Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/285

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Herefordshire, and grandson of Walter Wall or Walle, Mayor of Hereford 1634.


TRANSLATIONS OF DOMESDAY (10 th S. iii. 167). Messrs. Vacher fc Sons do not seem to have printed any translation of the portion of Domesday Book relating to Notts. Q. V. and others interested in this subject will do well to make a note of the series of trans- lations of Domesday now appearing in the " Victoria County Histories." Not only are the translations and identifications carried out on the most approved historical methods, but the introductory essays throw great light on the difficult points of the record. The first volume for Notts is not yet issued, but is not likely to be long delayed. S.

Messrs. Vacher & Sons published about 1862 the extension and translation of Domes- day for Middlesex and Surrey, and extension only of Cornwall, to accompany the photo- zincographed facsimiles issued by the Ord- nance Survey Office; but the scheme was not sufficiently supported, and no more was done by them. The facsimiles were issued separately for each of the counties mentioned in the original Domesday, and it is a great pity that extensions and translations have not been done for every county, with full indexes.

Most of the counties have some sort of translation or extension or analysis, either as a separate work or embodied (embedded would be a better word) in the history of the county; but they are not systematically done, each translator taking his own line. Very few have any index of places or persons.

Berks, Stafford, and Suffolk have only the facsimiles ; and Notts, about which Q. V. particularly asks, has only a translation by the Rev. W. Bawd wen, issued in 1809 in his ' Dom Boc.'

I have a pretty full list of what has appeared for every county, and it would give me much pleasure to assist in making a proper extension and translation for those counties still requiring them to accompany the photo-zinco facsimile, and provide adequate indexes of every place and person mentioned.

A Domesday Record Society was inaugu- rated at the commemoration in 1886 ; but I do not know if anything was ever done by it. E. A. FRY.

172, Edmund Street, Birmingham.

ZEMSTVO (10 th S. iii. 185). In refuting a frequent error about the Russian Zemstvo I regret to have made myself a mis-

take which ought to be amended without delay. Dai's 'Slovar; or, Dictionary of Spoken Russian,' both in its third edition of 1880 and in the new one which is in progress, contains, indeed, the comparatively recent term Zemstvo, which had escaped there my notice. It is defined in Russian as the- " population of a district which contributes- to its local rates and taxes." H. K.

LUCAS FAMILIES (10 th S. iii. 168). Perhaps MR. PERCEVAL LUCAS will like to know of the following :

1. John Seymour Lucas, R.A., of New- Place, Woodchurch Road, N.W.

2. F. L. Lucas, of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, President of the Cambridge Union, Lent Term, 1883. He was bracketed with me in the Mathematical Tripos of 1882 ; I do not know where he is now.

3. A. W. Lucas, F.G.S., of Queen's Park, Chester, Head Master of the Wesleyan School there, and President of the Geological Section of the Chester Society of Natural Science, Literature, and Art, founded by Charles Kingsley in 1871.

T. CANN HUGHES, M.A., F.S.A. Lancaster.

An old deed in my possession, dated 5 Feb- ruary, 1576, gives curious details of a trial between George Lucas and Elizabeth his wife (complainants) and Edward Tyldesley (defendant) concerning a dispute about lands and tenements at Entwistle, Lanes. The great Palatine seal is attached. W. JAGGARD.

1S9, Canning Street, Liverpool.

BIDDING PRAYER (10 th S. iii. 168). A " Bidding Prayer " is given in Canon 55, " to be used by all Preachers before their

Sermons in this form, or to this effect."

It is quite possible that Oxford has retained, or revived, a pre- Reformation form. Blunt's ' Annotated Prayer-Book ' gives the following references for information on the subject : " ' Liber Festivalis,' L'Estrange's ' Alliance of Div. Offices,' MaskelPs 'Mon. Rit.,' iii. 342, Coxe's ' Forms of Bidding Prayer, with .In- troduction and Notes,' 1840."


St. Thomas, Douglas.

The later forms used in England are based upon the ancient forms printed in ' York Manual,' &c. (Surtees Soc.), pp. 123, 21 9*- 26*, and referred to p. 134. J. T. F.

I venture to suggest to SOMERVILLE that (whatever his "doxy ") the last ten words of his query introduce theological questions unsuited to the columns of 'N. &, Q.' His question may be answered by reference to