Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/639

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 29, 1910.



Domr&ny, freed from taxation " for ever,"

368, 456

Dorchester, Birrell's engraving, 89, 136 D'Orsay (Count), his death, 486 Dorset Gardens estate, 146 Doudney (Dr. D. A.), his death, 146 Douglas (W.) on Bagnigge House, 278

Burial-places of notable Englishwomen, 253 London taverns, 254 Douglas Cause, new light on, 518 Dow (J. M.) on Paine's remains, 44 Dowbiggin in Lytton's ' Night and Morning,' 228 Dowling, pronunciation of the name, 335, 372 Dowling (J. N.) on Cowper : Dowling, 335 Downie (J.) on ' British Controversialist,' 109 Dozmare Pool and Tregeagle, legend, 246 Dragon in heraldry, 14

Drake (Sir Francis), Owen's epigram on, 207 Drake (Joseph Rodman), American poet, 448, 496 Draper (John), last Prior of Twynham, 221, 315,


Draper (Squire) and his daughter, 29 Drawbridges still in use, 148 Dryden (J.), Lord Macaulay on, 329, 375 Dublin Club in 1703 and Lewis Gordon, 306 Duel, last, with swords in England, 227, 290,

378, 433, 478

Duelling, its suppression in England, 40 Duels between women, 8, 77 Dunster (Samuel), 1675-1754, his marriage, 428 Dun Y, Scotch place-name, its pronunciation, 510 Durham (J. H.) on flying machine in 1751, 170 Dutch boy and the dyke, 50

Dyer (John), 1700 P-1758, his marriage, 428, 498 Dynamometer, use of the word, 87

E. on authors of quotations wanted, 469

E. (J. C.) on Stiverton arms and family, 369

E. (K. P. D.)on Dozmare Pool and Tregeagle, 246

Scott : epitaph in ' Antiquary,' 69 Eagle and hawk, story of, 249 East India Company in Bengal, 381 Eastbury mansion, its history, 462 Eastwood (J. W.) on " 'Twas Bonaparte the

Corsican," 210 Ebsworth (Rev. Joseph), his grave in Ashford

Cemetery, 145 Eden (F. S.) on first elephant exhibited, 257

Essex fatal to women, 136

" Te Igitur," 115

Windows from church at Trier, 109 Edgcumbe (R.) on Benvenuto Cellini's ' Jupiter,' 367

David's sketch of Marie Antoinette, 409

' Livre (Le) ' and Casanova, 389 Edgeworth (R. L.)= Honora Sneyd, 1773, 132 Edinburgh, place-name, its derivation, 17, 135 Editor ' Irish Book Lover ' on authors wanted, 495

Swinburne on Irish Nationalists, 412 Edleston (R. H.) on Newton and King's College,

Cambridge, 294

Edward, Duke of York and Miss Flood, 8 Edward IV., his standard-bearer at Barnet, 147 Edward the Black Prince, portrait of, 308 Edwards (F. A.)pn dew-ponds, 17

Gordon (Capt. R. J.) and African Associa- tion, 29

Holt Castle and Beauchamp family, 92

Plowden, (W. C.) in Abyssinia, 69

' Sketches of the Caff re Tribes,' 469

Edwards (F. A.) on Spanish Priests in Abyssinia,


W. H. Coffin in Abyssinia, 108 Eel-pie shops, their disappearance, 26, 93, 15 3

198, 232, 317 Electrophone report of Lord Rosebery'a speech,


Elephant, first exhibited, 197, 257, 317, 418 Elizabeth (Queen), supposed letter to the Bishop

of Ely, 249, 295 ; observance of her accession

day, 404 Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, her history, 189

292, 395, 512 Ellacombe (Canon H. N.) on fig trees in London,


' Notes and Queries ' commemoration, 433 Ellis (Havelock) on Richard Graves the Younger,


Elssler (Fanny), Carlyle on, 349 Ely (Bishop of), Queen Elizabeth's letter to,

249, 295 Emblin or Emlyn and St. George's Chapel,

Windsor, 37

Embroiderer, John Parr, temp. 1600, 109 Emery de Rechethiward, his correct name, 227 England, Jews in, 185

England in London, popular error in Spain, 65 ' English Historical Review,' October, 1888, 228,


Englishman's needs supplied from abroad, 329 Englishwomen, notable, burial-places of, 207,

253, 298

Ennui, use of the word, 1732, 226 Ensor family and Shakespeare, 253 Entente cordiale, use of the phrase, 216 Epicurus in art, 347, 433

Epigrams :

Cain, in disgrace with Heav'n, retir'd to

Nod, 135

Oh ! Petrus, Pedro, Peter, which you will, 411 Perspicuus vitro pulvis qui dividit horas, 471 Petre, 349, 410

Players, I love ye and your quality, d89 Sir Drake, whom well the world's end knew,


Thou hast said that they say that I said, 405 To make the boy a scholar, 291 Episcopal scarf or tippet, 135


Behold a rare monument of Friendship, 506

Death, why doest tho[u] grin so, 69

D.O.M. post vitam brevem, 507

Everywhere heard will be the Judgment call, 110, 177

Here lies the Earl of Suffolk's fool, 507

Here lyeth John o' ye Girnell, 69

His sledge and hammer lie reclined, 507

Imaginary, 409

Nee Metuas Dies, nee Times, 507

Rees (Daniel Philip), 507

Through poison strong, he was cut off, 35 Epworth Parsonage, ghost at, 129, 197, 338, 433 Errington (Mrs.) and Capt. Buckley, 368, 435 Esare, derivation of the word, 264 Essex fatal to women, 90, 136 " Essex Serpent " and other Westminster taverns,


Eton, E. Barnard, head master, 1754-65, 26 Etough (Henry), Rector of Therfield, Herts, 430 Evesham, Abbots of, list of, 28, 78, 154, 278