Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/284

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the subject. I may be able to help MR. WAINEWRIGHT should he desire any further information. G. E. LEE.

St. Peter Port Rectory, Guernsey.

MESSRS. COUTTS'S REMOVAL (10 th S. ii. 125). Those interested in the history of this celebrated banking house may like to be referred to an article entitled ' Messrs. Coutts & Co. : the Three Crowns, 5 which appeared in the City Press, 30 May, 1888. It forms No. 4 of a series on " Early London Gold- smiths and Bankers." JOHN T. PAGE.

THE POET CLOSE (10 th S. i. 409). I can hardly imagine this eccentric individual having "admirers" nowadays. Had he not been foolishly encouraged by jocular tourists, this half-witted man would never have been able to produce his so - called l Poetical Works,' nor would he ever have been the recipient of that Civil List pension which he enjoyed only a few weeks before it was promptly suppressed.

I have several of Close's published volumes, including a very rare one issued in 1882 at 5s. These I will lend to your correspondent if he is interested. He will obtain some amusement (and wonderment) from a perusal thereof. CHAS. F. FORSHAW, LL.D.

Baltimore House, Bradford.

DOG-NAMES (10 th S. ii. 101, 150). Add to previous lists the following. Let me, how- ever, indignantly (for I am on the feline side) rescue Atossa from her evil company in the last list. She was a cat.

Argus.' Odyssey,' xvii. 326.

Bounce. Gay, Epistle ix.

Cavall, King Arthur's hound. Tennyson,

  • The Marriage of Geraint/ 1. 185.

Cora, Mexican spaniel belonging to a niece of Macaulay. Macaulay's ' Life and Letters.' cap. xiv.

Dandy, Scotch terrier of C. Kingsley. Kingsley's * Life and Letters/ cap. xv.

Daph[ne], Mr. Wardle's pointer. * Pick- wick,' cap. xix.

Fiddler, a hound. Somerville, ' Hunting Song ' (' Occasional Poems ').

Fop. Gay, Epistle ix.

Fury. 'Alice in Wonderland,' cap. iii.

Glaucis, Cynthia's pet dog. Propertius, v. 3, 55.

Hylax. Virgil, 'Eel.,' viii. 108.

Issa, pet dog of Publius. Martial, i. 109

Jip (for Gipsy), Dora Spenlow's spaniel. 'David Copperfield,' cap. xxvi.

Juno, Mr. Wardle's pointer. 'Pickwick ' cap. xix.

Lselaps, Cephalus's dog. Ov., 'Met.,' vii. 771.

Lampon, hunting-dog of Midas. * Gk. Anthol.,' ix. 417.

Lightfoot, shepherd's dog. Gay, 'Fables/ i. 17, 9, and 'The Shepherd's Week/ 'Thurs- day/ 1. 134.

Lion, Henry Gowan's Newfoundland. 'Little Dorrit/ book i. cap. xvii. to ii. cap. vi.

Lowder, Roffyn's sheepdog. Spenser, 'Shepherd's Calendar/ 'Sept./ 11. 194-223.

Lycas, Thessalian hound. 'Gk. Anthol./ Appendix, No. 80.

Lycisca. Virgil, 'Eel./ iii. 18.

Margarita, " catella nigra atque indecenter pinguis" of Trimalchio. Petr., 'Sat./ 64.

Perseus, lapdog of Tertia, dau. of ^Emilius Paulus. Plut., 'Vit. ^Em. Paul./ cap. x. m. p. 260.

Ponto, Mr. Jingle's dog. ' Pickwick/ cap. ii.

Rab, mastiff. 'Rab and his Friends/ by Dr. John Brown.

Ring wood, a hound. Gay, 'Fables/ i. 44, 13.

Sancho. 'Ingoldsby Legends/ first series,. ' The Bagman's Dog.'

Scylax, Trimalchio's watchdog. Petr.^ 'Sat./ 64.

Shock.' Rape of the Lock/ canto i. 1. 115.

Snarleyyow,Vanslyperken's dog. Marryat,

  • The Dog Fiend/ passim.

Speed, pointer of Quince. Praed, ' Every- day Characters,' No. 2.

Sweep, retriever of C. Kingsley. See Dandy.

Sylvio, Maria's dog. 'Sentimental Jour- ney ' (Moulines).

Tauros, a Maltese watchdog. ' Gk. An- thol./ vii. 211.

Theron, Roderick's dog. Southey's ' Rode- rick/ canto xvii. 11. 54-69.

Tory, black spaniel of Horace Walpole. Vide 'Letters of H. Walpole and Gray/ Nov., 1739.

Towser. Somerville, Fable V. (' The Dog and the Bear ').

Tray. Gay, ' Introduction to Fables/ 1. 44.

Trouncer, a foxhound. Bloomfield's ' Far- mer's Boy/ 'Autumn/ 11. 303-32.

Urien, an Italian greyhound, Queen Anne Boleyn's favourite lapdog (? named after Urien, brother to William Brereton, Groom of the Chamber to Henry VIII.). Archoeo- logia, vol. xxxiii. p. 74 (1849).

Victor, a Teckel given by Queen Victoria to C. Kingsley. ' Kingsley's Life and Letters/ ap. xv.

Vixen, Bartle Massey's turnspit. ' Adam, Bede/ bk. ii. cap. xxi. N