Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/592

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xii. DEC. is, 1909.

George IV., and Louis XVIII. In 1848 it was leased by the Dowager Queen Adelaide (widow of William IV.), who died there a few months after- wards. For three years after her death the Priory remained untenanted. Subsequently it was utilized as a residential hotel, and afterwards passed again into private occupation.

" The gardens attached to the Priory were at one time among the finest in the neighbourhood of London. A summer-house on the margin of a beautiful lake is said to have been the spot where Sir Walter Scott revised the proofs of ' Marmion.' "

It will be observed that the writer of the above refers to the Priory as having passed into " private occupation. "- Perhaps it will be as well forme to mention that in 1908 the mansion was used as a private seminary for girls, the head mistress being Miss Frances de Tenac. JOHN BASIL BIRCH.

51, Tynemouth Road, Tottenham.

WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

SAMUEL HEARNE : WILLIAM WALES. 1. In the history of the Great Company it is stated that Samuel Hearne, the discoverer of the Coppermine River, published two pamphlets, one in 1773 and the other in 1778-80, giving accounts of his journeys through North-Western America previous to the publication of his large volume in 1795. If such pamphlets were published, can you tell me their titles, the name or names of the publishers, and where copies of them can be seen or obtained ?

2. Did William Wales, F.R.S., the astro- nomer, who lived at Fort Churchill on Hudson's Bay during the winter of 1768-9, and who there observed the transit of Venus in June of the latter year, ever write or publish ^any account of his residence on Hudson's Bay ? If so, where can a copy of his account be seen or obtained ?

J. B. TYRRELL. 534, Confederation Life Chambers, Toronto.

CHEVRON BETWEEN THREE ROSES, 1630. According to Nash in his ' Collections for the History of Worcestershire,' there was a railed monument in the Redmarley D'Abitot churchyard bearing these arms : " A chevron between three lions rampant, with a crescent for difference, impaling a chevron between three roses." I have traced the first- named arms, but have been unsuccessful

with the latter, and should feel obliged to readers of ' N. & Q.' for any suggestions as to the family indicated. The date is 1630.


CROWGAY OR CROWGIE FAMILY. Fair- bairn records two crests of Crowgay, Crowgie, or Crowgey. I shall be grateful if any of your readers can tell me the arms and county of this family, or give me any particu- lars concerning its members.


Adelaide, South Australia.

" HUEL." The Archbishop of York, in his speech in the House of Lords on the Finance Bill, referring to the oratory of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, mentions "that mysterious possession affecting the Celtic temperament which is called the huel, which makes the speaker say he knows not what, and excites the audience they know not why." See Times Report^ 1 December.

I should be much obliged if one or two of your Welsh correspondents could give me some more information about the mysterious word huel. A. L. MAYHEW.

21, Norham Road, Oxford.

AUTHORS OF QUOTATIONS WANTED. Can any one kindly tell me where the following quotation comes from ? I fancy it is by Lord Lytton :

"In order to love human nature, expect little from them ; in order to view their thoughts without bitterness, learn to forgive them ; and perceive that indulgence is justice, which frail humanity has a right to expect from the hand of wisdom, for the wisest man is always the most forgiving."

H. A. P.

That kingly attribute, the will That sits upon the judgment seat of Being.



How beautiful they seem, the Severn and Wye ! And Rheidiol is held in honour, they say.

The Severn, the Wye, and the Rheidiol rise on Plinlimmon Mountain. Legend says that these three rivers are three sisters who agreed to make a visit to the sea in the morning. Severn rose up very early, and took compass through Shropshire, Worcester- shire, and Gloucestershire. Wye rose later, and took her journey through Radnorshire and Herefordshire, falling in with her sister near Chepstow, and went hand in hand to the ocean. Rheidiol indulged in her dreams, and lay so late that she was forced to take the nearest road to Aberystwyth.