Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/645

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 29, 1910.



K. (C. W.) on steamers in 1801 and 1818, 429 K. (JJ on Abbots of Evesham, 154, 278

" Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John," 218 K. (L. L.) on the word " Aviation," 86, 178

Bosting, its meaning, 113

Braddon (Paul), 177 ,

Brocky, picture by, 329

Cire-perdue process and Sir J. S. Lumley, 452

Coherer, first use of term, 137

Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, 395

Flying across the Lake of Perugia, 288

Plying machine in 1751, 272

Flying Turk, 127

Jeffreys (Judge) in Westminster, 385

" King of Hungary's peace," 170

London Bridge, Old : its foundations, 364

Munro of Novar, 8

Penny-in-the-slot machines in 1829, 286

Bagozine, a pirate, 169

Sarcey (Francisque) on spelling, 28

Slovaks, 298

Storm ship, 32

Verantius (Faustus), * Novae Machinae,' 243 Karlsbad and Count Findlater, c. 1810, 269 Keats, Shelley, and the yew, 287, 336, 414 Keble (John) on stars reflected in ice, 289 Keith (Parson) and Mayfair marriages, 127 Kelsall (John), Mayor of Chester, 157, 297 Kendal House, Isle worth, pleasure gardens, 88 Kendall (Henry Edward) = Anna Maria Lyon, 127 Kendall (W. Clement) on Kendall = Lyon, 127 Kennedy (M.) on authors of quotations wanted,


Kennedy (Polly), portrait of, 117, 373 Kerr (A. D.) on Beaconsfield on Radicals and

Conservatives, 490 Kevel, stonemason's tool, 75

Kidson (F. ) on Thackeray's Roundabout Papers,78 Kidson (J. H.) on " If two and two make four," 109 Kindlemarsh (Francis), in parish register, 1538,


King (Edward), Bishop of Elphin, 169 King (J. Stuart) on coffee, 377 King (W. F. H.), his ' Classical and Foreign

Quotations,' 127 Kingdom (Lemuel), M.P. for Hull, his biography,

408 King's College, Cambridge, and Sir Isaac Newton,


King's Lynn, curious epitaph, 506 Kingsford (W. B.) on " At the back of beyond,"

Kipling (R.) parodies of, 128, 177, 238, 297, 472 ; character in ' Actions and Reactions,' 329 ; Spanish translation of his works, 448 Knight (Joseph) and the Rabelais Club, 165 Knox (Ann) = Dr. John Lamy, temp. George II.,

210 Kom Ombo on Capt. Mahan on Ireland, 187

Swinburne on Irish Nationalists, 350 Krebs (H.) on HUB before the Council of Con- stance, 94, 158 One : its pronunciation, 288 " Volksbiicher," 58

Krueger (G.) on " All the world and his wife," 177 Davies's epigram on actors, 389 Epicurus in art, 347 Vegetarian : Fruitarian, 427 " Volksbiicher," J33

L. (A. C.) on authors of quotations wanted, 509 L. (F. de H.) on John Bossom, 150

St. Barbara's emblems, 216

Vanneck (Mrs. and Miss), 377 L. (H. P.) on " A nafedave," 296

" Catalogue raisonn^e," 418

" Chops of the Channel," 117

Disgate : dischauce, 26

" Dog and Pot," 474

Fas6ole, its etymology, 233

Gomara's ' Conquest of the Weast India,' 270

Gray's ' Elegy ' and ploughing customs, 389

H aspirate in English writers, 492

Maltese beefeaters, 198

' Notes and Queries ' Commemoration, 376

Oregon, 258

Plains= timber-denuded lands, 194

Scott's ' Lochinvar,' 378

Seynt-pro-seynt, a wine, 76

Topsy-turvy, 167

Whip in, the phrase, 167

Words and phrases in American newspapers, 11,271, 371

Yamuyle, a victual, 6 L. (I. M.) on Arnold, Shelley, and the yew, 287

Herrick on the yew, 7

Milton on the palm, 67

Taglioni= greatcoat, 458

Yew in poetry, 388, 477 L. (M. C.) on Arnold, Shelley, and the yew, 414

Dickens: Shakespeare: woodbine, 411

' Passionate Pilgrim ' : " lapp'd in lead," 437

Whitman (Walt) on Alamo, 90

Words and phrases in American newspapers,

371 L. (R.) on deputation defined, 268

Generals and the enemy, 268 L. (R. A.) on Pelle's bust of Charles II., 287 L. (T. H.) on ' The Yahoo,' 130 L. (T. M.) on authors of quotations wanted, 109 L. (W.) on " See how these Christians," 48 L.-W. (E.) on Bruges, 214 La N6tre on Schopenhauer in English, 67 Lacy family, c. 1570, 489

Ladies, earliest use of side-saddles, 247, 295 La Fontaine (Auguste), his ' Nouveaux Tableaux

de Famille,' 78 ^

Lamb (Charles) and his " Pepe, 168, 250 Lambeth Register and the Parker consecration,

62, 112, 172

Lambpark, field-name, its etymology, 388, 473 Lampte, in report of 1564-5, its meaning, 388, 473 Lamy (Dr. John) = Ann Knox, temp. George II.,


Land offices in North America, 1774, 150, 415 Land of Green Ginger, name explained, 240 Lane (J.) on Parliamentary anecdotes, 227 Lane (Sir Richard), 1584-1650, Lord Keeper, 449 Language and physiognomy, their association,

365, 416

Lansdowne MS. 720, its writer, 188 Lares & Penates, business firm, 384 La Roche (Emily), Lady Echlin. her biography,

38, 70, 113

Lathomus on Freemasonry : W. Gordon, 49 Launde Priory and arms of Saffron Walden

Abbey, 249

Laurence (Dr. French), epigrammatist men- tioned by Macaulay, 290