Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/591

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s. in. JUNE 24, iocs.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Institute, Vitoria, the well-known " Cervan- tista," and explorer of the dolmens of Alava. Those occupying the eastward corners of the square are : on the north, St. Matthew, as a winged angel, with a Baskish face, looking towards St. Luke ; on the south, St. John, as a winged man, with an eagle's head covered with feathers, not unlike an Egyptian god. Those in the westward corners are : on the north, St. Mark, a man with a lion's head looking at St. John ; on the south, St. Luke, a man with the head of a calf, very much like TenniePs illustration of Lewis Carroll's "mock-turtle." The body of each of these men is vested in a kind of gauzy alb, showing superior skill in sculpture. The feet of each statue rest on a bed of acanthus supported by an abacus, below which is a human face. Above each statue there is a bust of an angel blowing a horn for judgment.


WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that the answers may be sent to them direct.

SIR BALTHASAR GERBIER : ZOFFANY'S POR- TRAIT OF MOZART. 1. Les fils de Sir Balthasar Gerbier ont-ils laisse des descendants 1 Cette famille s'est-elle perpetuee en Angleterre ?

2. Un portrait de Mozart attribue a Zoffany, et peint a Londres en 1764, serait en la pos- session d'un Mr. Percy Moore Turner. Si Ton connait le proprietaire, serait-il possible d'obtenir une reproduction photographique de 1'originan D'apres un journal hollandais, ce portrait etait, au commencement du dix- neuvieme siecle, en la possession d'un chef d'orchestre a Norwich. CTE. DE ST. Foix.

31, Rue Pierre Charron, Paris.

BISHOPS' SIGNATURES : THEIR PUNCTUA- TION. Can any rule or reason be given for the varied forms this takes? To give an illustration from the Archbishops of Canter- bury : in 1877 ArchbishopTait signed Cantuar. (full point) ; in 1889 Benson signed Cantuar : (colon) ; in 1898 Temple used the colon ; and now Randall Davidson does the same. Why has the colon displaced the full point ? Has it done so with all bishops' signatures ? Is it a recent innovation ? And will it con- tinue 1 One of our bishops has kindly drawn my attention to this matter.


Iddesleigh, Torquay.

CARNEGIE : ITS PRONUNCIATION. In a re- cent number of Punch (24 May) there is an ingenious little poem, in which this name occurs four times, each time with a different rime, the poet confessing that he " is not sure of the pronunciation." In one verse he has the accent wrong (Carnegie), a blunder often made, even by speakers who ought to know better. In other verses he has the right accent (Carnegie), and the variation is in the quality of the vowel :

But fifty thousand pounds to me gie, And I will praise your name, Carnegie. Dear charitable, kind Carnegie, Do give me fifty thou., I beg 'ee. Just fifty thou., for duns are plaguy, And I " will ever pray," Carnegie.

My impression is that this name should rime with "plaguy." Can any reader say if this is correct? Of course some allowance is due to individual taste. The name is derived from Gaelic cathair-an-Eiye, " the Fort at the Gap," according to Johnston, ' Place- names of Scotland,' 1892.


LYTTON QUOTATION. Where do the lines if they are such occur in one of Bulwer Lytton's plays or prose works ?

A thousand workmen toiled to build Versailles. Further on occurs

Leaped like a roebuck from the plain.


DE TEIXEIRA SAMPAYO. Will any corre- spondent be so good as to furnish me with information concerning any member, Portu- guese or English, of the above-named family ] My object is to investigate the right of living members of my family to bear the full name as above given. Any information, either through your columns or forwarded to me privately, will be gratefully received.


14, Mazenod Avenue, West Hampstead.

MAJOR MONRO. I shall be glad of any information concerning the family of Major Monro, who fought a duel with a Mr. Fawcett early last century ; or any details of the duel. MIRANDA.

' PICTURES OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTA- MENTS.' A work entitled 'Pictures of the Old and New Testaments' was published "a Amsterdam chez Keinier et Joshua Otten " (it looks like this). But no date can be found in, on, or throughout it.

Can any of the numerous learned contri- butors to, subscribers to, or readers of the increasingly valuable 'N. & Q.' throw any