Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/604

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xn. DEC. is, 1900.


MR. BERTRAM DOBELL'S Catalogue 177 contains Alken's ' A Touch at the Fine Arts,' original edition, half-bound, uncut, as issued, McLean, 1824, 31. 15s. Among art works is Smith's ' Catalogue Raisonne,' 9 vols., 1829-42, 21. 10s. Under Autograph Letters and Portraits are two large folio volumes bound in full crimson morocco, containing portraits and autograph letters care- fully arranged and inlaid, including those of George II., Frederick, Prince of Wales, George III., Queen Charlotte, Peel, Canning, and Castlereagh, 12Z. The first edition of ' Lavengro,' 3 vols., 1851, is II. 6s. ; and a very fine copy, in the original cloth, of ' Bells and Pomegranates,' Moxon, 1841-6, 12Z. The first edition of ' Blank Verse,' by Charles Lamb and Charles Lloyd, 12mo, blue morocco by Riviere, 1798, is 11. Is. ; and the first edition of ' The Egoist,' 3 vols., 1879, 21. 15s. The list under Walter Pater includes some first editions. There are also first editions of Swinburne, and a large-paper copy of the Tragedies, 5 vols., 1905-6, 4Z. 4s. There are a number of foreign books, chiefly French and Latin.

Mr. Dobell has also a short list of 90 items, No. 178, devoted to Early English Literature. It contains a remarkable volume of plays, includ- ing three early quartos of Shakespeare ; the first edition of Carew's ' Coelum Britanicum,' Shirley's ' Triumph of Peace,' Ben Jonson's ' Catiline,' and others. They are in beautiful condition, and Mr. Dobell states : "In the course of my experience I have seen only one other volume of plays of this period which can be compared with the one now offered," the price being 425Z. Other items include Barnes's ' Divine Century of Spiritual Sonnets,' 1595, 45Z. (only one other copy known) ; the first collected edition of Beaumont and Fletcher, folio, 1647, 28Z. ; Martyr's * The Decades of the New World or West India,' first edition, extremely rare, small 4to, crimson morocco extra by Bedford, 1555, 68Z. ; and the first collected edition of Ben Jonson, 1616, 21 1. There are rarities under Bacon, Chaucer (third edition), Dr. Donne, Drayton, and others.

Messrs. Myers & Co. send two Catalogues, Nos. 151 and 152. The first contains many presentation copies of books, including one from Lady Burton, ' The Inner Life of Syria,' 2 vols., cloth, 1875, 4Z. 10s. ; the Hon. Mrs. Norton's ' The Child of the Islands,' 1845, beautifully bound in morocco, 5Z. 5s. ; and Lady Lytton's ' Shells from the Sands of Time,' 3Z. 3s. There is a set of Dodsley's ' Old English Plays,' with Notes by Hazlitt, 15 vols., original cloth, 1874-6, 11. 10s. Among items relating to Ireland are the ' Surveys of the Estates of the Earl of Mornington,' taken in 1781 by Richard Kendrick, a remarkably fine specimen of penmanship combined with draughts- manship, 41 coloured plans with descriptive matter, red morocco, 1781, 11. Is. Works on London include Howitt's ' Northern Heights,' 1Z. Is. Qd. Under Rosicrucians is Hartmann's ' Cosmology,' containing a ' Dictionary of Occult Terms,' folio, cloth, Boston, U.S.A., 1888, 2Z. 10s. Under Shelley is the first issue of Buxton Forman's edition, 4 vols. 8vo, 1876, 5Z.

Messrs. Myers's List 152 contains a choice selection of engravings. A complete set of original drawings to illustrate Hare's ' Walks in London ' is priced 35Z. Under America is a view of

Charleston, 1838, 3Z. 3s. ; and under Ballooning, ' The Descent of Mr. Livingstone on the Coast of Baldoyle on the 27th of June, 1822,' 21. 12s. Qd. under Docks is a series of views by W. Daniell : ' The Brunswick Dock,' 25Z. ; ' The London Docks,' two views, 30 guineas the pair ; and ' The Docks on the Isle of Dogs,' 8Z. 8s. Lawrence's portrait of George IV. engraved by Finden, is 5Z. 5s. ; and a collection of Pitt and Fox caricatures, 68 plates by Gillray and Rowlandson, 13Z. 13s. There are works under Rembrandt, Teniers, Turner, Van Dyck, and many others.

Mr. C. J. Sawyer's Catalogue 17 contains Higmore's illustrations to ' Pamela,' circa 1780, 5Z. 12s. 6cZ. ; Nichols's ' Literary Anecdotes,' 17 vols., full tree calf extra by Riviere, 12Z. 12s. ; a choice set of Byron, including Moore's ' Life,' 17 vols., full calf, 1833, 5Z. 17s. Qd ; the rare first edition of ' Eikon Basilike,' 1649, tall copy, original black calf, 1649, 6Z. 6s. ; Knight's ' Shake- speare,' extra-illustrated, 6 vols., full crimson morocco, 4Z. 17s. Qd. ; Henley's edition of Fielding, 16 vols., 1903, 4Z. 17s. Qd (only 375 copies printed of this edition, the illustrations on Japanese vellum); Forlong's 'Faiths of Men,' 3 vols., cloth as new, 1906, 3Z. 10s. ; and ' Historians' History of the World,' 25 vols., half -morocco, in oak bookstand, 1907, 12Z. 12s. George II.'s collection of English Diaries,' 1740, bound in one handsome volume, blue morocco, with crown and G. R., is 7Z. 7s. Under Coloured Costume Plates is the collection of the famous costumiere Madame Devy, 13 folio vols., 30Z. The Catalogue also contains a collection of books with coloured plates by Rowlandson and the brothers Cruik- shank ; and there is a set of John Bull from the second number, December, 1820, to No. 2084, November, 1860, bound in 40 folio volumes, 61. 17s. Qd.

Mr. Sawyer has also a Second Winter List of new books at less than half prices.

[Reviews of other Catalogues held over.]

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries "'Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- ishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication " Duplicate."

LEZZE and C. S. ("I expect to pass through this world but once"). See the long note on this at p. 448 of * Cassell's Book of Quotations.'