Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/412

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NOTES AND QUERIES. cio* s. n. OCT. 22,

"sixty to remain in mortgage on the estate fo three years. Rochdale is also likely to do well .so my worldly matters are mending." The price o the letter is 181. 18$. But the gems of the collection .are the relics of Lord Byron and Miss Chaworth A long description of these was given by Mr Buxton Forman in the Athenaeum of June llth last Mr. Forman has no doubt as to their authenticity They have also been submitted to Mr. Murray, anc a letter of his attesting their genuineness accom panics them. The price Messrs. Sotheran ask i .2101.

Mr. Sutton, of Manchester, has a large collection of books on Africa and America, also on Cheshire {Lancashire, and Wales. There is a copy of Pitt Rivers's ' Works,' in 7 vols. 4to, privately printed 1883-1900, including 'Primitive Locks,' 3 'Exca vations in Cranborne Chase,' &c., 6/. 6*'. : a collec

  • tion of old Army Lists ranging from 1767 ; Bur

ton's 'Arabian Nights,' 1897, SI. ; Beaumarchais's ' La Folle Journee ; ou, le Mariage de Figaro,' first edition, 1785, 81. 8s. ; Blackwood from commence ment to 1890, 152 vols., newly bound in half-calf 151. ; Gleeson White's * English Illustration : The Sixties,' II. ; a set of the Statistical Society, Man- chester, 3/. 15*. ; and Fielding and Smollett, Gosse and Henley's editions, 1898-1901, the twenty-four volumes bound in half-calf, 10J.

Mr. Thomas Thorp, of Reading, has Ackermann's 4 Country Seats,' 1830, 1(K. 10*-.; Villault's ' Africa,' 1670, 12mo, scarce, 21. 2s. ; Allibone, 1878, 21. 18s. Matthew Arnold's ' Works,' 15 vols., 11. Yis. 6c (this issue is out of print), also 'Empedocles on

1786, II. 16*.; Ashmole's 'Berkshire,' 1719, very scarce, 1W. 10*. There are a number of interesting items under Bewick, including a collection of chap- books and early juveniles, 73 vols., 101. 10s. There is a copy of Boileau, large paper, 2 vols. folio, 1718, 41. 4s. First editions occur of ' La vengro,' and second of 'The Bible in Spain,' 'The Romany Rye,' and 'The Zincali.' There is an interesting collection of Civil War tracts. Under Costumes is ' Le Moniteur de la Mode,' 1847-69. This contains hun- dreds of large coloured fashion plates. A first edition of De Foe's ' Fortunate Mistress' is 14'. 14s. ; Dibdin's ' Bibliographical Decameron,' 9^. 96'. : a genuine first edition of Jesse's ' London,' 1847, scarce, 21. 15s. ; a first edition of 4 Vanity Fair,' 1848, 51. There are a number of French books, and a series of 'Shakespearian Engravings,' Boydell, 1803.

Mr. Voynich, of Shaftesbury Avenue, continues his short catalogues, full of rarities, as usual. Among many of interest we note Sophocles, 1518, 31. 15s. ; Xenophon, 1516, 51. 5s. ; Plutarch, 1618, 15s. ; Sir Thomas Herbert's ' Travels,' 1638, 6/. 6*. (the last part relates how " Madoc ap Owen Gwyneth discovered America above three hundred years before Columbus" ; no copy of this is in the British Museum) ; Nostradamus, 1563, 37. 1*. ; and ' Reformation der bairischeu Landrechte,' 1518, printed on vellum, 25 guineas. There is a good list of English plays. These include the rare first edition of ' The Spightful Sister,' by Bailey, 1667, 21. 2s. ; John Banks's ' Vertue Be tray 'd,' 1682, ~2L 10s. (in the dedication is an interesting reference to Shakespeare) : Henry Carey's ' The Honest Yorkshireman,' 1736, II. Is. (acted for one night

only at Drury Lane: "The company after one night's acting was suddenly interdicted, and the House shut up") ; Cavendish's (first Duke of New- castle) 'The Humorous Lovers,' 1677, 51. 5s. ; Con- greve's ' Way of the World,' first edition, 1700, 21. 10s. ; and the extremely rare first edition of Otway's ' Alcibiades,' 1675, 57. 5s. Much to interest may be found under Italian Literature, Morality Plays, French Literature, Japan and China, Astrology, &c.

Messrs. Henry Young & Sons, of Liverpool, send us another of their interesting catalogues. There is a splendid set of Pennant's works, 1776-1801, 4to, 251. ; Bridges's 'Northampton,' 1791, 151. 15s. ; Jack- son's 'Shropshire Word-Book,' 51. 5s. ; a complete set of the Yorkshire Parish Register Society, 12 vols., half -vellum, 51. 15s. (these range from 1538 to 1812) ; Blomefield's ' Norfolk,' 9/. 15s. ; ' The Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk and Suffolk,' 1839, 61. 6s.: Grose's 'Antiquities of Ireland,' 1791, 51. 15s. Qd. ; and Cox's ' Derbyshire Churches,' 3^. 3s. The Dickens items include some interesting letters. In one of these Dickens apologizes for cutting a friend in the street, and, explaining, says: "My own father used to tell me that I passed him con- stantly." In another to Clarkson Stanfield he writes, on 27 February, 1843, "My Missis says that we dine at 5, not half past, otherwise it is a struggle and bustle to reach the theatre in time." Other Dickensiana are first edition of ' Pickwick,' 51. 5s. ; ' Grimaldi,' 21. 10s. ; ' Nicholas Nickleby,' 21. 10s. ; 4 Oliver Twist,' 51. 15s. ; and Pailthorpe's etchings to ' Oliver Twist,' 38s. Under Liverpool occur a col- lection of squibs, election addresses, and early playbills, 1769-1826, 21. 10s. ; and Herdman's 'Views,' 1650-1800, 21. 2s. Other entries include Spenser's ' The Faerie Queen,' 1611, 101. 10s. ; another copy, 1617, 101. 10s. ; Ovid's ' Metamorphosis,' 1632, 41. 4s. ; ^uinsonas's ' Margaret of Austria,' Paris, I860, 3 vols., full levant morocco, 41. 4s. ; Montalembert's ' Monks of the West,' 1861-79, 3/. 15s. ; and many of the Arundel Society's publications.


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ON all communications must be written the name ind address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- ication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and iuch address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ng queries, or making notes with regard to previous sntries in the paper, contributors are requested to jut in parentheses, immediately after the exact leading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat [ueries are requested to head the second com- uunication " Duplicate."

W. H. J. ("Audience Meadow"). Appeared inte, p. 208. No answer received.


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