Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/676

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1905.

Packington( William), Anglo-Norman Chronicle by, 41 Page (J. T.) on bathing-machines, 130

Cawood family, 515

Coliseums old and new, 530

Coutts (Messrs ), their removal, 232 '

Dog-names, 470

Dyer (Sir Edward), 33

English cardinals' hats, 96

Epitaphiana, 396, 531

Fonts, desecrated, 255

Fotheringay, 215

Heacham pariah officers, 335

Hessel (Phoebe), 74

Kissing gates, 395

London cemeteries in 1860, 393, 535

Martyrdom of St. Thomas, 196

Northern and Southern pronunciation, 317

Oakham Castle and its horseshoes, 445

Parish clerk, 215

Parish documents, 415, 535

Peek-bo, 153

Rebecca of Ivanhoe,' 94

Rules of Christian life, 335

Scribblers, irresponsible, 86

Shipton (Mother), 17

Tenth sheaf, 454

Vaccination and inoculation, 132

"Vine" Tavern, Mile End, 218

Washington (George), his arms, 417

Wesley family, 427

Westminster Hall flooded, 126 Painters on glass, 67 Painting on glass, old receipt for, 284 Paisley Annual Miscellany,' 1612, 8 Pall Mall on Marble Arch, 226 Palmer (A. Smythe) on dog-names, 470 Palmer (E.) on Sir Edward Dyer, 33

" Speak with the tongue in the cheek," 148 Palmer (J. Foster) on old Bible, 152

Missing link, 317

Tideswell and Tideslow, 152

Vaccination and inoculation, 513 Pamela or Pamela, its pronunciation, 50, 89, 196 Panneil (C.) on broom squires, 145 Panoramas in London, 485, 529 Papers, official use of the word, 532 Paradise, Heaven, and Hell as place-names, 354, 533 Paragraph mark, its origin, 301, 449, 496 Parallel passages : Pope, Gray, Collins, and Camp- bell, 526

Paraphernalia, use of the word, 46 Pardons granted by kings, 21 Parish (Rev. William Douglas), his death, 279 Parish clerks, stories concerning, 128, 215, 373 Parish constable, his duties, 336, 371, 431 Parish documents, their preservation, 267, 330, 414,


Parish officers, 247, 335, 371, 431 Parliament, classics quoted in, 326, 418 Parragen, meaning of the word, 426, 533 Parry (Col. G. S.) on curious Christian names, 375 Inscriptions at Las Palmas and Orotava, 155 Parry (Henry), ' D.N.B.' on, 425 Paste, earliest use of term, 19, 72, 137 Patching (J.) on county tales, 111 Paton (H.) on Col. Sir John Cumming, 269

" Paules Fete," a measure, 87, 138 Pawnshop, earliest use of the word, 267, 354 Pazziazzi or Paziazi (M. von), his 'Voice from the

Danube,' 109 Peach (H. H.) on cast-iron chimney-back, 296

Galileo portrait, 492 Peachey (G. C.) on Coutances and Winchester, 154 Peacock (E.) on beer sold without a licence, 9

Blood used in building, 455

Children at executions, 346

Font consecration, 336

Higgins (Godfrey), 276

Kissing gates, 395

Martyrdom of St. Thomas, 274

Pin witchery, 272, 376

Roman guards from Palestine to Lincoln, 469

" Sun and Anchor " Inn, 132

Peacock (J. E. O. W.) on folk -medicine in Lincoln- shire, 446

Peak and pike, relationship of the words, 61, 109, 172 Pearmain, derivation of the word, 327 Pears : hazel or hessle, 349, 436 ; Worry Carle, 436 Pearweeds, derivation of word, 327 Pedigrees: Portuguese, 167, 255; Northumberland

and Durham, 268, 331, 351 Peel, a mark, use of the word, 226 Peek-bo, its early use, 85, 153 Peet (W. H.) on dog-names, 470

' Goody Two Shoes,' 250

Parish documents, 330 Pelfry, used by Dr. Johnson, 267 Pelham, a bridle, its origin, 267 Pelican myth, first mention, 267, 310, 429, 497 Pembroke (eighth Earl of), his children, 228 Penny (F.) on "giving the hand" in diplomacy, 251

William III. at the Boyne, 416 Penny a year rent at Hampstead, 186 Penny wares, earliest mention, 369, 415, 456 Pepys (S.) on 365 children, 314 ; pronunciation of the

name, 500

Peri, a Guiana term, 306

Perks (S.) on closets in Edinburgh buildings, 89 Pertinax on poem by H. F. Lyte, 327 Pettus (Col. Thomas), c. 1638, his parentage, 468 Pevensey, Mayors of, 111 Phillimore (W. P. W.) on Falkneror Faulkner family,


PhilHpps MSS., their dispersal, 28, 72 Phipps (Col. R.) on Premier Grenadier of France, 52 Phoenicians at Falmouth, 469, 518 Pickering (Sir Gilbert), his pedigree, 421 Pickford (J.) on Sir Edwin Arnold, 286

Bathing-machines, 131

Closets in Edinburgh buildings, 154

Dog-names, 151, 234, 470

Duchess Sarah, 414, 494

Epitaphiana, 323

Epitaphs : their bibliography, 194, 534

' Experiences of a Gaol Chaplain,' 330

' Flemings in Oxford,' 526

Fonts, desecrated, 254

Germain (Lady Elizabeth), 156

Gray's ' Elegy ' in Latin, 92

Isabelline as a colour, 477

Joannes v. Johannes, 189, 355

Mercury in Tom Quad, Oxford, 532