Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/672

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1905.

Laurence (John), writer on gardening, 246 Lawrance (K. M.) on biography of epitaphs, 534 Greig, Admiral Sir Samuel, 173 Lament harp, 71 Lancashire toast, 10 Mesmerism in the Dark Ages, 168 Lawrence (R. G.) on Woffington, 88 Lawrence (SirT.), commemoration tablet, 425 Lawrence (W. J. ) on Jenny Cameron of Lochiel, 447 Drama, early, in Chester, 29 Locke's music for ' Macbeth,' 142 Purcell's music for ' The Tempest,' 164, 329 Walker (Thomas), in Dublin, 247 Woffington (Peg), her portraits, 226 Lawrence-Hamilton (J.) on Britain's tithe of fish, 187 Leader : leading article, origin of the terms, 345 Lean (Vincent fetuckey) and Maclean family, 466 Leche family, 348

Lee (A. C.) on ' The Oxford Sausage,' 227 Lee (G. E.) on Coutances and Winchester, 231 Leeper (A.) on " beatific vision," 7

O'Neill seal, 539

Lefroy (H.) on Lefroy family, 529 Lefroy family, 529

Lega-Weekes(E. ) on Axstede ware, 149 Fulling days, 389 Lambeth, 173 Manchet, 328 Plurality of office, 527

Legal precedents, book of, 1725-50, 365, 437 Legg (John), Wiltshire naturalist, <?. 1780, 291 Leicester, " Eiding of St. George " at, 511 Leicester Square, " Great Globe " at, 529 Leigh (R. A. A.) on Eton lists, 107 Leighton (H. R.) on Bennett family, 9 Leitb, Thomas Gladstone and bread riots in, 388 Le Keux and Grievance Office, 207, 374, 413, 537 Leman family of Suffolk, 248, 317 Lesk or Lisk family, 68, 433 Leslie (J. H.) on Royal Artillery officers, 528 L'Espec (Sir Walter) and Richard Speke, 287, 513 Lethieullier (Smart), his MSS , 508 Lewjs (General C. Algernon), first commission, 17 Lewisham, demolition of Colfe's Almshouses, 324 'Liber Landaventds,' twelfth-century MS., 149 Licence : license, the spelling, 484 Lichfield Cathedral, semi-effigies in, 269, 434 Light called " Trill upon my Harp," 148 Lincoln, arms of city and see, 37; Roman guards

removed from Palestine to, 469 Lincolnshire, folk medicine in, 446 Lincoln's Inn Fields, laying out of, 27 Linen, bed and table, Oliver Cromwell's, 268 Lingen and Ingram families, 487 Links with the past, 286, 407 Linley (Francis), blind Freemason, 269 Lion, story of Ephis and his, 448 Lisbon, English burial-ground at, 448 Lisk or Lesk family, 68, 433

Littlemore (Prioress of), letter to John Fettiplace, 335 Lloyd (L.) on brass in Winslow Church, 388 Lobishome in Portugal, 15

Local Records Committee Report, 267, 330, 414, 476 "Loci tenentes," use of the plural, 128 Locke (Matthew), music for 'Macbeth,' 142: for ' Tempest,' 165, 270

Lockhart's 'Spanish Ballads,' errors in 'Song of the

Galley,' 206

Logan (John), the couplet " In every pang," 166 Logan (Mrs. Eliza), author of ' St. Johnstoun,' 407 Loggan (David), British mezzotinter, 521 London, illustrations of Dickensian, 49 ; topography

of ancient, 58 ; wrestling match in, 122, 181 London, vanishing : Camden Town, Hampstead Road, Tottenham Court Road, Tottenham Street, 125 J Romney's house, 234

London cemeteries in 1860, 169, 296, 393, 496, 535 London statues, missing, 209

Longfellow (H. W.), his religion, 148 ; essays on, 22$ Lothbury, its etymology, 64 Louis XIV., his heart eaten, 346, 496 Lousy-Low, derivation of place-name, 349 Loutherbourgh ( J. P. de), his paintings, 389 Lowell and Emerson, inedited verses, 423 Lowes or Loes (John), vicar executed for witchcraft,


Lowther Arcade, its demolition, 125 Lucca, remains of Richard of Scotland at, 408 Lucis on Acqua Tofana, 269

" Go anywhere and do anything," 8

I.H.S., 106 Ludovico, painter, his identity, 288, 377, 491 'Lingua,' play, c. 1662,126 Lusk (D. C.) on Liek, 68 Lyne (R. N.) on quotation wanted, 149 Lynn (W. T.) on Arago on Mewton, 265

Astronomer, 424

Bacon and the drama, 195

Copernicus and Mercury, 56

Whitsunday in 'Anglo-Saxon Chronicle,' 166"

" Work like a Trojan," 168 ' Lyrical Ballads/ 1798, 228 Lyte (H. F.), his 'Sailor's Grave,' 327, 351, 493 Lytton (Bulwer), keys to his novels, 489 M. on Khaki, 207

Spanish proverb on the orange, 134

Vaghnatcb, or tiger-claw weapon, 95 M.A. and J.P., question of precedence, 408 M.A.Oxon on Graham, 274

Jesso, 288 M. (D.) on " Birds of a feather flock together," 8

School company, 288 M. (H. A. St. J.) on electric telegraph anticipated, 235-

Seventeenth-century phrases, 425 M. (J.) on 'Murray's Handbook for Yorkshire,' 105 M. (J. G.) on May monument, 57 M. (J. P.) on Polisman, 108 M. (L.) on Thackeray illustrations, 67 M. (N.) & A. on Bottesford, 349

Dog-names, 101 M. (N.) and A. on Bottesford, 349

Dog-names, 101 M. (P.) on Holy Maid of Kent, 268

Royal hunting, 469 M. (P. C. D.) on bee superstitions, 26

Leche and Evelyn families, 348

Sporting clergy before the Reformation, 89 Mac, prefix prohibited in Scotland, 466 Macaulay (J. H.), Latin translation of Gray's-

'Elegy,' 92

Macaulay (T. B., Lord) on talented, 24 ; Maccoll (Norman), his death, 520