Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/340

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. n. OCT. i, MM.

far as I can ascertain there are no Englishings either in MS. or print of this work, nor can I find a French edition of the text." This MS. is priced at 311 10.5. Mr. Peach's short catalogue of 197 items is full of interest.

Among items in the catalogue of Mr. Richard- son, of Manchester, we note King's ' Mediaeval Architecture ' 1893, published at 12/. 12*., offered at 51. ; Dafforne s ' Modern Art,' price 31., published at 211. ; * Bibliotheca Curiosa,' privately printed, Edin- burgh, 1883-8, 41. 5s. ; a set of the Camden Society's publications, 1838-98, 221. 10s. ; Chetham Society, 1844-1903, 221. 10s. ; a copy of Littre, 41. 10s. ; * The Academy of Armory,' by Randal Holme, Chester, 1688, exceedingly scarce, 151. ; the Abbotsford Scott, 1842, 81. ; Lavater's ' Essays,' 1792, 51. 10s. ; Evelyn's

  • Diary,' Colburn, 1854, 11. 10s.; and Cavendish's

'Wolsev,' 1641, full bound in calf by Riviere, 81. There are also many books on Ireland.

Messrs. W. H. Smith & Son's September list con- tains a large collection of works in all branches of general literature ; also a long and interesting list of new remainders.

We cannot notice Messrs. Sotheran's September catalogue without an expression of deep sympathy with them in the loss they have sustained by the death of their partner, Mr. Alexander Balderston Railton, who died very suddenly on 11 September. We had frequent occasion to seek information from JVlr. Railton, and always found him ready and pleased to help us from his vast stores of book-lore. Mr. Henry Cecil Sotheran pays a just tribute to him in the Publisher*' Circular of the 17th ult., and describes him just as we shall long remember him : "The keen, eager face, the kindly smile which 'brightened it, the outward look of the man we knew so well." Mr. Railton will ever be remem- bered with gratitude by British scholars, for when Messrs. Sotheby had in their hands an offer from America for the purchase of the Bibliotheca Spen- ceriana at Althorp, he at once communicated with Mrs. Rylands, who promptly replied, giving in- structions to secure the collection at any price. Messrs. Sotheran's new catalogue opens with a coloured copy of Kingsboroughs (Edward King, Viscount) ' Antiquities of Mexico,' 9 vols., imperial folio, very scarce, 1830-48, 1051. Other items are a

Eresentation copy from Napoleon III. to Prince ouis Lucien Bonaparte of Thomas a Kempis, Imprimerie Imperiale, 1855, price 501. (only 103 copies were printed, and 74 of these were retained by Napoleon III. This edition was specially got up for the Paris Exhibition of 1855) ; first edition of Burns, 521. 10s. ; Lord Vernon's privately printed edition of Dante, IQl. 10s. ; Gladstone's ' Homer,' scarce, 1858, 21. 2s. ; and a choice collection of Row- landson, all first editions, 1800-28, 1301. A consider- able portion of the catalogue is devoted to Scottish subjects.

Mr. Albert Sutton, of Manchester, has a good general list and a number of books specially relating to Lancashire. This includes Mr. Button's list of

  • Lancashire Authors,' Manchester, 1876.

Mr. Thomas Thorp, of St. Martin's Lane, has a good miscellaneous list. The items include Cruik- shank's ' Almanacks,' in original cloth, uncut, 11, 16s. ; ' Scenes from the Life of Edward Lascelles,' 1837, bound by Zaehnsdorf , 25s. ; and Grose's ' Anti- quities,' 10 vols. royal 4to, full russia, a fine uniform set of the best edition, 1773-97, 81. 8s. Under Kent occur Berry's 'Pedigrees,' 1830, 21. 5s., and Buck's

Views, 1738, 21. 3s. Law's ' Serious Call,' first edi- tion, is 11. Is., and 'A Catalogue of the most Ven- dible Books in England,' 1658, 31. 3s. The intro- duction to the latter work was attributed to Bishop Juxon, but its writer was discovered to be a, bookseller at Newcastle. ' The British Gallery of Portraits,' Cadell, 1822, is 9J. 10s. There are also a number of interesting tracts.

Mr. Henry T. Wake, of Fritchley, Derby, issues a small catalogue of books, antiquities, and coins each month. That for September is devoted mostly to Quaker literature. The general items include a specimen of early Palissy ware. Mr. Wake's cata- logues are neatly written and reproduced in fac- simile, but we find them rather trying to the eye- sight, and prefer ordinary type.

Messrs. Henry Young & Sons, of Liverpool, have a very interesting catalogue for September. Among many items we notice 'Archaica: a Reprint of Scarce Old English Prose Tracts,' 4to, 1815, 5 large vols., full bound in calf by Bedford, priced at the low sum of 51. 5s. (this set was sold in 1874 for 121. 12s.); Britton's 'Architectural Antiquities,' 5 vols., 1807-26, 51. 5s. (cost 231.) ; Billings's ' Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities,' original cloth, uncut, 1845-52, 7/. 15s. ; Cassell's Magazine of Art, 21 vols., 1879-99, 51. 5s. ; ' Bibliotheca Curiosa,' complete set, large paper, scarce, 71. 7s. ; Bunyan's ' Pilgrim's Progress,' with 22 curious sculptures engraved by J. Sturt, 1728, very rare, 31. 10s. (there are also several other editions) ; Cicero, printed at Basle by Her- vagian, 1540, 41. 4s. ; Seneca, 1478, 101. 10s. ; Fabian, 1559, 101. 10s. ; Demosthenes, 1532, 51. 5s. ; Gar- diner's 'Cromwell, '1897, 41. 10s. ; Warner's ' Hamp- shire,' 1795, 91. 9s. ; Francis Drake's ' Yorkshire,' 1736, a very clean and perfect copy, 81. 8s. ; Ganier's ' Military Costume,' 1882, 41. 4s. ; and Albert Smith's Man in the Moon, a complete set, 5 vols., 1848-50, 21. 15s. This amusing magazine was published monthly, and was conducted on lines similar to Punch. Messrs. Young have a selection of the publications of the Arundel Society.


We must call special attention to the following notices :

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let eajch note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication " Duplicate."

BRUTUS ("Discovery of Noah's Ark"). The paragraph went the round of the papers, as a change from the sea-serpent story, some twenty years ago.

ERRATUM. P. 230, col. 2, 1. 13, for 'Rhind Lec- tures on Archaeology' read Rhind Lectures in Archaeology.-