Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/598

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NOTES AND QUERIES, cio s. xii. DEC. is, igoo.

St. Mary there exist Paternoster Row, Amen Court, Jesu Street, and St. Saviour's Bridge- perhaps scarcely to be included in place- names. W. G. WILLIS WATSON. Polsloe Park, Exeter.

There is a small tree-clad spot over- looking the Golf-links at Eastbourne called Paradise. CECIL CLARKE.

[We cannot insert more on this subject]


xii. 448). I find the quotation in fuller form in a Cheshire MS. written in or about 1576, as follows :

Mors dominos servis et sceptra ligonibus sequat,

Dissimiles simili condicione trahens, which I think may be rendered thus :

Death comes alike to monarch, lord, and slave,

And levels all distinctions in the grave.

Like DR. WEBER, I am anxious to know the source of the Latin couplet and the author's name. JAMES HALL.


" Mors sceptra ligonibus sequat " is not from Lucan. Wilhelm Binder in his ' Novus Thesaurus Adagiorum Latinor urn l (1861, No. 1893) quotes it from Johann Weber's ' Dicta Sapientum selectiora et insigniora Graeco-Latina ' 1, 23 (Frankfurt, 1705). I have no copy of Weber's book, so cannot say whether he affords any further help in tracing the quotation. Claudian, ' Rapt. Proserp.,' ii. 302, has "Omnia mors sequat." Was not James Shirley showing his recollection of the Latin words when he wrote the song in his masque ' The Con- tention of Ajax and Ulysses * ? The glories of our blood and state

Are shadows, not substantial things ; There is no armour against fate ; Death lays his icy hand on kings ; Sceptre and crown Must tumble down, And in the dust be equal made With the poor crooked scythe and spade.


[MR. V. CHATTOPADHYAYA and C. S. J. also refer to bhirley s poem.]

HOLLY AS BROWSE FOR CATTLE AND SHEEP: " FRYES " (10 S. xii. 428). Some years ago I was told about cattle being fed on gorse in winter, and wrote about it some- where, on the authority of two well-known Ulverstonians since dead. My instances were, of course, purely local.

In Britten and Holland's ' Diet. English Plant-Names,* 1886, p. 194, will be found

Frez, Ulex europceus, L. Northampton," with the name of the authority.

The following quotation from Pennant, 'Tour in Scotland, 1772,* 1774, p. 32, is pertinent. He is going from Hawkshead, N. Lanes, to Graythwaite :

' The roads are excellent amidst fine woods, with grey rocks patched with moss rising above. In one place observed a Holly park, a tract preserved entirely for sheep, who are fed in winter with the croppings."



CLIM OF THE CLOUGH (10 S. xii. 386). The ancient metrical history of Adam Bell, Clym of the Clough, and William of Cloudes- ley is accessible in the well-known collections of Percy, Ritson, and Gutch. The name is mentioned in the following extracts :

" blind harpers, or such like taverrie-ministrels,

that give a fit of mirth for a groat ; and their matters being, for the most part, stories of old time ; as the Tale of Sir Topas, the Reportes of Bevis of South- ampton, Guy of Warwicke, Adam Bell, and Clymme of the Clough." Puttenham's 'Arte of English Poesie,' 1589. Again :

"My merry muse begets no tales of those

bold yeomen of the North, Adam Bell, Clem of the Clough, nor William of Cloudesly, those ancient archers of all England."' The History of Tom Thumbe the Little,' 1621.

Also in reference to the Finsbury archers : All day most fiercely there they stand, Like ghosts of Adam Bell, and Clymme ; Sol sets for fear they '11 shoot at him.

Davenant's Works, p. 291. And again :

Like honest grave children of Adam Bell, And Climme oth' Clough ; now each of you will be More than a furious William Cloudeslie.

' Rump Songs,' p. 117.

Brewer's ' Diet, of Phrase and Fable l says, s.v. ' Clym l :

Clym of the Clough, with Adam Bell and Wil- liam or Cloudesly, were noted outlaws, whose skill in archery rendered them as famous in the north of England as Robin Hood and Little John in the midland counties. Their place of resort was in Englewpod Forest, near Carlisle. N.B., Englewood means firewood, Clym of the Clough means Clement of the Cliff."


BTJRNEY'S 'HISTORY OF Music J (10 S. x. 9, 57). With regard to the plates in the first volume (1st ed., 1776 ; 2nd ed., 1789), it is of interest to note that the first three plates have a note concerning them which appears in the 1776 edition only :

" These exquisite engravings by Mr. Bartolozzi, from the elegant designs of Mr. Cipriani, though they may have been seen by a few of my sub- scribers, while they were the property of Mr. Giardini, yet, as far as I have been able to learn, that transient view of them produced no other