Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/569

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Heaths (of whom down to quite recent times there would appear to be about eight in succession) joined a Protestant Dissenting community in Alcester, the genealogical descent has been carefully preserved, and the history of the family from that date as written by a late Nonconformist divine provides an interesting sketch of the charac- ter of the older Dissent and the disabilities under which it suffered . One of these later Job Heaths was a member of the Cord- wainers' Company, and a person of some influence in the commercial circle in which he moved. His son is mentioned by the celebrated bookseller Lackington as pro- viding him employment on his first arrival in London. This eldest son of his, Job Heath, born 1749, was one of the first and most active promoters and treasurer of the London Society Protestant Charity Schools, Little Moorfields. Job Heath of Alcester migrated to London in 1721, and resided in Bermondsey ; and from that date his descendants, so far as the line of Job is concerned, have been busy commercial men in the metropolis. SYDNEY GALLOWAY. New Street, Aberystwyth.

[Many particulars relating to members of the Heath family are given by MR. ALEYN LYKLL READE at 9 th S. xii. 30.]


1. Do the work that 's nearest,

Though 'tis dull at whiles, Helping, when you meet them, Lame dogs over stiles.

Where in Charles Kingsley?

2. Greatly begin ! though thou have time

But for a line, be that sublime. Not failure, but low aim, is crime.

3. He dropped the shuttle and the loom stood still,

The weaver slept in the twilight grey. Dear heart ! he will weave his beautiful web Jn the golden light of a longer day.


Friend more than servant,

Loyal, truthful, brave, Self .less than duty Even to the grave.

G. T. I 've no money, so you see

Peter never thinks of me : I own it to my sorrow.

that I were rich, and he Were reduced to poverty !

What sweet revenge would be for me To marry him to-morrow !


RATES IN AID. By the Poor Law Act, 1601, if any parish was "unable" to main- tain its own poor, two justices might order a contribution called a rate in aid to be

levied from any other parish in the same hundred. The law books show that this was done in a number of cases, though the rate was sometimes not upheld by the court. Can any of your readers tell me what circumstances of poverty of a parish were held, in the seventeenth or eighteenth century, to constitute " inability " of a parish to maintain its own poor 1 What was the rate in the pound ? Was land unlet on account of the rates? Or were the poor starving, or were the ratepayers merely over- taxed ? EQUITAS.

KEATS'S ' GRECIAN URN' : ITS DATE. Where was this magnificent ode first published ? In the 'Annals of the Fine Arts,' 1819, vol. iv. pp. 638-9, it is printed as article xvi.,' Original Poetry,' the only signature being a dagger. Mr. Buxton Forman, in his edition of Keats (1884, p. xxxi), says it was first published in January, 1820. W. ROBERTS.

[Mr. Buxton Forman in his edition of Keats in

Museum manuscript volume. The poem appeared in No. XV. of ' Annals of the Fine Arts,' headed ' On a Grecian Urn,' and signed with a 'dagger' (f). It would seem to have appeared in January, 1820."]

LUNDY ISLAND. We have heard it stated that Lundy Island was for a time in the seventeenth century the abode of Algerine pirates. Is this a mere fable 1 or has it some foundation in truth ? N. M. & A.

' THE MISSAL.' There is a picture in the New Gallery under the above title. The subject is a young lady in fourteenth- century attire, seated under a tree reading a book of devotion. Surely this title is a mis- nomer ; a missal or mass- book would hardly be used for such a purpose. Can any of your readers throw light on the subject 1 LEOPOLD A. VIDLER.

The Stone House, Rye.

SIR GEORGE DAVIES, BART. Can any corre- spondent kindly give me particulars of Sir George Davies (created a baronet 11 January, 1685/6), the name of his lady, or names of his children? WM. JACKSON PIGOTT.

Manor House, Dundrum, co. Down.

TOMBOLA CONCERTS. What were the Tom- bola Concerts of June, 1843 ? C. L. E. C.

PETER PERSEHOUSE, third son of Edward Persehouse, of Gwarnhall, in the parish of Sedgley, co. Stafford, matriculated at Christ- church, Oxford, 7 April, 1685, aged seventeen, and was admitted student in the Middle