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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io th s. n. JULY 2, 1904.

Bookshop Echoes. Consult Book Queries indices.

Familiar Names : a Legion of Honour (Makers, Vendors, and Collectors of Books). Consult Book Queries indices.

Index to the First Ten Volumes of 'Book- Prices Current.' 1901. 8vo. (The date 1897, quoted 10 th 8. i. 83 is incorrect.)

Jaggard Press. (A temporary list of the publications of Shakespeare's printers.) Vide Athenaum. 18 Jan., 1 Feb., 15 Feb., 1902, and 24 Jan., 1903.

Notable Bookmakers. Consult Book Queries indices.

Salvation of Shakespeare. Vide Liverpool Daily Post, 9 Feb., 1903.

Knight, Charles William Caxton : the First Eng- lish Printer. 1844. Illustrated. Crown 8vo.

William Caxton. 1877. Illustrated. Crown 8vo.

Leland, Charles Godfrey. Memoirs. 1893. Portrait. 2 yols. 8vo.

Lemoine, Henry. Typographical Antiquities : History, Origin and Progress of the Art of

Printing Lives of Eminent Printers

History of the Walpolean Press Disserta- tion on Paper Woodcutting Engraving

on Copper Adjudication of Literary Pro- perty Catalogue of Remarkable Bibles

&c. 1797. 8vo.

Library, The: a Magazine of Bibliography and Library Literature. Edited by J. Y. W. Mac- AUster. (Monthly periodical.) Royal 8vo. For several years prior to 1898 this was the official organ of the Library Association, but ceased to be so in December, 1898. In January, 1899, the society's organ appeared under the title of the Library Association Record, and until March, 1899, the two periodicals were issued concurrently. After this date the Library was issued as a quarterly, under the editorship of Mr. MacAlister, and quite independent of the Library Association.

Library Association Record. (Monthly organ of the Incorporated Association of Librarians.) Consult indices.

Library World: a Medium for Librarians.

1898. (Monthly periodical.) Royal 8vo.

Literary Year-Book. (Annual.) Consult indices.

Loftie, W. J. A Century of Bibles, from 1611 to

J7*l with Risburne's Tract on Dangerous

Errors. 1872. 8vo.

Lowndes, W. T., and Bohn, H. G. -Bibliographer's Manual. 1861. 11 vols.-Scattered throughout this invaluable work are notes which throw con- Biderable light on the bookselling of earlier days.

New Book List for Bookbuyers, Librarians, and Booksellers. Compiled by C. Chivers. 1897-8. Koyal 8vo. Ceased publication after a brief existence.

Quaritch, B. Contributions towards a Dictionary of English Book Collectors, as also of some reign Collectors whose Libraries were incor- porated with English Collectors or whose Books are chiefly met with in England. 1892-9. 13 parts. Royal 8vo. 8vo 3 ' W '- Printer8 ' Marks - 1893. Illustrated.

{Second-hand Bookseller : a Medium for buying and selling all. Books for Cash. 1902. Royal 8vo. & monthly which existed for a few issues

Slater, J. Herbert. Book - Prices Current. See

' Book-Prices Current,' 10 th S. i. 83. Library Manual. 1883. 8vp. Library Manual. Third edition. 1891. 8vo. Round and about the Bookstalls. 1891.

crown 8vo. Stevens, Henry. Recollections of James Lenox, of

New York, and the Formation of his Library.

1886. Portraits. Crown 8vo. Taylor, Isaac. History of the Transmission of

Ancient Books to Modern Times. 1827. 8vo. Universal Book Exchange for Town and Country,

Home and Abroad. 1890. Royal 8vo. A very

short-lived periodical. Walford, Cornelius. Destruction of Libraries by

Fire. 1880. Crown 8vo. Privately printed.

Gives particulars of various booksellers' and

publishers' losses in bygone and recent times. Some Points in the Preparation of a General

Catalogue of English Literature. 1879. Crown

8vo. Privately printed. Walker, C. C. John Heminge and Henry Condell.

1896. Illustrated. Fcap. 4to. Privately printed. Watt, Robt. Bibliotheca Britannica. Edinburgh,

1824. 4vols. 4to.

What to Read: a Guide to the best in Litera- ture. 1902. 4to. A weekly which seems to

have ended with the first number. Wheatley, H. B. How to form a Library. 1902.

Crown 8vo.

How to make an Index. 1902. Crown 8vo. Willis, William. Shakespeare-Bacon Controversy:

a Report of the Trial of an Issue. 1902. 4to. WM. JAGGAED. 139, Canning Street, Liverpool.

The following articles on Huntingdonshire printers, by Mr. Herbert E. Norris, of Ciren- cester, may be worth including in the above : Saint Ives and the Printing Press. St. Ives, 1889.

16mo and 8vp. Reprinted from the Hunts

County Guardian. The St. Ives Mercury. Fenland N. & Q., Art. 57.


History of St. Ives. St. Ives, 1889. 4to. Notes on St. Neots Printers (Past and Present).

St. Neots, 1901. 16mo. Reprinted from the

St. Neots Advertiser, 4 May, 1901. Letter on ' Notes on St. Neots Printers.' The

St. Neots Advertiser, 29 June, 1901. A Few Additional Notes on St. Neots Printers.

The St. Neots Advertiser, Sept., 1903. The First Huntingdonshire Newspaper. The Hunt*

County News, 8 Nov., 1902. The First Issue of the Northampton Mercury. The

Northampton Mercury, 19 July, 1901. The First Huntingdon Printer: John Jenkinson,

1768-1807. The Hunts County News, 14 Feb.,

1903. Reprinted in the Hunts Post, 29 August,

1903. Ramsey Printers. Ramsey Herald, 20 April, 1904,

and the Hunts County News, 23 April, 1904.


" RAMIE " (10 th S. i. 489). The china-grass fibre known as ramie is made from the Chinese nettle, (? Urtica) tenacissima or utilis. It was in 1882 that it was foreseen how ramie would be introduced into all branches of the textile industry, and I strongly suspect that we