Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/496

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xn. NOV. 20, 1909.

Place, and was published in 1751 wit! Gravelot's illustrations. This is generally regarded as the classical translation, thoug] the text is considerably abridged. In 1 Cheron published his translation, to be followed in 1833 by that of the Comte de L* Bedoyere, with vignettes by Moreau. Thi is undoubtedly the most accurate transla tion, and is probably that which is intendec by Sir C. W. Dilke. Three years later, in 1 836 a new translation was made by Dufaucon pret, and was published by Furne. There are, I think, other translations, though non of very recent date, as Fielding is scarcely modern enough to please contemporary taste in France. W. F. PRIDEAUX.

[Sir Charles Dilke informs us that he meant the first translation, and that, "not being a master o1 the original," he did not resent the liberties taker with Fielding's text, in a French version exquisitely adorned by Gravelot's drawings, as were also several editions of the English original.]

LEMUEL KINGDOM, M.P. He was elected for Hull to the first Parliament of 1679 upon the recommendation of the Duke of Monmouth, High Steward of Hull. After- wards he represented successively New- town (I.W.) 1679-81, Yarmouth (I.W.) 1681, and Great Bedwin 1685-7. From Dalton's ' Army Lists ' we learn that he was appointed Treasurer and Paymaster of the Forces 26 July, 1678, although I fail to find his name in any known list of those officials. By the same authority also we are informed that he was one of the Commissioners of the Revenue and Vice-Treasurer of Ireland to James II. On 20 June, 1677, a licence was granted to him (Vicar- General) to marry Theodocia Carpenter of St. Giles-in-the- Fields, he being then about twenty-three years old, she about eighteen. He was buried in St. Giles-in-the-Fields, Middlesex, as from Great Russell Street, 19 Feb., 1685-6 at which date, to judge from the age given in his marriage licence, he could have been little over thirty years old. His son Edward matriculated at Balliol College, Oxford, 5 Sept., 1698, aged fourteen. Under date of February, 1684/5, Luttrell's ' Diary J gives the following :

" Upon examination of the management of H.M.' 8 Revenue it hath been found that some persons, particularly Trant, Mr. Bridger, and Mr. Kingdom have considerably cheated the King of several thousand pounds, on which they are turned out and ordered to refund."

Further information respecting this M.P., especially as to his parentage, will be esteemed. W . D . PlNK>

Lowton, Newton-le- Willows.

RICHARD GRAVES THE YOUNGER. In the 1 D. N. B.' it is stated that Graves left an autobiography, which in 1805 was appa- rently in the possession of his executrix. Its publication was announced, but it seems never to have appeared, nor to have been known to Kilvert. Is it still in existence ? HAVELOCK ELLIS.

Carbis Bay, Cornwall.

Miss ANNE MANNING. When the author of ' The Household of Sir Thomas More,' &c. y was writing her ' Family Pictures,' published in 1861, she had in her possession certain, papers, copies of registers, journals, diaries, and documents relating to family marriages of the Paices and Rodbards, &c. Miss Manning died about two years ago. Who is her literary executor, or to whom did these family papers pass ? The inquirer, a member of the family, would be grateful for information for pedigree purposes.

HOPE MALLESON. Dixton Manor, Winchcombe, Glos.

Louis XIV. TABLECLOTH. A rare and

urious relic has wandered into this Cots- wold village from some royal residence in France since the " Terror." It consists of a white damask tablecloth, 2 yards square, woven in shields, and bearing a Latin inscription as an apparent record of the gratitude of "Louis XIIII." to Marshal Turenne (Taurenensi) for his victory in Holland, and his restoration of that country to the Roman Church in 1672.

After fighting all his life on the Protestant

ide, Turenne, history tells us, became a rloman Catholic, from loyalty to his king, n 1668, four years before this memento.

Ie died in 1675 from a wound received in

Battle, three years after his conquest recorded

n this tablecloth. The name of Prince Oonde, also several words and abbreviations n what I take to be Dutch, are woven in he tablecloth, together with inscriptions, b chateau, peacocks, and soldiers with the leads of enemies stuck upon the top of


Was it customary during the reign of the loi Soleil to celebrate feats of arms on such

erishable material as linen ? I am glad o find the above example in fairly good ondition, although difficult to decipher.

Since writing the above I learn that a >recious portrait of Turenne, painted by tfignard, has been cut out of the frame, and tolen from the palace of Prince Camilla lospigliosi at Rome. WILLIAM MERCER.

Moreton-in-Marsh. Glos.