Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/520

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xn. NOV. 27, im

" WHAT LANCASHIRE THINKS TO-DAY, ENGLAND WILL THINK TO-MORROW." The authorship of this familiar political phrase is attributed in The Pall Mall Gazette of 9 November to the " Rupert " Earl of Derby. What were the date and occasion of its first utterance ? POLITICIAN.

HIGH STEWARDS TEMP. ELIZABETH. What were the duties and privileges of the High Steward of a city in the Elizabethan times ? Did he rank above the Mayor ? and was there any emolument attached to the office ? Does the office still exist ?


WATSON'S ' HISTORY OF PRINTING.' It is asserted that William Blades, the author of several bibliographical works, was the first to point out that the above book is a translation from the French of J. de la Caille. In which of his books does Blades make the statement ? W. J. C.


Louis DEVISME (1720-76). When and by whom was he ordained deacon before he commenced his diplomatic career ? The ' Diet. Nat. Biog.' does not say.

G. F. R. B.

SAMUEL DUNSTER (1675-1754). When and whom did he marry ? The Di~t. Nat. Biog.' does not give any information on this point. G. F. R. B.

JOHN DYER (1700 ?-1758). I should be glad to obtain the exact date of his marriage with Miss Ensor, " said to be a descendant of Shakespeare," and full particulars of his wife's parentage. The ' Diet. Nat. Biog.' is silent on these points. G. F. R. B.

SCHILLER'S ' WALLENSTEINS TOD.' I shall be glad if any reader can refer me to a work in which the following is discussed.

The first scene of ' Wallensteins Tod ' begins :

Lass es jetzt gut sein Seni, komm' herab,

Der Tag bricht an, und Mars regiert die Stunde.

This, according to the system of mediaeval astrology, would make the second day in the chronology of the play fall on a Tuesday (cf. ' Astrolabe,' II. xii., ed. Skeat, p. 197), and consequently the last day on a Thurs- day, though in point of fact with which the foet, of course, is not concerned 25 Feb., 634, the day on which Wallenstein died, was a Saturday.

Apart from Schiller's thorough workman- ship and astrological studies, the fact that this remark of Wallenstein is not a hap-

hazard piece of local colour derives some support from the third scene of the last act, where our attention is clearly directed to- the " Jovial Star."

In this act, after gazing yearningly after Jupiter, his guiding star, which the clouds- of death have taken from his sight for ever, he moodily remarks to the Countess :

Mir deucht, wenn ich ihii sahe, war' mir wohl. Kr ist der Stern, der meineni Lcben strahlte.

Throughout the play Wallenstein' s inter- pretation of the stars has been tragically wrong ; he puts his trust in them when they are false, whilst, with magnificent irony, their last warning remains unheeded by our hero, who gasps out his life on the day, perhaps in the very hour, dedicated to Jove the omnipotent, whose own bright star should have pulsed out with double brilliancy the message of life and of a hope renewed. GEO. FRIEDRICHSEN.


CHARLES I. METAL JEWELLERY. I have some metal jewellery which was given by Charles I. for jewellery lent to him. It was shown at the Stuart Exhibition, and I am anxious to find out something of its- history and value. If any reader of ' N. & Q/ can enlighten me, I shall be greatly obliged.

E. HEYS-JONES. 13, Holies Street, Cavendish Square, W.

ANNIVERSARIES. Can any of your readers kindly tell me whether there exists any book of anniversaries, giving the remarkable events of history, births, and deaths of great men, arranged under days of the month, as they are done in ' Whittaker's Almanack/ but on a larger scale ? Please reply direct. LAWRENCE PHILLIPS.

Sibson Rectory, Atherstone.

HOLLY AS BROWSE FOR CATTLE|: " FRYES." I have lately been engaged in copying out some old manuscript notes, including abstracts of a lawsuit of 1632, in which the copyholders on an estate in Derby- shire are charged with combination and confederation to defeat the rights of free warren and other manorial privileges held by the lord of the manor. In their answer the copyholders accuse the lord of ignoring, setting aside, and interfering with certain customs, which they allege were their immemorial privilege on the manor ; among others, the following :

"That every coppieholder may fall in the same

Elace hollies and tryes in the winter season for rowse for their cattle levant and couchant upon their said coppiehold tenements."