Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/231

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10'" S. III. MARCH 11, 1905.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that the answers may be sent to them direct.

GREAT HOLLOW ELM AT HAMPSTEAD. The question, Where was this tree ? was asked in the First Series, but did not elicit any reply. Hollar's engraving of it (Vertue, Xo. 70 ; Parthey, Xo. 979) was reproduced by Park in his ' History of Hampstead, Middlesex,' together with extracts from the letterpress with which it is surrounded on the broadside in which it was issued ; but Park adds the following foot-note: " I have not ascertained the situation of this tree." In the Print- Room, British Museum, there is a proof im- pression, unlettered except " \V. Hollar delin. et sculp. 1653," but under is inscribed in an old hand " Langley Park, near Windsor.'"'

There are three Hampsteads in Berkshire : Hampstead Xorris, in which parish Langley Park is situated, Hampstead Marshall, and East Hampstead. The doggerel verses which surround the print do not yield us any de- finite clue, and an inquiry of the lady who at present resides at Langley Park elicited only a very courteous expression of regret that she could not give me any information on the subject.

I have not been able to trace any allusion to the tree either in Middlesex or Berkshire books, or in works on remarkable trees. The exact locality of this tree is still an open ques- tion. Of quite exceptional interest, and en- ' graved by one of the foremost of artists, it does seem strange that all evidence of its identity, save such as can be learned from the lines on the broadsheet, should have apparently disappeared. May I express a hope that this repetition of the query may lead to definite information? GEORGE POTTER.

10, Priestwood Mansions, Highgate, N.

CHAPEL MEADOW AT WEST HOPE. Can any one inform me of the whereabouts of a deed, dated 1650, referring to the "old Chappell and Chappell meadow" of West- hope, near Craven Arms, Salop? The deed was seen some years ago by a gentleman now deceased, and the writer, who wishes to consult it, will be glad to hear in whose custody it now is. X. Y. Z.

STRATFORD RESIDENTS ix THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. I have a King James's Bible, in somewhat bad condition, but still unrestored, which has several names written in it, of people who lived at " Stratford " in the middle

of the eighteenth century, and I should be thankful if any of your readers recognize their patronymics as those of families be- longing to Stratford-on-Avon or elsewhere.

John Pearshouse is my name,

And England is my nation ;

Stratford is my dwelling-place,

And Christ is my salvation. April ye 25th, 1729.

If any one this book should find,

I hope that they will be so kind,

For to restore it unto me

Whose name in writing you may see.

John Pearshouse.

The other names recorded are John Drury, Stratford, 1751/2; Robert Mercer, Stratford, 1752 ; H. Drury ; and Henry Pearshouse.


Grey Gables, Calverley, Leeds.

[John Pearshouse may possibly be connected with the Persehouse mentioned ante, p. 167, by MR. P.


BISHOP COLENSO. I shall be glad if some reader of ' X. &, Q.' will recommend me an account of the excommunication of Bishop Colenso of Xatal, and say how long after the severance with the Church of England he and his followers continued to work in South Africa. (Miss) GERTRUDE AGAR.

137, St. Saviour's Road, Leicester.

SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY HISTORICAL TRACT. I recently purchased a little tract relating to the execution of Charles I., which I think may interest your readers, and perchance some one may be able to enlighten me as to its author :

" [Al, Title] Ecclesise | gemitus 1 sub | Anabap- tistica Tyrannide. I Thren. v 15 & seq. | [4 lines] Anno Dom. 1649 | JKns Martyrii Caroli I. Britan- niarum Regis | anno primo. | [A2] [Device, preface] Bonis Omnibus, | Hodiernis & Posteris. | [Ends A4 verso.] Scribebam Anno Salutis 1649. | JEre Martyrii Caroli I. Regis anno primo. | Regni que Carol! II. Britanniarum &c. Regis | Anno Primo, | [A5, p. 1.] Ecclesiffi gemitus, &c. Metrum Primum.

MP.48, D4 verso, "Metrum quartum" ends.] [P. 49, .] Magni manes | Carolii I Regis & Martyris. | [P. 52 verso, D7 ends.] In Urbe Regia sine Rege, Anno | Regibus Funesto, mense nul | lis Febrius Expiando [ die atro." D8, errata. 12mo.

Hazlitt, Hi. 42, mentions a copy, but gives no particulars. The British Museum has a copy of a later edition, which is quite differently printed, and does not include colophon. It ie dated 13 July by Thomason as time when received, and is catalogued under ' Anabaptist Tyranny.' Hazlitt cata- logues it under ; Church.' H. H. PEACH.

37, Belvoir Street, Leicester.

ROCQUE'S AND HORWOOD'S MAPS OF LONDON. Rocque's 'Survey of London,' 1745,- and Horwood's 'Map of London,' 1794, must have