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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. n. JULY 23, iw*.

<iarran's 'Australasia Illustrated,' 3 vols., folio, i; &s.- and Billings's 'Antiquities of Scotland, 4 vols 4to, 31. 3s. Under Illustrated Books are * The Turner Gallery,' with text by Monkhouse, 3 vols., 51 5s. ; and ' Richmondshire, 5 20 line engravings after paintings by Turner, letterpress by Mrs. A. Hunt, 21 2s. There are a number of natural history books, also books on the microscope, geology, orni- thology, zoology, topography, and travel.

Messrs. Maggs Bros, have a good list of topo- graphical and heraldic books, valuable county his- tories, and general literature. Among other items we notice a large collection of the speeches of orators and politicians, 75 vole., royal 8vo, 501. ; Tooke's 'History of Prices,' 1838-57, very scarce, 14. 14s. ; ' Historical Memoirs of the Russell Family,' 1833, 11. 10s. ; Pyne's ' Windsor Castle,' 38. ; an xtra - illustrated copy of Faulkner's 'Fulham,' tf/. 10*. ; Hone's ' Miracle Plays,' 1823-43, 41. 4s. ; a collection of works relating to music, 36 vols., 1830-89, 18Z. 18s.; Murray's 'Cathedrals,' 61. 15s.; Jausson's ' Atlas,' very scarce, 61. 18*. ; and Hasted's ' Kent,' 1778-99, 24?. There are works relating to London and Scotland, including, under Bannatyne, 'The Black Book of Taymouth,' Edinburgh, 1855, 61. 10s. This was privately printed by the Marquess of Breadalbane. There is also a set of the English Dialect Society Publications, 34 vols., 167. 15s.

Mr. H. H. Peach, who formerly traded as W. H. Hoyle, Greyfriars, Leicester, has two catalogues of books and manuscripts. Among other items we iind Oldham's ' Romanes Historic Anthologia.' 1653-83, 51. 5s. ; Thomas North's ' The Diall of Princes,' 1580, 4J. 4s. ; and Pope's ' Essay on Man,' 1745, 12mo, 31. 10s. The last volume contains an autograph note of Pope's. The book belonged to Mark Pattison.

Mr. C. Richardson, of Oxford Road, Manchester, has a catalogue of scientific literature. In this we find Hewitson'sJ' Exotic Butterflies,' 1851-66, scarce, 221. 10s.; ' Orchids,' by F. Sander, 281. ; and Double- day and Westwood's ' The Genera of Diurnal Lepido- ptera,' 1846-52, 221. There are a number of works under Astronomy, Geology, Ethnology, Chemistry, and Medical.

Mr. A. Russell Smith has a second and con- cluding portion of the list of tracts, paniphlets, and broadsides we noticed on 18 June, bringing it from 1800 to 1899. Collectors will find these two lists of great value.

Messrs. Henry Sotheran & Co. have in their last catalogue numerous works printed at the Kelmscott and other presses. Among many interesting items we find an illustrated copy of ' Anti - jacobin Poetry,' 1801, price 81. 8s. There is an important manuscript of the "Spanish Match," being a commonplace book made by Sir Walter Aston while he was ambassador in Spain, 1620-5 and 1635-8. The catalogue is rich in works on Austral- asia. Among these are Oxley's ' Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales,' 1817-18; and Strzelecki's 'Physical Description of New South Wales.' Strzelecki was the first to discover gold-bearing quartz in 1839 in the Blue Mountains, but "at the request of the Governor of the Colony, who feared a convicts' revolt, did not include an account of his discovery in the work." We have only space to mention three other items: Buck's 'Antiquities,' 1721-49, 711. 10s.; Montaigne, first edition, 1603, 7&. 10s. ; and a fine copy of the first

Prayer-Book of Queen Elizabeth, 1559, 22QI. The last is extremely rare.

Mr. Albert Sutton, of Manchester, has a good list of miscellaneous literature at moderate prices. There is a complete set of Punch, original issue, 1841-1902, 251.

Mr. James Thin, of Edinburgh, has a well- classified catalogue. There are sets of Blackwood, 1817 to end of 1903, 211. ; Archceological Journal, 1845-64, 61. ; Gentleman's Magazine, 1731 to 1830, 61. ; the Portfolio, 1870-98, 181. A portion of the cata- logue is devoted to works relating to Scotland. There are also interesting items under Napoleon, Occult, Natural History, and Oriental.

Mr. Wilfrid M. Voynich issues another of his short catalogues. Mr. Voynich has now such a large stock that he finds it impossible to give full descriptions in his bibliographical lists, and has decided to issue, side by side with those lists, ordinary short ones, the present being the ninth, and, like the earlier, full of rarities.

Mr. George Winter, of Charing Cross Road, in his July list has works on the fine arts ; a set of 'British Essayists,' 45 vols., 1808, 21. 17s. 6d. Englefield's 'Isle of Wight,' 1816, 21. 7s. 6d. Kelmscott Press publications, 8 vols. 4to, 61. 6s. a copy of Littre, 4 vols., 21. 15s. ; Nelson's ' Letters to Lady Hamilton,' original edition, 1814, 11. 7s.6c. Ingram 's ' Oxford,' large paper, 3 vols., 1837. 1. 10s. 6 vols. of Pickering's "Diamond Classics," 17s. 6d. Satirist, or Monthly Mirror, 1808-11, 11. 12s. 6d. Lodge's ' Portraits,' 1835, 21. 17s. 6d. ; and Camden's ' Britannia,' 1695, 11. 5s.

Jjfatkea 10

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EVLOSER. The use of the word in that sense is Shakespearian: "Thaw and resolve itself into a dew "('Macbeth').

Lucis ("Once in a blue moon"). See 6 th S. ii. 125,236,335; 7 th S. v. 248.


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