Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/497

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ii. NOV. 19, 1904.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


sents an ancient creek in the wood. The adjoining district of Kihurn represents also a creek in the wood, "burn" being more literally a stream. The earliest mention ol Cricklewood known in print is in Rocque's 'Survey,' published in 1745, when it is spelt with a K, Kricklewood. In manuscript, how- ever, it occurs in the will of Thomas Kemp, of Glitter House, Hendon (dated 12 April, 1667, and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 16 December following), as Cricklewood, the testator bequeathing to his son Thomas his house and lands known as the Bowstring House and his lease of Crickle wood Farm. The present district of Crickle- wood crosses the Edgware Road, and covers part of the land settled by Archbishop Chichele on his foundation All Souls College, Oxford, now commemorated in the immediate district by Chichele Road. Is it not possible that Cricklewood is but a cor- ruption of Chichelewood? The forest extended along the Edgware Road, and survived in small patches until the end of the eigh- teenth century under various names, notably Chamberlayne Wood, Kemp Wood, Turner's Wood, and Bishop's Wood.

F. HITCHIN-KEMP, F.R.Hist.S. 6, Beechfield Road, Catford.

MARY CARTER. When did this grand- daughter of the Lord Protector die? She is interred in St. Nicholas' Church, Great Yarmouth. STANLEY B. ATKINSON.

10, Adelphi Terrace, W.C.

BRE'SVER'S 'LOVESICK KING.' In Brewer's ' Lovesick King ' the heroine is a nun named Cartesmunda. Can any one give me infor- mation concerning this name ? Where did Brewer find it 1 In the same play Thornton, a pedlar who makes much money, is repre- sented as the first Mayor of Newcastle. Is there any foundation for this legend 1 Early replies will be welcomed.

A. E. H. SWAEN. 7, Van Eeghenatraat, Amsterdam.

SMITH, A BERNERS STREET ARTIST. An artist named Smith married Isabel Graham, a lady who resided with her aunt, Miss Graham, the wealthy occupant of a large house in Berners Street, Oxford Street, at the time when the street was celebrated as "the home and haunt" of artists, painters, and sculptors. Among the former residents were Sir William Chambers, Fuseli, and Opie. Isabel Frances Smith, the artist's daughter, was privately united to a speculator and racing man, and, moreover, lessee of the Royalty Theatre, Dean Street, Soho, some time in the sixties, known as Charles Smith.

All the persons referred to herein having long since passed away, I shall appreciate very much any information respecting the artist Smith and his works.

HENRY GERALD HOPE. 119, Elms Road, Clapham, S.W.

"SiT ON THE BODY." What is the exact meaning of this phrase when applied to an inquest jury 1 Is it more than a metaphor?


EDMOND HOYLE. Do there exist any en- graved or other portraits of the author of the treatise on whist? XYLOGRAPHER.

BATTLE OF BEDR. Has the date of the day on which the battle of Bedr was fought been preserved ? and, if so, what is it ? This was the first battle fought by Mohammed in defence of his faith. EDWARD SANDELL.

[There is no note as to the day in Bury's edition of Gibbon (Methuen), but a full list of the authori- ties for Mohammed's life will be found there.]

"STOB." Stob and stalls are words enter- ing into the composition of many place- names in Scotland, and frequently stol stands alone as the name of a place. There is the estate of Stob Cross, now absorbed in Glas- gow ; and by the wayside, near the ancient church of Markinch, Fife, there is Stob Cross. It is a cross carved on a stone about nine feet high. There is Stob Cross, a lane in Arbroath, not far from the abbey, and the supposed site of a cross. There is a Stobhill in the neighbourhood of Newbattle Abbey, and Stobhall on the Tay, an ancient seat of the Drummonds. There is Stobbie-side. In 1531 the Town Council of Ayr granted the mill dam, &c., on the water of Ayr, known as he"StobAkyr [acre] furde [ford], : ' to the Friar preachers.

The word stol is defined in Atkinson's

  • Glossary of the Cleveland Dialect' as a

stake defining the limits of an enclosure. It has the same meaning in Lowland Scotch. Are there any crosses in England known by the name of Stob Cross? and is there any iterature on the subject? T. Ross.

BANANAS. I wish to know by what out- ward sign the Canary Isles bananas can be distinguished (by a novice like myself) from the West Indian variety. In eating bananas sold as from the Canary Isles, I have generally r ound in the middle a very unpalatable kind of ropy backbone. Is this absent from the West Indian sort? Is it true that these atter are coarse and without flavour? or is t a matter of opinion ?