Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/220

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. m. MARCH 4, 1905.

  • carce, 51. 10*. Under Cornwall is Hawker's

' Echoes,' the rare first edition, 1846, 12* 6d. Under Derbyshire is a collection of 17 water-colour draw- ings, by Buckler, of Haddon Hall, 1800, 16/. 1G<. Under Isle of Wight is Stone's 'Architectural Anti- quities,' 31. 5s. ; and under Lake District, Fielding and Walton's ' Picturesque Tour,' 51. 5-?. The items under London and Middlesex are very interesting. These include Hackney, ' Free Customs and Privi- ledges of the Copyhold Tenants of Lord Went- worth,' 1675,2;. 12*. 6d. (ex-libris of Sir W. Besant) ; Faulkner's 'Chelsea,' 1810, 21. 15-*.; Prickett's 'Highgate,' 1842, 21. 12*. 6^. Under Kensington is a ' Plan of the Road from Hyde Park Corner to Counter's Bridge,' 11. 5s. A copy of ' London Cries,' 1700, is priced 41. 4s. ; ' London Street Views,' 1830-40, 31. 5s. (this shows the trades- men's shops with names) ; Stow's ' Survey,' 1764-5,; 'Views of Covent Garden Market,' 1811, '11. 17*'. 6-1. ; Holborn, 'The Old Red Lion.' 1840, 101. 10*. ; ' Entrance to Hyde Park,' 1844, 111. Us. ; and ' Leicester Fields,' 1825, 11. 7*. There is a copy of Buck's 'Views,' 331-.', also Kip's 'Views,' 63?. The entire catalogue is full of interest.

Mr. William Smith, of Reading, has a number of items under Antiquarian and Topographical, also curious collections of tracts, 1638, 1641, and 1661 : Early English Text Society's Publications, and many important books under Berkshire, Cornwall, Hampshire, London, Ireland, &c. There is a copy of the ' Heptameron,' Society of English Biblio- philists, 1894, 41. 4-s'., only 312 copies printed.

Messrs. Sotheran's catalogue, 11 February, con- tains De Gray Birch's ' Cartularium Saxonicum,' 4 vols. 4to, 3^. ; Baskerville's beautiful edition of Ariosto, Birmingham, 1773, Ctf. 6-s. (this is scarce); Ascham's 'Schoolmaster,' 1570, 15/. 15*.; a fine library set of The Contemporary Review, 241.; Duval's ' Caricatures,' a curious collection, 1843, 10^. 10*. ; Dickens's 'Christmas Books,' the five, in original cloth, 51. 5*. ; also other first editions of Dickens; a set of Florian, 15 vols. 18mo, 1784-92, very scarce, 101. 10*. ; Gough's 'Sepulchral Monu- ments,' 1786-96, very rare, 251. ; the new reissue of Jesse's ' Historical Memoirs,' 30 vols., half-morocco, '2~l. ; and Lysons's 'Environs of London,' 1790, 4001. This is a magnificent set, as it contains nearly 5,000 additional portraits, and the 4 vols. are extended to 26. Another copy is priced at 130^. There is a large-paper copy of Hodgson's 'Northumberland,' very rare, price 421. Matthew Hopkins's ' Discovery of Witches,' published at the Upper Halfe-Moone in Norwich, 1647, is 41. 10*. The catalogue describes this as " a rare and interesting publication of this infernal scoundrel." There are a number of private press publications, and some purchases from the library of the late Duke of Cambridge. These include a large-paper set of the Delphin Classics, with his crest on titles, half-calf, 131. 13*., published at 300^. unbound ; ' Cabinet des F6es,' 41 vols., QL 6*. ; and an important set of Grtevius's ' Antiquitatum et Historiarum Italias' and 'Thesaurus Sicilite,' altogether 24 vols. folio in 45, 1704-25, 5/. 5*. These also contain the duke's crest with old armorial book-plate. There is a long autograph letter of Andrew Marvell's, dated 14 Nov., 1676, to Sir Henry Thompson, respecting Nathaniel Bacon, the Virginian patriot, and other matters, 311. 10*.

Mr. Albert Sutton, of Manchester, has an interest- ing catalogue, consisting principally of philology, place-name*, and kindred subjects. There are a

number of Court memoirs, and a complete set of the Hellenic Society's Publications, 15^. 15*. ; also a number of trials, including the Tichborne, with biography by Dr. Kenealy, 9 vols. in 5, 41. 10*.

Mr. Thomas Thorp, of St. Martin's Lane, in his list includes The Anti- Jacobin Review, 58 vols., 1799-1820, 58*. ; ' Ingoldsby Legends,' 1840-55, scarce, 41. 4s. ; Boydell's ' Illustrations of Shakespeare,' 41. 10*. ; Everitt's ' English Caricaturists,' 1790-1886, 41. 4s.; Orme's ' Anecdotes of Personal Valour,' very rare, large paper, 1819, 101. 10*. ; and Cruikshank's ' Going to a Fight,' also rare, 12/. 10*. The scarce first edition of 'The Fortunate Mistress,' 1724, is 141. 14*. A first edition of ' Richard Feverel,' 1859, is 31. 3*. There are a number of seventeenth-century books in original bindings, also works on folk-lore, ancient religions, &c., and many political tracts.

Mr. George Winter, of Charing Cross Road, has Walpole's ' Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors,' 41. 15*. ; 'Print Collector's Manual,' 1844, II. 5*.; and ' Orchid Album,' scarce, 31. 3*. There are first editions of Lever's works and Thackeray, including ' Vanity Fair.' with the portrait of " Lord Steyne," very scarce, 31. 17*. 6(. Under Charles Lamb is a series of eight water-colour drawings by Paul Braddon. depicting the homes and haunts of Lamb, 21. 5*. There is the scarce first edition of Dickens's ' The Uncommercial Traveller,' original cloth, uncut, 3^. 3*. Among works on costume we find 'Costumes of the Russian People,' 1800, II. 1*. There are also a number of political tracts.


We must call special attention to the following notices :

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication "Duplicate."

J. D. HAGUE, New York ("Though lost to sight, to memory dear "). The fact that this line was written by Horace F. Cutter, and not by Clarence King, was pointed out by another New York corre- spondent, MR. V. C. EBERLIN, at 10 th S. ii. 345.

C. L. GULLIVKR (" Dawe Family "). An account of the family of Dawe of Ditcheat Manor House from 1695 to the present time .will be found in Burke's ' Landed Gentry,' 1898, vol. i. p. 385.

ERRATUM. Ante, p. 155, col. 1, 1. 22, for "bags" read lays.


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