Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/364

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Mr. Henry Gray, of East Acton. Under Military we find Dalby's ' Journal of the Household Brigade,' 1862-80, 19 vols., 5^. 5s. ; under Coinage, Lindsay's ' Coinage of the Heptarchy,' very scarce, 15s. Under Yorkshire are Clarkson's ' Richmond,' 41. is., and {Speight's ' Upper Wharfedale,' 21. 2$. There are many works under Bedfordshire, including Lysons's ' Topographical Account,' 1806-13, 31. 3s., and sec- tions of Harvey's 'History of Willey Hundred.' Under Hammersmith is Faulkner's 'Antiquities' of the parish, with notices of eminent persons, 1839, 30s. A large portion of the list is devoted to works on families. These include the Emerson, Menzies, Gondi, Howard, and others.

Murray's Nottingham Book Company have a copy of the " She " Bible, black letter, rare, 31. 3s. ; Dug- dale's ' Originea Juridiciales,' 1666, folio, first edition, 21. 10s. ; and Foster's ' Miniature Painters,' 4Z. 10s. The first sixteen volumes of the John Bull, 1820-36, are priced at 31. 13s. Qd. This newspaper is ex- tremely rare. A copy of Selden's ' Tracts,' 1683, folio, is priced 25s ; Sandys's translation of Ovid's

  • Metamorphosis,' 1632, 21. 9s. Gd. Other items are

Smith's ' Antiquities of Westminster,' 1807, royal 4to, 21. 17*'. Qd. ; Waring's 'Art at the Exhibition of 1862,' 21. 7s. Qd. ; the first edition of ' Vanity Fair,' full calf, il. \7s.Qd. ; Rogers's 'Poems,' 1834, uncut, 21. 7s. Qd. ; and some Spanish works.

Mr. James Roche has a number of choice sets in fine oalf bindings. These include Byron, 17 vols., 1832-3, 21. 10s. ; Burke, 8 vols., 1852, 11. 10s. ; ' Curio- sities of Literature,' 1834, \l. 12s. Qd. ; 'Amenities of Literature,' 1841, II. 2s. Qd. ; and Scott, Cadell's edition, 1829, Ql. 6s. Among recent purchases are Boydell's prints, 1769, III. 11s. ; ' Chronicon Nurem- bergense,' rare, 1493, 25 guineas ; and ^yhitcombe's ' Naval Achievements of Great Britain,' 1816, scarce, 10?. 10s. There are a number of other works with coloured illustrations. ' The Orleans Gallery,' Paris, 1786-1806, is priced 8?. 8s. ; a handsome copy of Froissart, 2 vols. imperial 8vo, 1848, is priced 10?. 10s.; and Lewin's 'Birds,' 1789-91, IQl. 16s. There are also many works dealing with voyages and travels.

Mr. A. Russell Smith has a selection of topo-

Saphicai engravings relating to English counties, lie views are of great interest ; those of Middlesex include Chelsea, Buckingham Palace Road,Belgrave Road with the Spring Garden, Marylebone Gar- dens, and the Jew s Harp Tea Gardens, &c. ; most of these can be had for a shilling or two shillings each. The catalogue is well worth reading.

Messrs. W. H. Smith & Son's April list com- prises a number of new remainders.

Mr. Thomas Thorp, of Reading, includes in his list ' The Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet, 5 1807, 10 vols. 12mo, 15s. ; Hamilton's ' Book-Plates, 1516-1895,' 10s. ; Sowerby's ' Botany,' 151. 15s. (pub- lished at 271. 15s.) ; Buffon, 30 vols. calf gilt, 1819, Ql. 6s. ; Holinshed's 'Chronicles,' 1577, 35s. ; and Stothard's ' Monumental Effigies of Great Britain,' 1817, 4?. 4s. Under Wales is Rowlands's 'Mona Antiqua Restaurata,' Dublin, 1723, II. 18s. Mr. Thorp has also a long list of books at Is. each.

Mr. H. T. Wake, of Fritchley, Derby, sends us four lists. These include autographs of Louis XVI. and Napoleon. There are also coins and curios. We must again express a wish that Mr. Wake would use ordinary type for his catalogues.

Messrs. Henry Young & Sons, of Liverpool, have some rare books in their illustrated April Catalogue,

including the first printed edition of Arrian's ' Expeditions of Alexander the Great,' 12mo, 1535; a Bible in Latin, 1482, small folio, 11. 7s. (the colo- phon states in Latin : "I am a Bible from Greek and Hebrew sources. I call the gods and stars to witness that in the whole world there is not any- thing like unto me," &c.) ; 'Dialogues of Creatures Moralised,' edited by Haslewood, copied from the 1481 edition, the type being specially cast for the purpose, 1816, 51. 5s. ; and Syr Thomas Elyot's ' The Castel of Helth,' 1541, 52. 15s. Qrl. ; this work is seldom to be met with, and has never been reprinted since 1595. Under Horse we find ' Heures a 1'Usage de Rome,' printed by Vostre, of Paris, 1502, price 151. This has over 500 wood engravings, in the main Scriptural, but the secular subjects include hockey, blind man's buff, snowballing, &c. There are a number of works of the Kelmscott Press, and many items under Ireland, London, Turner, and Bar- tolozzi. There is also a copy of " the incomparable edition of Virgil by Heyne," 1800, 81. &s. This example contains a number of additional plates, inserted by that "wealthy, enthusiastic, learned, and fastidious book-collector," the Rev. Theodore Williams (about 1820). Under Walpole is the first edition of 'Copies of Seven Original Letters from Edward VI. to Barnaby Fitz- Patrick,' Strawberry Hill, 1772, 121. 12s. This is marked " unique," only 200 copies having been printed by Horace Walpole.


We must call apecial attention to the following notices :

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication "Duplicate."

W. MERCER ("English Officials under Foreign Governments"). Baron Ward was included by R. B., ante, p. 130.

R. HEMMING (10 th S. iii.). This indicates the third volume of the Tenth Series. A Series com- prises twelve half-yearly volumes. The query from California shall appear shortly. The subject of " Welsh and Japan is too thorny.

W. M. BATTEN. We have always many queries waiting for insertion. Yours shall appear as early as possible.

ERRATUM. P. 275, col. 2, 1. 13, for "denn"read denu.


Editorial communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries '"Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lisher" at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, B.C.