Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/647

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io< s. ii. DEC. 31, 1904.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


in Mr. Hall Caine's popular novel 'The Deemster.' I enclose two cuttings from a '* Guide to the Isle of Man ' I recently wrote -for Messrs. Ward, Lock & Co.'s series, which will probably give your correspondent suffi- cient information for his purpose.


In addition to the facts about Bishop Thomas Wilson given in the 'D.X.B.,' two

a Tyneside school reminds me that in the Xorfolk villages, where the h is often wrongly used, but rarely dropped, the girls who come home after long service in London are some- times regarded by their relations as authori- ties on pronunciation. The result is lament- able when the peasant family, hearing Kate tal|e of '"avin a 'oliday," strive to correct their own speech, just as a family in La Beauce may try to obtain a proper accent

short but interesting references to him appear ^ eauc e may try to obtain a . in the 'Private Journal and Literary Remains ^' om Jeann ,e, who is a bonne in the Latin of John Byrom, the Poet,' published by the Q uarfc er. For reasons too long to enter upon <Chetham Society. Writing to his wife from here ^' 1 Q * iP^?*tion of French is <Gray^Inn on Thursday night, 20 February, | probablymuch better than Katesof Enghsh.

In an edition, dated 1622, of a translation of Tacitus by Richard Greenwey, I find " a husband," " a hainous," " a huge." I find also

1724, Byrom says :

  • ' I saw the Bishop of Man to-day ; met him in

le street. He said '

Inn, but never has

the street. He said he would call on ine at Gray's

perhaps his own affairs em- barrass him, which I hear are likely to go against, put don't mention that to anybody."

And again, under date 27 May, 1735, Byrom wrote :

- a head " in the fifth edition of Sir Henry Savile's translation of Tacitus, dated 1622. But generally he seems to have an before h. It is well known that the work of Sir H.

I met the Bishop of Man to-day in a coach ; I Savile was originally published in the reign \St^Re^Jidi?d^^ i e th S ?nk f Elizabeth. From the dedication it seems 'to call upon him to-day at Mr. Patten's." clear tnat Greenwey s book must also have

A R "FVwTpp-TT ^ rsfc appeared in that reign. But there is no iKhLL. announcement on the title-page that it is a orwarded the extracts to SIR CHARLES I sec ond or later edition ; and I am somewhat

%-/xi,^iA>, j.j.rv. jjj. u. J-VliMjC,*, \jr. &.. 1VJL., and tHG .ttEV. I * '

. S. WARD are also thanked for replies.] uj LIG H TED AT T HE FOOT" (10* S. ii. 347,

LONDON CEMETERIES IN 1860 (10 th S ii 412). This is part of the fifty-ninth line of 169, 296, 393, 496). I thank ME. HOLDEN Aytoun's ' Firmilian,' p. 4. ALDENHAM. MACMICHAEL for referring me to possible D , vm MoNT4GU ERSKINE SECOND LOP D sources of information concerning the East EiiSSE (10* S ii 406) -H C 1? StPnnPv T h?7 m ^^M H rSe > Lane ' correct in stating that Lord Erskine's

ooks y whJh T earche l ^ r - Frer , es 1 two appeared in the 'Westminster School Register' r?feren c r therein ^fT'tl^H F\ * " "solely because the author relied on the Mrs Basil HolmJ < Tht T 2 **$ 'Dictionary.'" The school admissions from The London Burial- 1 1788 to 18( / 6 have unfortunately been lost, so that there was no means of checking the

the 'D.N.B.' Some six Mr. Holgate, who was a authority on Winchester names and an old correspondent of 'N. & Q.,' wrote to me con- cerning some Westminster names, and, with to Lord Erskine, said, "He may have been also at Westminster, but he was cer-


u to any correspondent who would

toW H f i w 11

H y f ^t 1S f the n fc th ^ c ?i neter

T ' Pjfl *

/>i M de f c l, sm g the East London Cemetery tainly a Commoner at Winchester in 1787." <Mile End Old Town hamlet), and vaults | G. F. K. B.

under Brunswick Chapel wholly,

ISM. ^For\n^ I (If S. ii. 267, 330 414, 476, 512).-

New Town Burial-ground wholly, see ibid ^formed by a kind correspondent that a B

31 January 1854 272 ' was introduced into Parliament at the latter

'j. HOLDEN MAC-MICHAEL e - of laS n ses ^ i l 1 T to ma ^ e bette 5 pr * I vision for the Custody and Preservation of

// IN COCKNEY, USE OR OMISSION (10 th S. ii. 307, 351, 390, 490). R. B-R'S note on the

Local Records." He enough to favour


has also been good with a copy of the

., ' ' ' / ' -* v^vv^ v^JL* \JL\\j WUX/bt&A^ V\S JLVU V \J\AL UUU A V** M s -'^'|/J r ^^ VI.AVJ

pupil teacher who introduced A-dropping into I BilJ, which was ordered to be printed on