Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/686

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1905.

Westmorland, pronunciation of the word, 152 'Westmorland Gazette,' De Quincey's editorship, 101 Weston (Col. Hunter), his death, 179 Wheel : Jersey wheel explained, 208, 274 Wheeler (Adrian) on bugman, 246 Wherry (B, L.) on ' Bsrnaby Kudge,' 206 Whewell and Jowett, epigram on, 275, 353 White Company, its nationality, 68, 132 Whitebouse (A. E.) on Denny family, 494

Galileo portrait, 492

Whitehouse and James on Holy Maid of Kent, 336 Whitsunday, its derivation, 121, 217, 297/352; in

'Anglo-Saxon Chronicle,' 166, 313 Whitty Tree, place-name, its meaning, 113 Whitwell (R. J.) on ' Assisa de Tolloneip,' 387 " Paules fete," 87

Vere (Edward), seventeenth Earl of Oxford, 809 Widdereinnis or withershins, origin of the word, 76 Wife day: wife tea, old Cumberland custom, 287 Wiggle, meaning of the word, 28, 153, 274 Wigs, varieties of, 50, 176 Wilderepin (Samuel), portraits of, 528 Will's Coffee-house, five of the name, 461 Willccck (J.) on biead for ihe lord's Day, 2C9

Monmouth cipher, 347 Willes (Bichard), was he "B. W." ? 484 William HI., his chargers at the Boyne, 321, 370,

415, 453

Williams (A. J.)on electiic telegraph anticipated, 234 Williams (ArchHbfcop John) and John C wen, 146 Williams (Eev. John), of Ystrad Meurig Grammar

^School, 68, 175 Williamson (D.) on alia?, 13 W illock family, of Bordley, 188, 276 Wills made by dog and donkey, 501 Wilson (C. Bundy) on curious Christian names, 375

Poetical curiosity, 47

"Wilson (Prof. John) and Kobert Burns, 306 Wilson (Eev. John), of King's College, Cambridge, 449 Wilson (T.) on Among others," 56

"Kick the bucket," 7 5

W ilson (W. E.) on Berwick : Steps of Grace, 516 Cowper, 235 Dog-names, 234 Skeletons at funerals, 48 Stob, 495

Wiltshire naturalist, c. 1780, 248, 291 Winchester College Visitation, 1559, 45, 115 Winchester, Coutances, and Channel Islands, 68,154,231 Windsor (T.) on Ealph Thomas's 'Swimming,' 382 Mine used in building, 455 Winslow, brass in paiish church at, 388 Winter (Fev. Eicbard), of Carey Street, 348, 412 Winwick, rectory of, c. 1575, 109, 177, 258 Wisbecb, Quaker princess buried at, 208, 294 Witchcraft, vicar executed for, 265 ; bibliography, 323 Witham, origin of place-name, 289, 333, 474, 538 Withershins, origin of the word, 76 Wcffington (Peg), portraits of, 226; portrait by

Latham, 447

"Woffington surname, its origin, 88, 174, 235 Wolfe (General J.) and Gray's ' Elegy,' 27 Wolferstan (E. P.) on cag-mag, 388 Disraeli on Gladstone, 67

Wolferstan (E. P.) on Hell, Heaven, and Paradise, 355- Parish clerk, 216 Eule of the road, 467 Talented, 94 Witham, 539

Wollaston or Wolstop, in Shropshire, 256 Wolverhampton, pulpit of St. Peter's Church, 37, 96 Women voters in counties and boroughs, 494 Women's Club, University, name for, 33 Wontner (E.) on Lethieullier's MSS., 508 Wood (Major W.) on Wolfe and Gray's ' Elegy,' 27 Wood -(Mrs. Henry), plot of ' East Lynne,' 506 Wooden pipes for water, 180 Wooing staff in Japan, 504 Woolmen in the fifteenth century, 448, 514 " Words that burn," 86

Wordsworth (W.), name in schoolhouse, Hawkshead,137 Working class officially defined, 146, 240 World's Fair, Chicago, Manufactures Building at, 197" Wotton (Sir Henry), misprints in 'Beliquiae,' 326,

371, 476 ; and Bilford, a painter, 508 Wrestling match in London in 1222, 18 Wright (B. ) on a royal carver, 27 Wright (John), S.T.L., in ' Douay Diaries,' 135 Wright (T.) his edition of Cowper, 1, 42, 82, 122,,

162, 203, 242

Wygge, alias William Way, alias Flower, 106 Wyld's "Great Globe, "529 Xylographer on Lady Elizabeth Germain, 88 Hoyle (Edmond), 409 Marylebone Literary Society, 167 T, its use in English, 186, 316, 371 Yardley (E.) on authors of quotations, 295 Dog-names, 151 'East Lynne,' 506 Gray's < Elegy ' in Latin, 93 H in Cockney, 351, 391, 490, 535 Homer and Pope, 525 Pin witchery, 273 Eeaper Death, 146 Shakespeariana, 343, 523 Talenteo, 93, 172 Uncle Eemus in Tuscany, 276 Tcri, 316

Yarn, American, 188, 251 Ye=the, is it an archaism 1 301 Yeo (W. Curzon) onChiltern Hundreds, 516

Oxenham epitaphs, 509 Ygrec on Mazzard Fair, 228

Phoenicians at Falmoutb, 518 Ympe=shoot grafted in, 186 York, Ainsty, meaning of, 97 Yorkshire toast, 58

Yorkshireman on Noithern and Southern pronun- ciation, 256, 393

" You was " and " Was you ? " 72, 157 Younger (G. W.) on Nelson and Warren decanter, 268 Ystrad Meirac (Meurig) Grammar School, 68, 175 Z. (X.) on blood used in building, 389

Moral standards of Europe, 168, 334 Zad (Adam), origin of his surname, 48, 133 Zephyr, definition of the word, 312 Zeta on armorial bearings, 328 Zola (fimile), Abbe" Pierre Froment in 'Borne,' 271