Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/484

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. in. MAY 20, iocs.

thology are copies of Dixon's, Eyton's, Harting s, and Newton's works, and the miscellaneous list is good. A copy of Creighton's ' Story of some English Shires,' 1897, is priced 30s.

The Chaucer Book Company, St. Martin's Court, "have a " Rough Short List," which includes Hol- inshed, 1587, 81. 15s.; Boydell's 'Shakespeare Prints,' offered in sets of plays ; and a first edition of ' Enoch Arden,' annotated throughout by Dykes Campbell from the proof-sheets.

Mr. James Coleman, of Tottenham, issues another of his interesting catalogues of manuscripts. These include early court and rent rolls, deeds, and charters. Under London we notice a deed dated 1639, which contains quite a history of the places round St. Giles's, St. Martin's, Long Acre, Strand Lane, Covent Garden, &c , the price being 10^. 10s. There are also many early and curious Directories.

Mr. William Downing, of Birmingham, has The Times edition of the 'Encyclopaedia Britannica,' 25 vols., half-morocco, as issued, for 61. (published at 40. 2s. 6d.), and the Supplement, whole-bound in morocco, 11 vols., 121. 10s. An extra-illustrated copy of Granger's 'Biographical History' is offered for 81. 8s. ; while a large collection of old-fashioned novels, 202 vols. in all, ranging from 1780 to 1840, is priced at 31. 10s. Other items include Prideaux's 'Bookbinders and their Craft,' large paper, 61. 6s. ; 'Don Quixote,' Motteux's translation, 4 vols., 1879, .5; 5s. (this edition was limited to 50 copies, of which this is No. 4); Faber's 'Pagan Idolatry,' 3 vols. 4to, 1816, scarce, 3^. 3s. ; Maund's ' Botanic Garden,' 12 vols. 4to, 1825, very scarce, 51. 5s. ; Morgan's 'The Sphere of Gentry,' 1661, 4. 4s. ; and Nichols's ' Literary Anecdotes and Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century,' 17 vols., 121. 12s. Paul Kruger's memoirs, published in 1902 at 32s., are now offered for 5s.

Messrs. Galloway & Porter, of Cambridge, have a large collection under Classics.

Mr. Charles Higham has a second and completing ^part of " A Stock Revision Catalogue of Theological

and Philosophical Books."

Mr. H. H. Peach, of Leicester, in his list includes manuscripts of the fourteenth and fifteenth cen- turies, also specimens of early presses. Under Bibliography are many interesting catalogues ; and there are items under James II. and Mary, Queen of Scots, worth noting.

Mr. William Smith, of Reading, has a fine set of Brayley and Britton, 31 vols., 1801-18, 61. 6s. ; and a copy of Wedmore's ' Turner and Ruskin,' edition <de luxe, lol. 151. A large number of works Trill be found under Biography, Napoleon, and the French Revolution. There is also a good general list.

Mr. Albert Button, of Manchester, has a catalogue of books of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eigh- teenth centuries removed from Cruckton Hall, .near Shrewsbury. The library appears to have been formed mainly by Edward and Lucia Harries, ,nd most of the books bear the fine bookplate of Edward Harries, and are invariably in the finest possible condition. Among the items is a Chaucer, fclack letter, 1687, 61. 6s. Under Angling we find ' Barker's Delight,' second edition, much enlarged, 12mo, 61. 6s. There is a copy of the large-type edition of ' Hudibras,' 1793, price 11. 15s. (only 200 of these were printed) ; and also one of the third edition of ' The Anatomy of Melancholy,'

1628, price 31. 17s. 6tZ. A copy of ' Eikon Basilike,' 1648, is priced 31. 3s. (this edition appears to be the one described by Mr. Almack as "No. 5 "). There are a number of old books on Husbandry.

Mr. Wilfrid M. Voynich issues another of his Short Catalogues, full of rarities, as usual, and so well classified as to be easy of reference. Under Oxford and Cambridge Presses we note a newly discovered first edition of Theophrastus, Oxford, Joseph Barnes, 1604, price 25/. There is an un- known book from the press of Wynkyn de Worde, London, 1522 : Robert Whittinton's ' Verborum Praeterita & Supina.' This is priced 221. We have only space to mention a few other items, such as Thomas Kyd's 'The Spanish Tragedy,' London, Grove, 1633, 11. 7s, and Bunyan's 'Life and Death of Mr. Badman,' a very good copy, original sheep- skin in morocco case, 1680, 2QL This is the exceed- ingly rare first edition. No copy has been sold in English auction-rooms during the last sixteen years. Macaulay thought that this religious allegory would have been the best of its kind in the world if 'The Pilgrim's Progress' had not existed. A Spenser first folio is priced 261. 5s., and a second folio, 151. 15s. Under Shakespeariana are many rare and curious books.

Mr. Frederick Wheeler has a good general list. It contains items under Drama and Railways. A. copy of Talfourd's 'Ion,' not published, 1835, is priced 10s. ; it has " To Mr. Justice Littledale, with the author's respects," written on title. A copy of Schiller, Leipzig, George Joachim Goschen, 1808, is priced 5s.

We must call special attention to the following notices : WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to

Eut in parentheses, immediately after the exact eading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication "Duplicate."

E. D. ("Used Postage Stamps"). We are not aware of any institution that admits candidates on account of the number of used postage stamps collected by friends. Two articles on the possible uses of old stamps appeared 9 th S. ii. 425, 478.

C. N. FRENCH (" D.O.M."). Contraction for Deo optima maximo (" To God the best and greatest ").

V. GIBBS ("Epigram on a Rose"). Two versions of the lines to Miss Ambrose were printed ante, p. 354.


Editorial communications should be addressed to " The Editor of 'Notes and Queries '" Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lisher" at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.