Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/508

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NOTES AND QUERIES, no s. xii. NOV. 20,


MESSRS. S. DRAYTON & SONS of Exeter send two lists, 209 and 210. The former contains 'Art Sales of 1902,' by Slater, 18-9. Under Australia is

  • Australia Illustrated,' 3 vols., 4to, II. 5s. Under

London are Bradley's ' Westminster Abbey,' 10s. Qd., and Chamberlain's 'Survey,' 1769, II. Is. Several first editions of Scott may be had for a few shillings.

Catalogue 210 is devoted to Theology. We find Aquinas's 'SummaTheologica,' 5 vols., half- vellum, 1887, II. 4*. Ellicott's ' Old Testament Commentary,' 8 vols., full calf extra, 1882, '31. 3s.; "Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology," 88 vols., Oxford, 1841-67, 21 10s. ; * The Old Testament,' illustrated by Tissot, 11. 16s. ; and ' The Life of Our Lord,' illustrated by the same artist, 11. 16s. The last two works published at 61. 6s. each.

From Mr. Ellis we have Catalogue 126, containing rare and interesting books on the topography, history, and antiquities of the British Isles. A copy in contemporary calf of Brayley and Britton, 18 vols. bound in 25, with more than 700 engravings, is 61. 6s. ; a collection of 49 rare chapbooks, 1796- 1822, in 1 vol., 12mo, 11. Is. ; and a copy of the first complete edition of Dray ton's ' Polyolbion,' old panelled calf gilt, 211. There is a copy in perfect condition of Fabyan's 'Chronicle,' 2 vols. in 1, folio, black-letter, 15,33, 281. 10s. Other black-letter "books, including Halle's ' Union of Lancastre and Yorke,' folio, 1550, 101. 10s. ; Harding's ' Chronicle,' first edition, 1543, morocco extra by Riviere, 30/. ; and Lhuyd's ' Historic of Cambria, 4 1584, 101. 10s. This is the first and best edition of Lhuyd's ' His- toric,' which was the first work to attribute the original discovery of America to Madoc ap Owen Gwyneth and his companions in the twelfth century. The' account given in this volumehas been the founda- tion of all subsequent controversies on the question. Among other interesting items relating to Wales is a collection of five extremely rare tracts bound in 2 vols., 1643-60, 161. 16s. These include ' The Welch- men's Lament for the Losse of her great Town and

Ohone, Ohone.' Among miscellaneous books are several fine specimens of binding. There are first editions of Byron. Cowper's own copy of Gray's Poems has his signature on the title-page, notes throughout the volume, and on the fly-leaf " Finished Novr. 20, 1798 aft. supper," 251. Under Milton is the first edition of ' Areopagitica,' 1644, 30/. Under Carpets is Von Scala's ' Ancient Oriental Carpets,' atlas folio, 26 coloured plates, 1908, 201. The first edition of 'Humphry Clinker,' 3 vols., 12mo, is SI. 8s;

Mr. A. D. Woodhouse of Birmingham has issued A Special Catalogue (75) of Theology. We note Alford's 'Greek Testament,' 4 vols, 15s.; Augustin's W T orks, edited by Marcus Dods, 15 vols., I/. 17s. 6d.;

  • Chrysostomi Opera Omnia,' 13 vols., folio, vellum,

Paris, 1718, 31. 17-9. 6d. ; The Homiletic Review, 31 vols., 31. 5s. : and " Library of the Fathers," 50 vols. in 46, 61. 10s. There are lists under Dean Vaughan, Trench, F. D. Maurice, Baring-Gould, and Spurgeon. Under Pusey is the second edition of his ' Advice for those who exercise the Ministry of Reconciliation through Confession and Absolu- tion,' 1878, II. 2*. 6d. There are a few general books. We note "The World's Great Classics," 30 vols., 4. 10s. ; Sir William Hamilton's ' Lectures

on Metaphysics,' 4 vols., 7s. 6d. ; Halliwell's ' Archaic arid Provincial Words,' 2 vols., 7s. 6d. ; Hook's 'Archbishops of Canterbury,' 11 vols., 8vo, cloth, 1882, 11. 15s. ; Landseer's Works, 200 wood- cuts, folio, half-calf, 12s. 6d.; Myer's 'Oldest Books of the World,' 27 plates, 1900, new, 15s.; and Foster's 'Feudal Heraldry,' 1902, royal 4to, new, 12s, 6d. (published at 3Z. 3s. net).

[Reviews of other Catalogues held over.]

PROF. W, R. MORFILL. The death of Prof. Morfill, an old contributor to ' N. & Q.,' creates a blank which can never be filled. The list of his works, including grammars of most of the Slavonic languages, would occupy considerable space. Scarcely a month ago he received the distinction of Phil. Doc. from the Bohemian University of Prague, and for some time he had been a member of the Bohemian Academy. From a fairly wide acquaintance with representatives of the Slav peoples and some knowledge of the countries, I can testify to the regard and esteem in which Prof. Merrill's name was held among them. The sense of personal loss is very keen, and I owe much to his encouragement to persevere in exploring an un- familiar field. Other pens would do ampler justice to Prof. Morfill's unique position and influence at Oxford. FRANCIS P. MARCH ANT.

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of ' Notes and Queries '"Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancerv Lane, E.C.

GREGORY GRUSELIER ("Black Strap": "Heavy Wet"). See Farmer and Henley's 'Dictionary of Slang,' one- volume ed. (Routledge).


supplied, no matter on what subject. Acknowledged the world over as the 'most expert Bookfinders extant. Please state wants. BAKER'S Great Bookshop. 14-16, John Bright Street, Birmingham.




Of 27 and 29, West 23rd Street, New York, and 24, BEDFORD STREET, LONDON, W.C., desire to call the attention of the READING PUBLIC to the excellent facilities presented by their Branch House in London for filling, on the most favourable terms, orders for their own STANDARD PUBLICATIONS, and for all AMERICAN BOOKS. Catalogues pent on application.


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