Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/580

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xn. DEC. n,

Sturge Moore, which occupies a ' Literary Supplement.' In this little play of three acts we have verse of real distinction from a write who ought to secure a place on the modern stagi for his recreations of classic themes.


MR. WILLIAM GLAISHER'S Catalogue 368 is a "Supplementary Catalogue of Remainders. There rare some of Black's fine colour books : Wales Norway, St. Leger's ' War Sketches,' Menpes'

  • Paris,' and ' World's Children,' and Landor's

1 Tibet.' These are offered at prices from 5s to 7s. Qd. ; while the Edition de Luxe of th< ' War Sketches ' is to be had for 10s. Qd. (pub lished at 21. 2s.). The illustrations show the mounted infantry at Kimberley, and in the Fre State and the Transvaal. Under Dickens we find ' David Copperfield,' ' Barnaby Budge,' and ' Old Curiosity Shop,' with the original illustra- tions, 3s. Qd. each (published at 10s. Qd.). ' Oliver Twist ' is 7s. Qd. (published at a guinea). 'Annals of Tyburn,' by Alfred Marks, published at 15s., can be had for 3s. Qd. ; and ' The Letters of Dean Hole ' (of which The Athenceum said, " we see the Tose-growing Dean of Rochester in this volume more clearly than in the books of his reminis- cences ") for 3s. (published at 15s.).

Mr. E. Joseph's Catalogue 7 contains Gautier's Works, the Jenson Society Edition, 24 vols., SI. 15s. ; a set of The Naval Chronicle, 1799 to 1818, half-morocco, 40 vols., IQL 10s. ; Nash's ' Mansions of England,' 4 vols., imp. 4to, 4Z. 4s. ; Roberts's ' Holy Land,' 6 vols. in 5, imp. folio, 1846, U. 8s. Qd. ; Walpole's ' Anecdotes of Painting,' 5 vols., half-russia, 1828, 4Z. 15s. ; and the first edition of Jesse's ' George Selwyn,' 4 vols., half-levant, 51. 12s. Qd. There is a fine

set of the ' Wellington Dispatches,' 13 vols.

handsomely bound in full morocco by Hayday, 1837-9, 31. 3s. Under London is Wilkinson's ' Londina Illustrata,' the original issue, 2 vols., royal 4to, 1819-25, 51. 5s. Dictionaries include the ' Century,' 4Z. 12s. Qd. ; and the ' Dialect,' 8Z. 12s. Qd. Mr. Joseph has also some purchases from the Beaufoy Library.

Mr. Charles King's Torquay Catalogue ' The Book-Case ' contains Nos. 2 to 35 of The Anti- Jacobin, the original weekly numbers (lacking but Nos. 1 and 36 to complete the issue), 1797-8, 2Z. 2s. ; Coleridge's ' Sibylline Leaves,' 1817, 2Z. 5s. ; the first collected edition of Addison, 4 vols., 4to, Tonson, 1721, 5Z. (George IV.'s copy, with his book-plate) ; Once a Week, Vols. I.- XIII., 1Z. 10s. ; and the Rheims New Testament, with Fulke's ' Refutation,' third and best edition, folio, 1617, 1Z. 5s. There is a copy of Miss Strick- land's ' Queens of England,' 8 vols. in full fawn morocco, with Prince of Wales's plumes and motto, 1885, 5Z. 5s. Mr. King states that it was awarded to the previous owner by King Edward when Prince of Wales. There are a number of pamphlets on various subjects, and tracts on the Oxford Movement. Among remainders we find Mortimer's ' Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds,' over 1,000 illustra- tions, 2Z. 10s.

Mr. S. M. Mason's Carlisle Catalogue 10 con- tains under Angling Marston's beautiful edition of The Compleat Angler,' 2 vols., uncut, 1Z. 10s. <only 500 copies printed, this being No. 4S3).

Under'Dickens is a copy of the earliest issue of the first edition of ' The Christmas Carol,' with the misprint in the date (1844 for 1843), original cloth, 5Z. 10s. A handsome copy of Gosse's edition of Fielding, 12 vols., 8vo, tree calf by Riviere, 1898-9, is 7Z. 10s. Under Froude are the first editions of ' Caesar,' 1Z., and of ' The English in Ireland,' 2Z. 7s. Qd. Under Lever is an un- opened set of the first complete uniform edition, edited by his daughter, 37 vols., original buckram, Downey, 1897-9, 12Z. Napoleon items include Bourrienne, 4 vols. in 2, calf gilt, Bentley, 1836, 3Z. 7s. Qd. Under Shelley are Hogg's ' Life,' 2 'vols., Moxon, 1858, 1Z. 15s., and ' Queen Mab,' Brooks, 1829, with the leaf "To Harriet ***," 2Z. 10s. Under Lecky is the ' History of Rational- ism,' 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth, uncut, 1866, 2Z. 5s. ; and under Edmund Burke a large-paper copy of the best edition, 16 vols., Rivington, 1826-7, 4Z. There are lists under Charles T., Civil War, Excise, French Revolution, India, and Jacobite.

[Reviews of other Catalogues held over.]

W. E. HARLAND-OXLEY. We hear with regret of the death on Thursday, the 2nd inst., of one of our keenest and most constant correspondents, Mr. W. E. Harland-Oxley. On 3 April last he completed an article headed ' Westminster Changes in 1908 : Thirteenth Year,' with a note that the present year would see more changes. We shall not, alas ! have his diligent pen to record them. He represented the type of scholar which it is the privilege of ' N. & Q.' to preserve in this hurrying and somewhat selfish age, being ever ready to make others master of his store of know- ledge and of his collections on his favourite subject.

MUNICH now rivals Leipsic in its attractions for the book-hunter. The father of this trade in MSS. and early printed books is Herr Ludwig Rosenthal of the Hildegardstrasse, whom we congratulate on reaching this week his fiftieth anniversary in business. Herr Rosenthal is able to claim that the host of second-hand booksellers in the city have all passed through his offices and profited by his expert knowledge of books. We have from time to time commended his cata- logues to the notice of our readers.

We must call special attention to the following notices :

ON all communications must be written the name tnd address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- ication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed o "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries'" Adver- isements and Business Letters to "The Pub- ishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

W. H. PEET. Forwarded.

O. ("Triforium). Skeat, 'Etym. Dipt.,' 1901, ays : "From L. tri-, for tres, three ; fori-s, a door, opening. Now usually with but two arches (within i third) ; some early examples had three such."

C. H. (Putney). Not a suitable inquiry for us.