Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/580

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. m. jv 17,

SO/. 10s. : Berenson's 'Florentine Painters,' 15^. 15s. Boccaccio, Bern, M. Apiarius, 1539, 9^. ; Braith- waite's 'English Gentleman,' 1641, "J. 10s. Gd. ; a fine copy of the first edition of Burton's 'Anatomy, 311. 10s. ; and Queen Elizabeth's Prayer-Book, the rare first edition, 1578, 51. The above are only a few of the special items.

Messrs. Heffer have also a catalogue of 2,000 items dealing with the Natural Sciences.

Mr. Charles Higham's list includes the theological -section of the libraries of two prelates. We notice a copy of the 'Arbuthnott Missal,' Burntisland, H.864, price M. 4s. This contains photographs of thirteen pages of the original MS.

Mr. H. Rawlings, of Cheltenham, has an interest- ing list. We note a few items : A'Beckett's ' Comic History of England,' h'rst edition, 31. 4s. ; Brassey's 'British Navy,' 5 vols., 30s. ; a set of the 'British Essayists,' 1827, 33s. ; Murray's "Cathedral Hand- books," 31. 3s. ; Colburn's edition of Madame D'Arblay's ' Diary,' 46s. ; ' The Dancing Master,' 1721, 25s. There is a small quarto volume priced 51. This contains Dryden's 'State of Innocence,' 1684, De Foe's 'Mock Mourners,' and a number of rare pamphlets. A beautiful specimen of fore-edge painting, 1799, is marked 201. The volume is 'Butler's ' Hudibras.' There is the rare first edition of George Meredith's ' Poems,' price 101. ; also the first edition of John Addington Symonds's 'Studies of the Greek Poets,' 3^. 10s. Peter Cunningham's -edition of Walpole's 'Letters' is priced 41. 10s.

Messrs. W. H. Smith & Son's June catalogue is, as usual, a good general one. There is also a useful list of new remainders.

Mr. Albert Button, of Manchester, has Balzac, 22 vols., 1897-9, 41. 17s. M. Under Cruikshank is

  • Life in Paris,' 1822, 51. 5s. Other items include

The Fortnightly Review, 81 vols., 161. ; Lever's novels, 61. 12s. 6d. ; The Poor Man's Guardian, 3831-5, 10s. 6d. ; first edition of ' The Princess,' Moxon, 1847, M. 5s. ; Jerrold's Shilling Magazine, 1845-8, M. 12s.; 'The Romany Rye,' first edition, 1Z. 15s. ; Fielding and Smollett, edited by Gosse and Henley, 24 vols., half-calf, 101. There are also a number of works relating to Lancashire.

Mr. Thomas Thorp, of London, has, under Archi- tecture, an extensive collection of Walcott's Manu- script Notebooks, 23 vols. in all, 61. 6s There are interesting items under Costume, including seventy- one beautiful water-colour drawings of Italian brigands, &c., by De Vite, 4. 17s. 6J. Other works .are Dawkins's 'Cave-hunting' (scarce), 21. 15s.; Dryden's ' Absalom and Achitophel,' first edition, 1681, 11 16s.; D'Urfey's 'Pills to Purge Melan- choly,' 6 vols., 12mo (rare), 10^. 10s. ; Latham's 'Falconry,' 1615-18, 81. SI. ; Foster's ' Stuarts,' 61. 6s. "Under Napoleon is a copy of Fournier's ' Dic- tionnaire Portatif de Bibliographic,' Paris, 1805, '61. 6s. (this was formerly in the library of the emperor). There is a rare Tennyson item,' Mariana,' with etchings by Mary Montgomerie Lamb, 51. 5s. Tract collectors will find a long list, very varied. Other items are 'Turner and Ruskin,' with notes by Wedmore, 1900, 61. 15s. (only 160 copies of this edition were printed), and Young's ' Travels,' 1794, II. 18s. (in this work occurs the phrase, " The magic of property turns sand into gold "). A collection of postage stamps is priced 15^. 10s. The catalogue closes with a list of coloured caricatures.

Mr. Thorp's Reading list contains Benthos Jtfiscellany, vols. 1 to 49, 81. 10s.; Bewick's 'Fables,'

1820, 51. 5s. ; Bohn's seven extra volumes, 21. 18s.; Orme's ' Historic Anecdotes,' 1819 (very rare), 101. 10s. ; Keats, Daniel's Press, 2/. 5s. ; Holinf hed's 'Chronicles,' 1586-7, 9/. 9s.; 'James I.: Truth brought to Light,' 1651 (very scarce), 42s. Under Kelmscott is a complete set of the books printed in the Kelmscott Press Golden Type, 1902, 67. 6s. Charles Kingsley's ' Memoirs,' the suppressed edition, is 21s.; Lamb's ' Prose Works,' Moxon, 1838 (scarce), 35s. ; also his Letters, with Life by Tal- fourd, 30s. ; Law's ' Serious Call,' first edition, 81. 8s. ; Matthew of Westminster, ' Flores Historiarum,* 1570, 51. 10s. ; Parish Register Society, 49 vols., 1896-1904, 111. 11s.; Finden's 'Portraits of the Female Aristocracy,' Hogarth, 1849, 31. 15s. ; Rock's 'Church of our Fathers,' 1849, 51. 5s.; the Border Edition of Scott, 181. ; and first edition of ' In Memoriam,' 1850, II. 15*. The catalogue contains a number of mezzotints from the works of Sir Joshua Reynolds.

Mr. Wake, of Fritchley, Derby, sends two short lists of old books and curios.

Messrs. Henry Young & Sons, of Liverpool, have the Kelmscott Press Chaucer, price 58/., uncut. This book was finished 8 May, 1896 ; only 425 copies were issued, and the blocks were deposited in the British Museum on condition that they must not be used for printing from for 100 years. A Shake- speare Second Folio, 1632, is priced 551. ; a copy of 'Gil Bias,' Paris, 1796-1801, 8&. (this is illustrated with twenty-eight plates by Monnet, seventy-eight drawings by another French artist, and twenty- four copper - plates from designs by Smirke) ; an extra-illustrated La Fontaine, 1762, 301. ; a King Edward VI. Prayer-Book, 1549, 501. We have only space to mention a few other items in this interest- ing catalogue : Darcie's ' Annales of Queen Eliza- beth,' 1625, 6^. 6s. ; Naunton's 'Fragmenta Regalia,' 1641, 31. 3s.; Gray's 'Odes,' first edition, 1757, 4^. 4s. ; Pine's ' Spanish Armada,' 1739, 71. 7s. ; La Place, ' (Euvres,' Paris, 1840-47, full morocco, 81. 8s. (this is the edition published by the French Government) ; and a complete set of Surtees's Sport- ing Novels, original editions, 1853-88, full calf, 267. There are also a number of " bargains for book collectors."

Dtoikies to <&Mtt%$(wktnh*

We must call special attention to the following notices :

ON all communications must be written the name =ind address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

J. T. C. (" Write me down as one who loves his tellow-men"). See Leigh Hunt's short poem ' Abou Den Adhem.'

V. B. F. BAYLEY (" He plucked off both his winga and made him quills"). Misquoted from Byron's ' Vision of Judgment.'

MIRANDA ("Green Ginger Lane"). The origin of this Hull place-name is explained at 9 th S. vi. 135.


Editorial communications should be addressed "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries'" Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- isher" at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.