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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io> s. n. SEPT. 21, 190*.



Auctioneers of RARE and VALUABLE BOOKS, Manuscripts, Autographs, Book-Plates, and Engravings.

Valuations promptly 'made by Experts for Probate and other purposes.

MESSRS. HODGSON beg to inform Executors and others having Libraries or Collections of Books to dispose of, that their Rooms now offer unequalled opportunities for the expeditious and satisfactory Sale of all classes of Literary Property. The AUTUMN SKASON commences on OCTOBER 4, and Property intended for Early Sale should be consigned without delay. MESSRS. HODGSON will be pleased to forward Catalogues of their Sales to Book Buyers and Collectors on receiving notification to that effect.

'The following Sales are in preparation:

On TUESDAY, October 4, and Three Following Days, VALUABLE and STANDARD BOOKS (including the Property of a LADY), comprising Dugdale's Monasticou Anglicanum, by Caley, Ellis, and Bandinel, 8 vols., and other Topo- graphical and Antiquarian Works Boydell's History of the River Thames, 2 vols. The Burlington Fine-Arts Club Catalogue of Portrait Miniatures a Set of the Studio from 1893 to 1900, 18 vols. Burton's Arabian Nights., with the Supplement, Original Edition, 16 vols. Jesse's Historical Works, 30 vols., and the Works of Matthew Arnold, Edition de Luxe, 15 vols Jeremy Bentham's Works, 11 vols. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 6 vols , and other Standard Works in History. Theology, Political Economy, Travel, and Sport Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, &c., 17 vols. First Editions of Keats, Tennyson, Thackeray, and Dickens Books illustrated by Cruiksbank and Phiz Stevenson's Father Damien, with MS. corrections by the Author, and Presentation Copies of the Island Nights' Entertainments and The Wrecker Auto- graph Letters from Oscar Wilde, &c.

To be viewed, and Catalogues had.<

On WEDNESDAY, October 12, and Two Following Days, VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, comprising Dresser s History of the Birds of Europe, 8 vols., and other Ornithological Works The Naval and Martial Achievements of Great Britain, 2 vols. Apperley's Life of a Sportsman, and Life of John Mytton, Coloured Plates by Alken, 2 vols. Gold- smith's Vicar of Wakefield and Combe's Dance of Life and Death, with Coloured Plates by Rowlandson First Editions of Surtees's Sporting Novels and of the Works of Charles Dickens, 25 vols. Ruskin's Modern Painters, Stones of Venice, &c., 11 vols., First Editions Viollet-le-Duc, Dictionnaire Raisonne de 1'Architecture, &c., 16 vols. Filhol etLavallee, Galerie du Musee Napoleon, 10 vols., morocco extra a few Early Printed and Black Letter Books Issues from the Vale Press Pepys' Diary, by Wheatley, 10 vols. Duruy's History of Rome, 6 vols., and other Standard Historical Works by Hallam, Motley, Carlyle, J. R. Green, and others Goethe's Works, 14 vols. the Border Edition of Scott, 48 vols. Lever's'Novels, Copyright Edition, 37 vols. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Tenth Edition, 36 vols. The Century Dictionary, 8 vols., &c.

Catalogues on application.

On WEDNESDAY, October 19th, the CHOICE MODERN LIBRARY of the late C. A. SWINBURNE, Esq. removea from Beech House, Andover (by order of the Executors), comprising a Collection of Books by or relating to Turner and Ruskin Uhamplin and Perkins's Cyclopedia of Painters, Special Edition, 4 vols. morocco extra The National Gallery, edited by Sir E. J. Poynter, 3 vols., and other Fine Art Books Beaumont and Fletcher's Works, by Dyce, 11 vols. - Symonds's Renaissance in Italy, 7 vols., First Editions The Oxford English Classics, 44 vols. Prescott's Historical Works, 12 vols. Hay ward's Biographical Essays, 8 vols. Bewick's History of British Birds, &c. 4 vols. Large Paper Books on Natural History The Writings of J. J. Hisaey, Mrs. Oliphant, Justin 'McCarthy, Capt. Mahan, and others Sets of Scott, Dickens, Thackeray, George Eliot, Whyte-Melville, Robert Louis Stevenson, &c. f the whole handsomely bound in calf and morocco.

Catalogues are preparing.

On THURSDAY. October 20. and Following Day, RARE and VALUABLE BOOKS, including a Selection from the LIBRARY of a NOBLEMAN, comprising the Engraved Works of Sir Thomas Lawrence Lodge's Portraits of Illustrious Personages, Original Edition, 4 vols. royal folio Chamberlaine's Designs of the Masters of the Bolognese, Florentine, and Venetian Schools, engraved by Bartolozzi Buck's Antiquities of England and Wales, 3 vols. a tall copy of the Nuremberg Chronicle, Gothic letter, 1493, and other Incunabula Graf ton's Chronicle, 1569 Lydgate's Tragedies of Jhon Bochas, printed by John Wayland Roger Ascham*s The Schoolemaster, 1589 Marston's Wonder of Women, edges entirely uncut, 1608 Chapman's Georgics of Hesiod, 1618, and other Elizabethan Literature Sir Thomas Browne's Religio Medici, First Surreptitious Edition, 1642 Poems by J. D[onne], First Edition, 1663 An Interesting Collection of Early Documents on Parchment An Album containing Original Pen-and-ink Sketches by W. M. Thackeray (the property of a relative of the great novelist) -The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine for 1856 The Dictionary of National Biography, 67 vols., &c.

Catalogues are preparing.

Auction Booms: 115, Chancery Lane, LONDON, W.C. Telephone N \ 7291 Central.