Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/315

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10*8. in. APRIL 1,1905.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


great apostle of Germany, nor has he made any original investigations as to his work and personal history. He is content with having woven a read- able and interesting narrative out of the bio- graphical dictionaries and handbooks which lie open to all. When he quotes his authorities he does so, as a rule, without specifying the volume, page, or date of the edition used, which is idle and reprehensible ; the bibliography he gives at the end is all but valueless. We are quite at a loss to understand what he means by the words " Power's copy " appended to " Wordsworth Eccles. Sonnets" (p. 14); and "Pathol." (p. 21) is a misprint for "Patrol." We may add, on our own account, that Boniface as a familiar synonym for the host of an inn has nothing to do with the subject of this volume, but comes from an innkeeper so named, one of the characters in Farquhar's comedy 'The Beaux' Stratagem,' 1707, with allusion, no doubt, to his jovial countenance, though some have ima- gined a connexion with "St. Boniface's cup," an indulgence granted to the Benedictines by the Pope of that name.

Germany ;, Books I. and II. Trans- lated by Margaret Armour. (Heinemann.) THESE unequalled and immortal poems of Heine constitute the eleventh volume of the collected edition of his works. In the rendering a difficult task is accomplished as well as is to be expected. The translations are readable and spirited through- out, and we have more than once in reading them experienced the thrill or gasp which some of Heine's inspired grimnesses are calculated to inspire. Heine is^ of course, no more translatable than Horace or Musset. The present book may, none the less, be read with enjoyment and gain.

To the series known as " Heinemann's Favourite Classics " is being added an edition, in seven volumes, of the poems of Tennyson, edited by Arthur Waugh. Of this the first two volumes consist of The Princess and The Early Poems. These volumes, the same in get-up as those of the Shakespeare, are, like them, miracles of cheapness. Each reproduces a facsimile portrait.

To Bell's "Miniature Series of Great Writers" have been added a capital life of Browning, by Sir Frank Marzials, and a readable biography of John-son, by Mr. John Dennis.

A VOLUME of 'Specimens of the Elizabethan Drama from Lyly to Shirley (1580-1612)' is about to be issued from the Oxford University Press. Nearly a hundred typical and representative scenes, complete in themselves, have been selected by Mr. W. H. Williams, now Professor of English Literature in the University of Tasmania. The text, which is, as a rule, that of the original quartos and folios, has been revised by Mr. Percy Simpson, in the editor's absence from England.

MB. W. ROBERTS writes : " The new catalogue of Mr. W. V. Daniell, of Mortimer Street, Caven- dish Square, W., contains an unusually complete set of N. ft Q.' The entry is as follows: ' Notes and Queries, a full set from the commencement in 1849 to the end of 1902, with the General Indices to the whole (8 vols.), together 114 vols. small 4to, fresh clean copy throughout in the original pub- lisher's cloth, 1849-1902, 35/.' "


MR. WILLIAM BROWN, of Edinburgh, has some beautiful manuscripts on vellum ; also some speci- mens of early printing. Under America we find Jefferys's ' American Atlas,' 1776, 4J. 4s. There are interesting items under Australia, including a fine copy of Grey's 'Journals during 1837-9,' 2 vols., Boone, 1841, 21. 5s., and Tench's 'Port Jackson/ 1793, 31. 10s. Other items are Barrie's ' Auld Licht Idylls,' one of the first fifty copies, 2 vols. imperial 8vo, 31. 10s. ; a first edition of Bewick's ' Select Fables,' Newcastle, 1820, 11. 15$. ; a choice collection of coloured plates, 1823-4, 28. 10s. Under Dickens occur ' Master Humphrey's Clock,' with extra plates, 3 vols., green French levant morocco, 1840-1,. 281. 10-*., and many other first editions. There is a large-paper copy of Fielding and Walton's ' English- Lakes,' Ackermann, 1821, 9/. ; also Gay's ' Fables,' the excessively rare edition of 1727-38, 3il. 10s. There is an inscribed presentation copy of Lamb's 'John Woodvil,' first edition, original boards^ uncut, 1802, 381. 10s. This volume is from the library of Dykes Campbell. The inscription is " Mr. Sugden, with C. Lamb's best regards." Under Natural History is Harvie-Brown's ' Verte- brate Fauna,' 9 vols., 14. 14s. ; and under Sporting, ' Annals of Sporting,' 1822-8, 6W. A copy of ' Les Hommes Illustres,' by Perrault, contains the two- suppressed portraits, Arnauld and Pascal, 1696-1700, 11. 15s. A copy of Onne's ' Nelson,' containing an> autograph letter of two quarto pages, is priced Ul. 10*. The work is extremely scarce.

Mr. J. G. Cpmmin, of Exeter, has Baessler's* ' Ancient Peruvian Art,' translated by A. H. Keane,. only 200 copies printed, 81. 10s. ; Angelo's ' Remi- niscences,' with introduction by Lord Howard de Walden,6V.6s ; Bible, 1636, with Prayer Book, bound, in contemporary needlework, 10/. 10s. ; a number of books relating to Devon and Exeter ; and Gould's- 'Birds of Great Britain.' 25 parts, 1862-73, 45^. The first edition of the ' Junius Letters,' 1772, rare, is \l. 5s. Several unauthorized collections were put forth previous to 1772, but in that year Wood* fall, the original printer of the letters, procured the sanction of " Junius " to issue an edition. ' The- True Portraiture of Mary, Queen of Scots,' Edition Royale, only 45 copies, 1904,is25guineas. Shenstone's- ' Poems,' printed for the amusement of a few friends,, prejudiced in his favour, first edition, Oxford, 1737,. is 151. This is very rare, as Shenstone " took uncommon pains to suppress it by collecting and destroying the copies wherever he met with them" (Stevens). Under Costume is a set of the 7 vols.. folio published by M'Lean & Miller, 10/. 10s. (original cost 6QL). A collection of Morland's- sketches, 18 parts, original wrappers, is marked* WL 10*.

Mr. Bertram Dobell has a most interesting col- lection of books by and relating to Shelley. These include the rare first edition, Moxon, 1839, 4/. 4s. ^ ' The Revolt of Islam,' 8vo, boards, uncut, John Brooks, 1829, 101. 10s. (this is really a copy of the first and uncastrated issue of ' Laon and Cythna') ; : ' Queen Mab,' the extremely rare original edition, 1813, 311. ; ' Rosalind and Helen,' 1819, 11. Is. Hogg's ' Life of Shelley,' 2 vols., 1858, scarce, 21. 2s. ;. also Shelley Society's Publications. These are from the Shelley library formed by W. B. Tegetmeier. The miscellaneous portion of the catalogue includes many items of interest among others, 'The Bag-