Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/513

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This page needs to be proofread. NOV. M. 1904.] NOTES AND QUERIES.




NOTES : Sir Gilbert Pickering. 121 Algonquin Element in English, 422 Emerson and Lowell: Inedited Verse, 123 "Astronomer," 424 Bishop Henry Parry Russian Baltic Fleet Blunder Houses of Historical Interest ' Hardyknute,' 425.

QUERIES: Seventeenth -Century Phrases, 425 Galileo Portrait "Mali" William Gower Ropemaker's Alley, Little Moorfields " Character is fate " " Convinced against her will "Berwick : Steps of Grace Battle of Spurs, 426' Steer to the Nor'-Nor'-West ' " And morning firings its daylight "Three Volumes w. One Volume "Giving his supper to the Devil " Wesley Family- William Robertson Duchess of Gordon Philip d'Au- vergne Genealogy in Dumas Pinkett Rev. William Hill Con- Contraction, 427 Oxford Almanac Designers Dog-bite Cure " L.S." " Tell me, my Cicely, why so coy,' P 428.

REPLIES : Shakespeare's Wife, 428 The Pelican Myth, 429 Michaelmas Custom The Mussuk Heacham Parish Officers, 431 Theatre-Building Martyrdom of St. Thomas : St. Thomas of Hereford. 432" Vine " Inn, High- gate Lisk, 433 Semi-effigies "Come, live with me" " Grant me, indulgent Heaven," 434 Hermit's Crucifix- Suppression of Duelling in England, 435 Hazel or Hessle Pears, 436 -Book of Legal Precedents ' Prayer for In- difference ' Governor Stephenson of Bengal Manor Court of Edwinstowe, Notts, 437.

NOTES ON BOOKS : ' Three Generations of Fascinating Women' 'The Life and Opinions of John Buncle ' Wieland's ' Adventures of Don Sylvio 'Evelyn's Life of Margaret Godolphin ' ' Irish-English Dictionary.'

Booksellers' Catalogues.

Notices to Correspondent*.



BERNARD AND RUDKIN FAMILIES. (See 2 nd S. i. 101 ; 4 th S. vi. 47.)

THE statements in the notes above referred to as to the name and parentage of the wife of Sir Gilbert Pickering, the fifth baronet, and as to the connexions between the Pickering, Bernard, and Rudkin families contain some serious errors, which it is desirable to correct.

In the note at 2 nd S. i. 101 it is stated that Sir Gilbert married Anne, daughter of Franks Bernard, of Castletown, King's County, by whom he had two sons and seven daughters ; and in the contribution at 4 th S. vi. 47, Doming from the pen of Y. S. M. (the final letters of the name of an experienced genealogist now deceased), Anne Bernard above mentioned (described as the third daughter of Franks Bernard) is represented as having married Sir Edward Pickering, Bart., while their daughter Mary is stated to have married "her cousin german, Henry Kudkin, Esq., of Wells, co. Carlow (son of Henry Rudkin and Deborah, fourth daughter of Franks Bernard)."

Manuscript pedigrees of the Pickering and Rudkin families, compiled by the late

Mr. Atkins Davis, now in Ulster's Office, Dublin, also give Anne, daughter of Franks Bernard, as the wife of Sir Gilbert Pickering, Bart., and her sister Deborah as the wife of Henry Rudkin of Wells (afterwards referred to as Henry R^udkin the elder); and this Henry Rudkin is described as the father of Henry Rudkin the younger, who married Mary, a daughter of Sir Gilbert Pickering.

In the early editions of Burke's * Landed Gentry ' also, in the pedigree of Bernard of Castle Bernard, the same statements are made as to the marriages of Anne and Deborah, daughters of Franks Bernard.

Sir Gilbert appears to have been a some- what distant cousin of Sir Edward Picker- ing, the fourth baronet ; none of the family estates came to him : and there is a good deal of obscurity about the events of his life. When G. E. C. came to deal with him in vol. ii. of 4 The Complete Baronetage,' he had not any more reliable information as to the name and parentage of his wife than that contained in Mr. Atkins Davis's MS. pedigree of the Pickering family. Hence he has represented the wife of Sir Gilbert Pickering, the fifth baronet, as Anne, daughter of Franks Bernard : and in a note, citing Y. S. M.'s note at 4 th S. vi. 47, he has given further currency to the statement that Henry Rudkin the elder married Deborah, a sister of this Anne Bernard.

But (1) Henry Rudkin the elder did not marry Deborah, daughter of Franks Bernard, but married Elizabeth, a sister of Franks Bernard and a daughter of Thomas Bernard, of Oldtown, co. Carlow ; (2) the wife of Sir Gilbert Pickering, the fifth baronet, and the mother of his children, was Mary Rudkin, a daughter of Henry Rudkin the elder by his wife Elizabeth Bernard ; and (3) Henry Rudkin the younger, who married Mary, daughter of Sir Gilbert Pickering, was not a son, but a grandson, of Henry Kudkin the elder, being the only son of Bernard Rudkin, the eldest son of Henry Rudkin the elder.

The information necessary for these correc- tions, or for the greater portion of them, is to be found in the pleadings in a suit in the Court of Chancery in Ireland, instituted in 1760 for the purpose of administering the assets of Henry Rudkin the elder. The bill was filed on 17 December, 1760, by Anne Rudkin and William Rudkin, two of the children of Henry Rudkin the elder ; and the defendants included, amongst others, Sir Gilbert Pickering, Bart, and Mary his wife, a daughter of Henry Rudkin the elder, and Sarah Rudkin. the widow (and one of the executors) of Bernard Rudkin, the eldest son