Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/604

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. n. DEC. 17, i9M.

Mr. A. Russell Smith sends us a catalogue of engraved portraits. Many of these will be valuable to collectors. The Addenda contain a large-paper copy of Drayton's * Battaile of Agincourt,' 1627, 151. 15*. Only three large-paper copies of this are known, and this is the finest. A copy of the Prayer Book, folio, black-letter, 1662, is '31. 15*. This is known as the Sealed Book of Charles II., is the first edition of the Common Prayer revised by a convocation of the clergy, and the last in which any alteration was made by public authority, and is that which is still in use by the Church of England. Under Exhibitions and Amusements are fifty-seven handbills of entertainments at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, 1829 to 1886 : also another collection, 1801-90, which includes Madame Tus- saud's visit to Bath and her show in Gray's Inn Road.

Messrs. W. H. Smith & Son have in their December list a good general assortment, some new -as published, also books for school prizes and presents.

Mr. Walter T. Spencer heads his catalogue with the words of Cowley, " Come, my best friends, my 'books, and lead me on," and we find that he possesses many "best friends," including a choice copy of Bewick's ' Birds,' large paper. 11. Is. ; first editions of Browning ; and Byron's ' The Deformed Trans- formed,' first edition, 35/. It contains Byron's auto- graph, "To Miss Agnes Cathcart with the Author's kind regards." There are also more first editions of Byron. First editions of Lewis Carroll, 4 choice volumes, in purple morocco, bound by Wood, are 331. Many interesting works relating to America are included. This catalogue is rich in Dickensiana ; extra-illustrations abound. There are many works on the early railways. A series of 17 original water- colour drawings by Rowlandson, attractive for framing, is 251. ; another series, '211. These are from the Eraser Collection. Under Shakespeare we find Boydell's ' Gallery,' 301. A copy of ' In Memoriam,' a present from Tennyson to his sister, >is 511. 10s. There are ten volumes from Thackeray's library, with his stamp upon them : and vol. i. of the Pictorial Times, 1843, 21. 5s. This contains Thackeray's contributions. These, Mr. Spencer states, "have never been reprinted." The cata- logue contains over two thousand items.

Mr. Thomas Thorp, of St. Martin's Lane, has selections from various libraries. The items com- prise Collins's ' Peerage,' 9 vols., 1812, 31. 5s. ; a first edition of ' Copperfield,' II. 5s. ; a number of interest- ing works relating to Kent, including Hasted, vols. i. and ii., 1778, 4. 10*., and Thorpe's * Registrnm Roffense,' 1769, 31. 12s 6d. ' L'Heptameron,' 3 vols., Berne, 1780, is 4. 15*. (the Hamilton copy sold for 467.). A scrap-book of autograph letters, price 30*., contains one from Huxley : " If I had as many lives as a cat I would leave no corner unexplored." There is a first edition of Swinburne's 'Atalanta,' Moxon, 1865, 51. 5s.; also 'Songs before Sunrise,' 25s. There are some classical books at low prices to clear.

Messrs. Henry Young & Sons, of Liverpool, have a good December list. Among other items is the original edition of Knight's ' Account of the Remains of the Worship of Priapus.' This is very rare. Some of the plates are so extraordinary that doubt was thrown on the genuineness of the subjects represented ; however, the author vindicated their truth by presenting to the British Museum all

the original specimens, which may still be seen there. The scarce edition of Walton and Cotton, 1784, is priced at 61. 6s. Saxton's Atlas, which is most rare, 1579, is 101. Sir Henry Edwardes's copy fetched 90/. at Christie's in May, 1901. 14/. 14*. is asked for a line set of Pickering's reprints of the Books of Common Prayer, 1844. Under Cruikshank is the first edition of Ireland's 'Napoleon,' 1828, price 211. A complete set of Bentley, 1837-69, is 221. There is a first edition of Pepys's 'State of the Navy,' 1690. This copy contains many correc- tions made by the author's own hand, and it has the table showing how the 1,515,067^. 13*. Id. special grant was spent. There is a collection of medals commemorative of the triumph of the British arms over Napoleon, 1820, 11. 10*. These were published under the direction of James Mudie, who expended 10,000/. on their production.


E. S. DODGSON ("Navew"). The compiler of your Spanish-English dictionary had authority for using this word. It is given in Annandale's four- volume 'Imperial Dictionary ' as " a popular name of the wild turnip (Brassica campestris) " ; and a similar definition appears in the 'Encyclopaedic Dictionary.' In the abridged Johnson of 1756 navew is also included, and defined as " an herb," on the authority of Miller.

J. CURTIS ("Pronunciation of Pepys"). See 8 th S. iii. 488 ; xi. 187, 269. Mr. Ashby-Sterry's clever lines on the subject were quoted by ST. SWITHIN at the second reference.

M. B. (" Hearts is trumps "). There is no defence for such locution, which, for the rest, we never heard.

F. H. RELTON (" Luther Family "). Will appear shortly.

A. A. KIDSON ("Masons' Marks"). See the articles at 8 th S. vii. 208, 334, 416 ; viii. 18, 91, 198.

S N ("Royal Arms in Churches"). Much in- formation will be found at 7 th S. vi. 191 and ix. 317, these communications summarizing many previous articles, and giving full references to them.


Editorial communications should be addressed to " The Editor of 'Notes and Queries'" Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lisher" at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, B.C.





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