Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/28

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. ir. JULY 2,

following page depicts her with a torch in place It constitutes an attractive volume, with twelve

of the lamp of classic shape, but with even less illustrations.

place in which to lodge the struggling youth. Many

of the plates represent methods of life - saving, THE AthencKum on Saturday last announced the

inducing artificial respiration, and the like ; others appearance of its four-tlumsandth number, its birth,

are devoted to illustrating the wrong ideas on like that of " that surviving glory of English letters,

similar subjects that prevailed until recent days. George Meredith," having taken place in 1828. The

It is satisfactory to find that England takes the pre-eminence it enjoys among literary periodicals,

lead as regards the literature on the subject, and both as regards influence and length of days, is due

also i" most advanced in practical skill, the latter to the independence as well as the critical value of

being" a matter of some surprise. Everard Digby its judgments. In its time it has known many

is the author of the first English book on swim- attempts at rivalry, some of them almost servile in

ming. His ' De Arte Natandi, Libri Duo,' was form, title, and similar matters. A rigid stickler

printed in London by Thomas Dawson in 1587. It for press anonymity, it has never allowed a list of

has twice been translated into English and once its contributors to appear ; and as such can only be

into French. Beowulf's stroke is, of course, com- issued from official sources, the world is not likely

memorated, and Mr. Thomas gives a new transla- to know how many men of highest eminence are

tion of his famous lines descriptive of swimming in concealed behind the editorial "we." It is to be

the sea. Here we take leave of this entertaining trusted that many more thousands of issues will

and useful volume, which we commend warmly to see its prosperity undiminished and its authority

our readers. When once begun the perusal is not unimpaired.

readily abandoned.

Printers' Pie : a Festival Souvenir of the Printers' Pension Corporation, 1904. ( ' The Sphere ' Office. } LAST year's ' Pie' brought a thousand pounds to i not : c ^ . the Printers' Pension Fund. This has induced Mr. '


cal1 **> ec * al a " enti * tht following

Hugh Spottiswoode to make a second venture, and 9 N j \ communi cations must be written the name we have no doubt that the present ' Souvenir ' and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- will be equally successful. The array of authors "cation, but as a guarantee of good faith, shows at a glance what the reader has to expect, WK cannot undertake to answer queries urivatelv and his pleasure will be enhanced as he remembers To seourp insprtinn ^f


^UToriutr^b ^^^

. a-_4.4.:u Ar,f;,,,, Q riQr. T^.^ww* ' V^TT A ~ ^ . I ^ OI ,P, a P Gr wiwi me signature of the writer and

o appear. When a Austin Dobson. Whitefoord was a Scotch wine I Z53i* -^^^^^ith regard to p

i^&he^drau&^ SsE-SSSv !?===

Austin Dobson. Whitefoord was a Scotch wine entde ' ' ? r makmg notes - ^th regard to previous merchant and picture-buyer, whose portrait figures pu fc j, in Wilkie's ' Letter of Introduction.' Mr. Austin hporlii

/. <- -u ..


St. James's Coffee - house by composing those

i _ ^^1J iil. .U*'U -. - j_ j i

epitaphs on Goldsmith which gave rise to the in- BRUTUS." Navvy" is from "navigator " as suoh

comparable portrait-gallery entitled ' Retaliation.' " workers were originally employed upon works of

Among extracts given from Whitefoord are the ln ternal navigation canals, dykes, &c See Farmpr

following: "'1763-Spring Meeting. Mr. Wilkes's and H nle y' s 'Slang and its Analogues ' whic

horse, Liberty, rode by himself, took the lead at quotes for the word Kingsley's 'Yeast' and Faw

starting; but being pushed hard by Mr. Bishop's cet ts 'Political Economy.' black gelding, Privilege, fell down at the Devil's MEDICULUS (" Life is immortal till >

STttfSS *3M? r?7& d fr^^"JZ^KVt

out.' " Ouida contributes ' A Memory,' in which are given some interesting reminiscences of Sir Henry Thompson. F. Anstey has an amusing sketch 'Going Round the Caves.' Other con- tributors are the Duke of Argyll, Miss Braddon, Tom Gallon, Henry W. Lucy, and W. Pett Ridge The illustrations, fifteen in number, include Romney's portrait of Lady Craven, beautifully P- 9. reproduced by the Hentschel process ; ' Studies in T

, fa done

lln ^ of a , 8onnet in hi volume of verses ^ nd ne ' ( A - * . C. Black, 1892). US w - k- B. pointed out that the author

was mquired after at 5th s - *


single 'he 'lives at his ease,' by Starr W*ood. m he .

Ishillingsworth. | , ^^^^^^n^ations should be addressed

life rf^Crt "Ba7 bTf : F. ^nderson'Tr 1 1 SC^tf fififiS^

Henley's partner in the best edition of the poems: | Lan? B.C. ' m * Buildl ngs, Chancery