Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/381

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10 th S. II. OCT. 15, 1904.]



From Massey to Mazzard is Dot nearly so imaginative as from Mazzard to Magdalen. CHAS. F. FORSHAW, LL.D. Baltimore House, Bradford.

SEX BEFORE BIRTH (10 th S. i. 406 ; ii. 235). In 1687 the queen of James II. (Mary of Modena) was pronounced to be enceinte, and there was a proclamation issued of thanksgiv- ing in consequence. The following item from the books of St. Mary's Church at Beverley proves how general the rejoicing was :

  • ' 1687. To the ringers upon day of rejoyce-

ing for her raa tie being with child and for candles, j 1 . ijs. w

There were many prayers uttered for the child to be a boy, and Mary, Duchess of Modena, the mother of the queen, made a pilgrimage to Loretto to offer prayers. Five years had elapsed without any addition to James IL's family, and he was now fifty-five years of age. Charles James Edward was born on 10 June, 1688. Historians have recorded the anxiety then prevalent in Eng- land in regard to the succession, and the stories circulated. JOHN PICKFORD, M.A.

Newbourne Rectory, Woodbridge.

"Hans in Kelder," quoted by MR. PICK- FORD, was a proverbial phrase convenient to indicate a certain condition, and has been noticed of old in * N. & Q. 3 ; but despite the masculine name it was not intended as any hint of sex. W. C. B.

VACCINATION AND INOCULATION (10 th S. ii. 27, 132, 216). Although Prof. Crook- shank's ' History and Pathology of Vaccina- tion ' appears to be a perfectly exhaustive work on the subject of inoculation as well as of vaccination, perhaps the following ex- tracts from newspapers of the period at which Lady Mary Wortley Montagu introduced inoculation from the East will be of sufficient interest for insertion in * N. & Q.' :

" A few days ago a Youth that was Under-Butler to the Lord Bathurst had the Small Pox inoculated on him, and as the Experiment was out of the com- mon Method, he was to have Ten Pounds for under- foing it ; but he never lived to receive the Money, or he had the Distemper in so violent a manner that he deceased on Saturday last at his Nurse's House in Swallow Street, St. James's." London Journal, 21 April, 1722.

Again :

" A Daughter of the Lord Dellawar lies danger- ously ill under the modish Experiment of Inocula- tion." Ibid.

In the Whitehall Evening Post of 8 May, 1756, it is stated :

" Inoculation begins to be practised in Wiltshire, and ten Persons have been inoculated in one House at Swindon, the eldest about One and Twenty, who

are all recovered, and in good Health ; so that it is thought the Practise will gain ground in thia County."


STORMING OF FORT MORO (10 th S. i. 448, 514 ; ii. 93, 175, 256). With reference to MR. HERBERT SOUTHAM'S comment on the above subject, perhaps I may be permitted to point out that a native of Ireland named Ambrose O'Higgins entered the Spanish service and was in 1787 appointed Captain- General of Chili, and subsequently Viceroy of Peru. His son, Don Bernardo O'Higgius, born in Chili and educated in England, took an active and distinguished part on the popular side of the war by which Chili achieved her independence of Spain. He held the office of "Supreme Director" of the young republic from 1818 to 1823, when he retired into private life, in consequence of public dissatisfaction with the acts of his ministers. Vide 'Compendium of Irish Biography,' by Alfred Webb (Dublin, Gill <fc Son, 1878). HENRY GERALD HOPE.

119, Elms Road, Clapham, S.W.

The quotation I gave was from the 1847 edition of Cannon's 4 Record of the First, or Royal Regiment of Foot.' W. S.

The O'Higgins mentioned by MR. SOUTHAK is of the same family as the O'Higgins in- quired after. If MR. SOUTHAM has any infor- mation relating to him, I should be very grateful for it. Has he any later Army Lists, say of the latter half of the eighteenth century? Probably the name of Wiggins or O'Higgins would appear there. A long account of President O'Higgins appeared in Temple JBar, which I have.


9, Beda Road, Cardiff.

POTTS FAMILY (10 th S. i. 127, 434 ; ii. 17). In Chester Cathedral is a tablet in memory of Chas. Potts (ob. 1817, cet. suce 73) and Anne his wife (ob. 1796, cet. suce 52). Henry Potts is likewise mentioned, and several young children of the family. MEDICULUS.

WHITSUNDAY IN THE * ANGLO - SAXON CHRONICLE' (10 th S. ii. 166). The precise time when the Cymric or Welsh equivalent for Whitsunday, viz., Sulgwyn, may have been first introduced into that language appears to be uncertain. The only certain date is afforded in Bishop William Morgan's- celebrated Bible version, first printed in 1588. It occurs there in Acts xx. 16 and 1 Cor. xvL 8, although the ancient Greek name of Pente- cost is used instead of it in Acts ii. 1. There is no reasonable doubt, as clearly pointed out