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s. n. OCT. 29, 190*.


Subscription price, 121. 5s. net.


In 7 vols. 4to, antique boards, paper labels.


A Dictionary of Slang and Colloquial English, from the Earliest Times, on Historical Principles, including Synonyms in English, French, and other Languages.

By J. S. FARMER and the late WALTER E. HENLEY.

Printed for Private Circulation only .

This great undertaking, on which twenty years of arduous labour and research have been spent, is now completed. The seven quarto volumes contain nearly 6,000 columns, closely yet legibly printed, forming the only comprehensive dictionary of heterodox English ever published. It gives thousands of examples of usage thiough the centuries, quoted from books, pamphlets, and journals, rendering it invaluable to the student of language, of customs, or of morals. From its very character it contains nnumerable words and phrases the coarseness of which prevents their appearance in ordinary dic- tionaries. The only work with which it compares for scope and treatment is the great Oxford ' Historical English Dictionary ' (Clarendon Press), with which, however, it has scarcely a word in common. Where both dictionaries do deal with the same word or phrase, the ' Slang Dictionary ' treats it and illustrates it/ar wore fully than the ' H.E.D.'

Owing to special circumstances, the advertisers have acquired the entire (though small ) stock of this work, which, havin/ been issued to Subscribers only, has not hitherto been in the trade. The edition was limited, the type has been distributed, and no further copies can ever be printed. To effect the clearance of a book which the advertisers do not regard as suitable for their General Catalogue, they are offering copies at the reduced price of 7 7s. so far as the stock holds out, the price of the last 20 copies, however , being increased to 101. 10s. Early application is desirab'.e, as the stock will no doubt be at once taken up.


Dr. J. A. H. MURRAY, Editor of the 'H.E.D.,' says: " It is the completest aud most scholarly work in its own field."

Dr. F. J. FURNIVALL says : " Every page has something of interest in it. I was so interested that it kept me up till 2 o'clock this morning dipping into its pages."

NOTES and QfJERfES says: " Tue work constitutes the first serious effort to grapple with a great subject. We hive personally witnessed the delight with which the work has been greeted. [Tnere is] abundant testimony to its utility and the recognition awarded to it in the most influential circles, Its value a* a supplement to established dictionaries is real and high."

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one so well set out, not one so concise, so free from experi- mental and baseless excursions into philology as this. Certainly a book to buy and to k^ep."

The NATIONAL OBSERVER says : " Th* work so ably edited by Messrs. Farmer and Henley is fast wiping away a literary dishonour. lu brief, the book compels to admiration."

The ATHENJEUM says: "The compilers deserve hearty congratulations for the amount of steady research which their list of quotations (wonderfully comprehensive, in view of the fact that moat of the work is pioneer work) implies."

GEORGE ROUTLEDaE & SONS, LIMITED, Broadway House, Ludgate Hill, London.