Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/635

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 29, 1910.



Books recently published :

Francis's (J. C.) Notes by the Way, 18 Fraser's (G. M.) The Lone Shieling, with

other studies, 478

Friedlander's Roman Life and Manners under the Early Empire, trans. Freese and Magnus, 39

Goldsmith's Plays, ed. C. E. Doble, 459 Greenwood's (A. D.) Lives of the Hanoverian

Queens, 278

Harris's (W. J.) First Printed Translation into English of the Great Foreign Classics, 79

Button's (E.) Giovanni Boccaccio : a Bio- graphical Study, 458 Inns of Court, painted by G. Home, 100 Jones's (D.) Pronunciation of English, 159 Jusserand's (J. J.) Literary History of the

English People, Vol. IV., 499 Lupton's (J. H.) Life of John Colet, D.D., 59 Magnus's (L.) English Literature in 19th

Century, 338

Masters of Literature : Fielding, ed. Saints- bury Scott, ed. Grant, 419 Memorials of Old Lincolnshire, ed. Fishwick

and Ditchfield, 319 Memorials of Old Middlesex, ed. Tavenor-

Perry, 360 New English Dictionary, ed. Craigie, 179 ;

ed. Bradley, 359 Reade's (A. L.) Johnsonian Gleanings, Part

I., 259 Bice's (B. L.) Mysore and Coorg from the

Inscriptions, 259

Robinson's (J. A.) and James's (M. R.)

Manuscripts of Westminster Abbey, 119

Scott's (Sir W.) Tales of a Grandfather, ed.

Giles, 79 Shakespeare Classics : Chronicle of King

Leir, ed. Lee, 239 Shore's (W. T.) Charles Dickens and his

Friends, 419

Spenser's (E.) Faerie Queen, 100 Strachan's (J.) Introduction to Early Welsh,


Tacitus, Annals, trans, by G. C. Ramsay, 79 Taylor's (I.) Words and Places, ed. Smythe

Palmer, 399 Trevelyan's (M.) Folk-lore and Folk -stories

of Wales, 159 Vernon's (H. M. and K. D.) A History of the

Oxford Museum, 519

Waddington's (S.) Chapters of my Life, 259 Wade's (G. W. and J.H.) Monmouthshire, 139 Wakeman's (H. O.) Charles James Fox, 399 Walpole's Last Journals, 519 Wilson's Art of Rhetorique, 1560, ed. G. H.

Mair, 19

Booksellers' Catalogues, 20, 60, 80, 119, 160, 199, 240, 260, 280, 320, 340, 379, 420, 439, 459, 480, 500

Booksellers of St. Neots, Huntingdonshire, 164 Booth (H. C.) his vacuum-cleaning method, 308 Boothroyd (N.) on Matthew Arnold and the yew,


God of architecture, 29 Bosh, origin of the word, 325 Bossom (John), Cook of University College,

Oxford, 150, 196, 275

Bosting in dressing stone, 75, 113, 193, 298 Boughton (Gabriel), East India Company surgeon, 381

Bourdon House, Mayfair, its history, 183

Bourn (John) and Holt Castle, 227, 291

Bourne in place-names, 130, 191, 272 372, 434

Boyne, Army List of Battle of, 308

Boyne Society, its history, 188

Boys (E. R. S.) on authors of quotations wanted.


Boys (Thos.), Captain of Deal Castle, 38 Brabrook (Sir E.) on Marchetti collection of

drawings, 47 Raper (Matthew), 367

Brackenbury (T.) on " fas^ole," a bean, 274 Braddon (Paul), artist, his pictures, 91, 139, 177 Bradford-on-Avon, curious epitaph, 507 Bradley (H.) on scarpine, instrument of torture,

Bradley (James), Astronomer Royal, his family,

489 Braham (Augustus) and " Though lost to sight,"


Braile, Belgian engineer, proposed big well, 367 Branne and water diet, 9, 78 Bread and Water diet, 9, 78 Brentford, two Kings of, 20 Breslar (M. L. R.) on coffee, its etymology, 112

Godfrey of Bouillon and Rashi, 149

Jews and Jewesses in fiction, 118

" Old Sir Simon," 490

Brew (T.S.)on authors of quotations wanted, 469 Bridgewater Borough, foundation charter, 88,

132 Brierley (H.), on crest and motto, 289

Barton Grammar School, 110 Brighton, flint pebbles at, 50, 118, 178 Bring, its archaic use, 7, 75

Bristol (Earl of), his house in the City, 1628, 50 Britain, Greater, Flags of, 226 ' British Controversialist,' articles in, 109, 173 Broadley (A. M.), on Cawdor dispatch, 53 Brocky, picture ' Granting a Charter to Hungary,'


Brokenselde, tavern name, its etymology, 54 Bronte family and Rev. Dr. Pronty, 210 Brooke (N.), his ' Observations on Italy,' 289 Brotherton (Sir T. W.), his biography, 490 Brown (J.) on " Dish of tea," 377

Epitaphs, 507

Flint pebbles at Brighton, 50, 178

Gloucestershire epitaphs, 507

Pins substituted for thorns, 158

Sacred place-names in foreign lands, 493

Words and phrases in American newspapers,


Brown (T. E.), Manx poet, memorial to, 146 Browne (Sir Thomas) and Anne Townshend, 36 Browning (B.) on "Bec-en-Hent," house-name,


Browning (E. B.) and Sappho, 490 Browning (Robert) as a preacher, 187, 258 Bruges, its pronunciation, 214 Brunswick Society, its history, 188 Bryan on Barry O'Meara, 366 Bryant (F. E.) on Clim of the Clough, 386 Buckle (H. T.), ' History of Civilization,' 328, 414 Buckley (Capt.) and Mrs. Errington, 368, 435 Bullen (R. F.), on Diss, 170 Bullingdon Club, its history, 108 Bulloch (J. M.) on Beeswing Club, 449

Dublin Club in 1703 : Lewis Gordon, 306

Glencairn, Lord, 248

Gordon, (George), friend of Person, 329 Bullock (Hugh), 1634, 16