Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/482

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xii. NOV. 13, 1909.

Mr. Jesse Paramor of Margate is a living representative of the family, but has not an exact tree of his ancestors. A brass to Thomas, son of Henry Paramor (1652 ?), is in the church at Minster (Isle of Thanet) and a monument to Joshua Paramour, gent., 1653, in the chancel of St. Mary's, Selling. Paramour Street is a district of Westmarsh, Ash next Sandwich.

The wills now at the Probate Registry, Canterbury, include many very early ones, and the whole series of Indexes of the various Courts there should be searched, as they will afford much information. Other Paramor wills are to be seen at Somerset House.

FRED. HITCHIN-KEMP. Clyderhous, 51, Vancouver Road, Forest Hill, S.E,

A branch of this family became possessed of the manor of Downebarton, in the Isle of Thanet, in the first half of the seventeenth century, and their name occurs in the registers of Birchington, 50 copies of which were privately printed by Mr. Crisp in 1898.

In a schedule of moneys to be paid, form- ing the subject of a warrant signed at the Hague by Charles II., 6 June, 1649, is an item of 200 guilders paid to a Mr. Paramore, for what service is not recorded.

In 1646 a petition was lodged in the House of Lords by one John Eldrington, com- plaining that by the corruption of his agent, Thomas Parramore, he was prevented from recovering certain property to which he claimed to be entitled.

Probably MB. MARSHALL is aware of the references to this family in vols. i. and iii. of Ireland's ' History of Kent.'


In the registers of Boughton-under- Blean, published by the Parish Register Society, 1903, there are many entries under this name. The registers commence in 1564. A. RHODES.

See Nichols's ' History of the County of Leicester,' iii. 988 ; and Berry's ' Kent Genealogies,' 49, 156. A. R. BAYLEY.

APPLES : THEIR OLD NAMES (10 S. viii. 429 ; ix. 297, 314, 495 ; x. 15, 215 ; xii. 137, 254). The following extract from a cutting from a Devonshire newspaper (The [ - ?] Times, published in Exeter), 1884, which I came across lately among the effects of a deceased relative, may be of interest :

"An old chapboqk on the art of making and

managing cider gives the following brief list of

Devonshire apples: Staverton Red-streak, Sweet

Broady, Lemon Bitter - Sweet, Josey, Orchiton Pippin, Wine Apple, Marygold Spice Apple, Lud- hrook Red-streak, Green Cornish, Butter Box, Red Cornish, Broad-nosed Pippin, Cat's Head, Brandy Apple, Pine's Rf d - streak, Winter Red, Sweet Pomme Roi, Bickley Red-streak. The nomencla- ture of this fruit seems to have been derived partly from localities and persons, probably successful cultivators.

"Out of another old book on husbandry, &c., we find a curious Irish apple named Cockagee and also a familiar name to Exonians, viz, the Cowley- bridge Crab, described as a small fruit, produced in cobs, of a dirty purple and green colour. The juice is an austere cider, but by frequent rackings may be rendered soft and pleasant. Another peculiar name is that of the ' Apple-John' of Shakespeare.

John Apple,

Whose wither'd rind, intrench t.

With many a furrow, amply represents

Decrepit age."

I can recollect my father who was a native of Devonshire, a county which he left for Liverpool in 1816 frequently men- tioning the " Cockygee " (g hard) cider as being a favourite drink in Devonshire in those days.

The above-mentioned article concludes by relating some superstitious customs con- nected with apple-trees. T. GLYNN.

Liscard, Cheshire.

SIR THEODORE JANSSEN (10 S. xii. 208). I cannot bring definite evidence to show

hat Sir T. Janssen was a paper merchant,

3ut his son Sir Stephen Theodore Janssen, Lord Mayor and Chamberlain of London, was a member of the Company of Stationers, and was its Master in 1749 and 1750.



INVERNESS BIBLIOGRAPHY (10 S. xii. 227, 318). In the ' Catalogue of Books ' n the General Assembly Library of the Church of Scotland, Edinburgh, is " Robert- son (H.), D.D. The Scotch Minister's Assistant. Inverness, 1802. 8vo."

W. S.

"TAILED" IN FULLER (10 S. xii. 347). The meaning in the passage from Fuller must be " wherewith he was bound," as in he quotation given by Jamieson : For had the Talbot as taylyd was, Justyd, he had swelt in-to that plas.

Wyntoun, viii. 35, 19. TOM JONES.

In case SIR JAMES MURRAY should have overlooked a possible clue, might I suggest that " tailed " may be an abbreviation of ' entailed " ? WM. JAGGARD.