice Kemp - Welch contributes an interesting appreciation of the tenth-century dramatist, ' Ros- witha the Nun.' In ' The Question of Medical Priestcraft Dr. S. Squire Sprigge deals with the progress of medicine, and discusses the attitude of the public towards the medical profession. Bishop Welldon discourses pleasantly and enthusiastically on 'Dante's Self-Portraiture.' The author's enthu- siasm, however, in some instances, obscures his mean-

peculiarities of some ot the early crudities of their investigations. M. Andre" Beau- nier in ' Contemporary Politics in France ' provides a satirically pessimistic account of French poli- ticians and politics of to-day. Lady Cox utters a protest against the evils of the educational system as applied to the natives of India. 'Our Indian Fellow-Subjects ' is full of practical ideas and common sense. As Lady Cox lived in India for twenty-one years, her opinions on the matter have the merit of being formed from experience. Col. Alsager Pollock contrasts the conditions of service, regimental economy, &c., of the United States National Guard with those of our own Territorial Force, with a strong bias in favour of the former, He advocates the establishment, on the American plan, of Armouries for units, to which the Honour- able Artillery Company's Fiusbury Armoury is the nearest approach. There is much to be said in favour of the plan, and one great objection, viz., expense.

To The Cornhill Sir Harry Johnston contributes an enthusiastic description' of Jamaica, both in respect to its suitability for cultivation on a large scale and its manifold attractions for the tourist. Lady Ritchie's ' Quills from the Swan of Lichfield ' is marred by her assumption that the life and pecu- liarities of Anna Seward are common knowledge. To those whose literary equipment is deficient to that extent, the article is unlikely to be particularly interesting. ' The Ikon,' by Mr. Newton Adams, is a well-written, but rather morbid little story con-

cerning a priggist vicar and his young and innocent,, albeit ignorant, wife. In ' Leaves from a Bureau- crat's Journal ' we have a thrilling account of the- administrative career and tragic end of Robert Phayre, I.C.S., of whom the Chief Commissioner of Burma showed his appreciation by a tribute in the- Official Gazette. Mr. John Pollock, under the head- ing of 'Did Bacon sign Shakespeare?' supplies an ironical commentary on some acrostic signatures of Francis Bacon by Mr. W. S. Booth, in which the latter advocates the Baconian authorship of the plays attributed to Shakespeare. Mr. Pollock's plea for common sense in respect to this matter will be cordially echoed by many lovers of Shakespeare. Mr. Robert Dell contributes an appreciation of the- late Father Tyrrell, in which the principal points- of his severance with the Society of Jesus, and his subsequent excommunication by the Roman Church, are touched upon. Probably as a variant on that excellent military yarn which appeared last month, ' The Disbanding of the Guava Rifles,' we have an amusing little story by Mr. Austin Philips, entitled' ' The Cattle Truck,' dealing with the literary aspi- rations of a member of the staff of the Circumlocu- tion Office. Mr. H. Hesketh Prichard in 'The Hunter's Moon' provides an interesting record of a caribou-hunting expedition in Newfoundland, arid also discourses learnedly on the inadequacy of the- game laws in that colony.


MR. P. M. BARNARD sends from Tunbridge Wells- his Catalogue 32, which contains books, tracts, and! autographs of -the Stuart period, many of the items being rare. The valuable collection of tracts is- arranged chronologically. Under Ballads are a. number of the seventeenth and early eighteenth century, some of them apparently original compo- sitions.

Mr. B. H. Blackwell of Oxford devotes his Cata- logue CXXXVI. to Educational Books, Second- hand and New. The catalogue is in two parts. The first consists of Greek and Latin Classics,. Grammars, Lexicons, &c. The second. Modern History and Biography, is divided into thirteen, sections, and includes Military History and Tactics* Political and Economic Science, Legal Science, Mathematical Science, Physical Science and Astro- nomy, English Language arid Literature, Theology, Church History, &c.

Mr. B. H. Blackwell has also a Short List of Recent Additions. Among books relating to America is Brown's ' Genesis of the United States, 1605-16,' 2 vols., 1890, 21. Is. 6d. Under Swinburne is the first edition of ' Poems and Ballads,' 1866, 21. 2s. This copy is in the original cover, stamped Moxon, but the title-page has been, replaced by one bearing Hotten's imprint.

Mr. Francis Edwards has a Short List of Modern Publications at Greatly Reduced Prices. We note a few, the first price being the original one : Morris's 'Birds' (6/. 6s.), 3. 5-9.; Inderwick's 'Cromwell' (10*. 6d.), 2s. 6d. ; Reid's ' Life of the First Earl of Durham, 1792-1840' (II. 16s.), 6s. ; Furnivall and Ingleby's ' Shakespere's Century of Prayse,' and ' Some 300 Allusions to Shakespere,' 2 vols. (11. 16*.), 10*. Qd. ; Evelyn's 'Diary,' Wheatley's edition, 4 vols. (21. 2s.), 11. Is.-, Hare's 'Story of My Life' (3/.3s.), 12s. ; Motley's Complete Works (4J. 14s. Qd.). 21. 2s. ; and Smith's ' Book for a Rainy Day x